At this time, Lin Feng was finally able to slowly look at the trading market without attracting attention.

Countless people surged and crowded this huge area.

Maybe the players who come to the conference will come to hang out.

Trading is something that everyone needs to do. After all, no matter how strong you are, you can’t finish everything.

Especially in the heroic world, the rules are very different from the real world, and many places are even like the Middle Ages.

There is no such thing as electricity. Players can control lightning spells, but there is no way to use them.

The rules are different!

The difference between the two worlds means that this world cannot develop science and technology on a large scale, so most things cannot be used in the heroic world, such as walkie-talkies, telephones, the Internet, etc.

Therefore, there are factories and the like, but they all use hydraulic power and do not even have steam engines.

In this era, it is impossible for one person to do more things, so trading is what players are passionate about and must do.

Soon, Lily stopped at a place, or she stopped specifically when she saw Lin Feng's eyes staring here.

This is an unboxing shop!

Yes, it is a store that costs 150 gold coins to open a box, and it is also a game that players like very much. At this time, a large number of pillow-sized treasure boxes are piled up in front of the simple tent, like a hill, and it must be described as thousands at least.

There are a large number of melon-eating people around, shouting something loudly

"The 12th one!"

"No way, it’s such an exaggeration!"

"It is indeed too exaggerated. They are all empty boxes. How shameful this is!"

The large amount of discussion made Lin Feng straighten up and look into the crowd, because he heard that someone could deliver 12 empty boxes in a row, which was incredible.

Although the shipment rate of newly spawned treasure boxes is small, it is not such an exaggeration. , the chance of the box being empty seems to be about half, right?

As a mobile tool, Lilith took Lin Feng and squeezed to the front. Although the players were a little dissatisfied, after seeing the silver phantom cloak, they still didn't speak after thinking about it. It was not a big deal anyway..

A very simple example, if you suddenly pass by an ordinary person on the streets of the earth, you might be angry, but if the person you pass by wears tens of thousands of pieces of clothing, would you think it’s okay

? In the world.

When you see other players, apart from their appearance, the most eye-catching thing is naturally their clothes. Wearing powerful equipment and high-end clothing, it naturally shows their identity from the side.

The high-end cloak of Silver Phantom looks smooth and soft. , as well as the exquisite snowflake patterns and details, which can instantly distinguish it from ordinary clothes, not to mention the abstract mountain-like pattern, which can make people recognize it at a glance. This trademark is often seen in competition sponsorships, and few people can't recognize it.

Lilith and Lin Feng didn't know the inside story, but they just thought that the players had good personalities.

Holding the box, someone behind him is persuading the other person

‘What a coincidence! Lin

Feng instantly recognized several people, all of whom were acquaintances.

Sisters Lin Xi, Zhao Qingye, Li Yuewu, and Su Tianxiang. It is precisely because three of the four are beauties and each has their own characteristics that they attract people to watch. If they were passersby, there would not be many onlookers.

Sorry, the world also looks at faces!

Of course Su Tianxiang was gritting her teeth and refusing to admit defeat, preparing for a bloody fight to the end. She was a rich lolita, otherwise she wouldn't have treated her to a feast in the cafeteria.

Lin Xi kept trying to persuade Su Tianxiang to forget it, but the other party had already fallen into a crazy mode. Next to him was Li Yuewu, who was fanning the flames and making sarcastic remarks from time to time. It was too difficult to get the other party to give up.

As for Aoba-san, he was currently holding a detailed explanation of monsters and looking at it intently. It was completely clear that he was a tool man.

Lin Feng was naturally mentally prepared to meet his sister at the Adventurer Conference, because Tianxue University would also join the coalition, and as a top hero team, they would certainly come.

What I didn't expect was that we bumped into each other in this situation. The other party did not know Lilith, but Lancelot knew her, and the barrier army was also impressed. Therefore, there was no need to hide the identity and pretend not to know each other, but there was no need. If you need to go out to say hello, let’s wait until then.

At this time, Su Tianxiang opened another box, but it was still empty.

There is only half a chance that the empty box will appear again, and there is not even a gold coin. It is completely hacky.

Thirteen empty boxes!

It was equivalent to betting on big or small, and the wrong number was pressed thirteen times in a row. Not to mention Su Tianxiang, even the owner of the box store looked very unhappy.

After all, opening a box is a gamble. Everyone can understand that you can't get good things, but what does it mean that you keep emptying the box? You won't have tampered with the box, right?

If he hadn't personally kept the box and laid it out by himself, the boss would have suspected that the other party was here specifically to cause trouble.

Even if it’s a scratch-off shop, the boss wouldn’t want to see someone win multiple times in a row, right?

"Damn it, this isn't a black shop, is it?"Su Tianxiang raised her head and said to the boss with some grievance, because she was really aggrieved. The bet with that fat woman in black stockings was to bet on who would be lucky.

And the test prop was the treasure box.

But who could have imagined that there would be more than a dozen in a row ? The probability that the box is empty is very alarming.

Coupled with the beauty effect of several people,

Su Tianxiang is already in trouble. If it ends like this, it will be a dark history in the future. , maybe Li Yuewu, a fat woman with black stockings, will use this to say that she is African, but she is obviously a proper European emperor, and she cannot bear this kind of blame, so she keeps opening the box. However, it is inevitable that I will feel a little aggrieved. The quality of the boxes in this store is also a bit too poor.


The boss looked bitter, and he didn’t want to. The boxes were indeed newly spawned, but he really wouldn’t be tricked to this extent. There was nothing he could do to change the probability of items coming out of the treasure box.!

"If there are ten more boxes, I won’t believe it!"

Su Tianxiang also lost her temper and shouted loudly. To her, money is a trivial matter, but she just didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of Li Yuewu, a fat woman with black stockings.

As for money...for Fu Loli, that's not the case. Is it a problem?

"Yes, that’s it!"

"Don't be timid, just go for it!"

"Africans never give up!"

All kinds of guys who didn't mind watching the excitement cheered loudly. Anyway, it was nice to see such beauties, and there was still excitement to watch, so they were naturally very enthusiastic.

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