After hearing Lin Feng's voice, the four of them instantly understood that they no longer had to dwell on this issue.

"I bought it with 510,000 gold coins!"

Another voice sounded.

The store owner also came to his senses at this time and was ready to stop the loss in time. If he bought this hero skill, he could still make a fortune.

The market price is hundreds of thousands, and it can range from 110,000 to 990,000. Gold coins all fall into this range, and the income from gold coins is a trivial matter. The most important thing is to keep this thing, and maybe you can make friends with a hero who is in urgent need. Then you can make a lot of money.

Business is business, and favor is favor!

If Lin Feng opened his mouth, Li Yuewu, who had heard from several girlfriends that he had saved them, would definitely sell it directly. But the person who spoke was someone related to him, but the other party did not say anything about this matter, so he naturally revealed it. She wanted to treat it as a normal business deal.

As a person with high emotional intelligence, Li Yuewu did not rush to express her position. Instead, she sat firmly on the hook and was not in a hurry to speak. When

Lin Feng saw this scene, he not only did not speak. He feels that the other party is unkind, but feels that the other party is doing a good job

, because what he wants is fair competition. The other party has no relationship with him, so of course it is impossible to sell it to him directly, or it will make him owe a favor, which will make him indebted. It was possible that she would be unhappy.

Lilith understood her creator's thoughts, so she didn't even have the slightest intention of asking him to speak, and immediately made a bid.


The one-time addition of 40,000 gold coins is completely using money to suppress others.

Even if the other party is rich, it is impossible for them to have a miraculous leader, rich resources, and explosive military output.

Don't look at Lin. Feng's life was tight, but that was because all his gold coins were invested in building territories and recruiting troops. In fact, he really had no shortage of gold coins, and that was why Lilith dared to make an offer after he had the strength. , gold coins are not difficult to obtain.

There are many people who have calculated that they can make a profit by purchasing blood for hundreds of thousands, but there may not be many people who will pay for it. According to the current exchange ratio of 1 gold coin to 10 Xia Yuan. That's a few million Xia Yuan, but that's for normal situations!

There are quite a few powerful people and businessmen coming to this adventurer conference, as well as from major forces. This amount of money can't even buy a hundred square meters in the core area of a prosperous city. If a house is in the core area of Tianhai, it starts at more than 100,000 yuan per square meter. In the central business area, the price is only several hundred thousand yuan.

Therefore, this price is not much for the truly wealthy.




A large number of bids were heard.

There was not much on this occasion today, but there were many local tycoons.

This news has not spread yet, and if we wait later, the price will be higher.

But in this way, Lin Feng and the others will naturally be better in bidding. He is at a disadvantage, but he is determined to get the hero skill.

After having the leadership skill to solve the morale problem, the next most direct way to increase the damage is the offensive skill. With the offensive skill, the army he leads can deal more terrible damage. , so she is determined to win.

Lilith also understands the importance of offensive skills, so she has no intention of shrinking. She is just slowly thinking about how to win.

In fact, although offensive skills are the most rare among several types of skills, they can be used to attack. Skills and defense skills are common hero skills. As long as they want to get them, it is not difficult to get them when they have a large number of soldiers as bargaining chips.

The key is time!

This is the most important thing. Get them in the future or before this operation. It's completely two concepts. It didn't matter if they didn't have a chance before. Now it's just a dream to ask them to give up. But there is no such thing as a fool to raise the price to one million in one go.

Everyone is determined to win, and this will only get a high price, and maybe they will cheat themselves.

More and more onlookers, because this incident is too legendary, first the box was empty 23 times, and then it was opened once. With her hero skills and the fact that the protagonist of the incident was a beauty, it was hard not to be curious.

Although her family was not an ordinary family, it was still a wealthy family. That's it. Now the price is comparable to half of her family's property, which naturally makes her unable to calm down.

The owner of the box-opening shop has already stepped aside because the price has long been beyond his affordability.

However, it is not without gain, at least. His business will be extremely prosperous in the future, which can comfort his wounded heart.

The bidding calls are getting slower and slower, and everyone must consider their ability to pay. After all, having a net worth of over 100 million does not mean that he can spend nearly 10 million. Buying a skill book, if you cannot sell it quickly, may cause problems in the capital chain.

"I think it can be like this..."

Lin Feng thought about it and conveyed his thoughts to Lilith.

Compared with these rich people, if they just compete with each other for gold coins, it is completely impossible to win, so they can give full play to their strengths.

"One hundred wood elves will be paid in two weeks, but if you want it now, you can only give eighty units!"Lilith spoke again, but the bid was changed from gold coins to military types.

Fighting military types!

This is their correct bidding method, and it is also a bidding method unique to heroes. If they are top experts, they may directly take out precious props and equipment.

In the world of heroes, money is not everything.

It is not easy to buy units, resources, etc. with money, especially high-end ones. However, it is very easy to exchange resources for money. , so the soldiers and resources are the ones that belong to the strong.

Compared with the gold coins, the soldiers and resources have greater value-adding potential, so it is obvious how to choose, especially the wood elves! Although the market price is around 10,000 gold coins, if someone actually sells it, the major forces will definitely eat as much as they can without blinking an eye. The actual private transaction price is at least 10,000 or more thousand gold coins. For the sake of connections, otherwise it could easily be sold for 20,000 yuan.

After hearing the price given by Lilith, the people who had been bidding were dumbfounded, because if they really wanted to bid, they would have to pay at least 2 million to be considered sincere. , but the value of offensive skills is only more than one million gold coins, and there is a chance of gaining friendship from certain forces or heroes. Whether it is worth it is another question.

Li Yuewu is also a professional, although he does not have the same hero group as Lin Xi and others. But she doesn't turn a blind eye to the preciousness of the troops. She is absolutely convinced, but she is worried about the payment issue.

It will take two weeks to get the troops. Wouldn't it be a tragedy for her if the other party reneges on asking for the troops now? You can only get 80%, which is really difficult for people to make a decision.

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