【You found a mercenary barracks, your strategic power +1]

It’s that simple. It’s a reward-type miracle building. Of course, it’s impossible to have routines like light falling from the sky. Just a direct system prompt will be OK.

However, simplicity remains simple, but the effect will not be simple, because his strategic power has changed.

Strength: 40!

It directly changed from 39 to an integer of forty. From then on, the army he commanded, even if other aspects were not taken into account, could beat other heroes just by the basic strategic attribute bonus.

Each point of attack can increase the damage by 5%, which means an additional increase of 200%! think about it!

As long as you are under Lin Feng's command, even if you don't count the leadership skills and offensive skills, you can increase the damage by an additional 200%. It is a completely abnormal improvement. Who can withstand this?

For normal heroes, as long as one strategic attribute reaches double digits, it can basically be called powerful.

But Lin Feng not only barely broke through the double-digit strategic attribute, but also had a strategic power as high as forty points.���This value will definitely make men silent and women cry.

Legendary heroes, even the countless heroes of the aboriginal forces combined, only a few are alive, and the number in history does not exceed double digits. This can already represent the gold content, so men silently shed tears while women are just a basic operation.


After improving Lin Feng's strategic power, the mercenary camp immediately turned into light and disappeared, and there was no telling when it would reappear.

Climbing onto Lilith's shoulders again, she sighed excitedly

"Good luck!"

It's indeed pretty good. Although the chance of encountering a reward-type miracle building in the wilderness is a hundred or a thousand times greater than that of major forces, it doesn't mean that you can encounter it casually. The chance is still pitifully small.

If the major When a bonus miraculous building appears in a power's territory, it is completely out of the question for ordinary heroes to use. A large number of powerful heroes will arrive immediately and directly use force to decide their ownership, but they will usually fall into the hands of the major powers.

If you want to find a way, you can only find ways to improve yourself in the wilderness.

Especially in hero promotion, there is also a way to promote the hero template by improving strategic attributes.

When an ordinary hero reaches level 20, if the strategic attributes exclude any. External power bonuses (strategic treasures, props, potions), if the strategic attribute exceeds 10, you will naturally be promoted. You can get 4 points for upgrading. If the remaining 6 strategic attribute points can be obtained through various rewards, you will naturally break through the ordinary template and become green. Excellent template.

Of course, this is not the only way. You can also advance through tasks, props, etc.

However, in comparison, the number of other ways to advance is very small. Damn it, there are many heroes who advance by accumulating strategic attributes, and the wilderness is also the place with the most reward-type miracle buildings. Therefore, heroes are not only in the wilderness for various benefits, but also to improve themselves before the mission begins. How can you not be satisfied with this benefit?

"Good luck!"

Lilith smiled, didn't say much, and commanded the army to move forward.

The Silver Moon Hills itself is a dangerous zone, and this area is untouched by players. Of course, the benefits will not be small, and a large number of scattered players are prepared. Because of this, Lin Feng and the others saw some signs of fighting along the way.

However, when they encountered strong targets, scattered players could not deal with them and had no choice but to run away unwillingly, so they encountered a large number of monsters along the way. After a while, maybe only about an hour, Lin Feng and the others encountered a group of players fighting hard.

Fortunately, this was just a forest area, and the vines and plants were not as prosperous as the previous battle, otherwise they would not have been able to see them from a distance. Fighting.

The player is fighting against a giant ape-like creature that is several meters tall. It is holding a thick wooden stick several meters long, and the wind is roaring when it is swung. Its opponent is an adventure team composed of four players.

This is a team that is extremely well coordinated, both in attack and defense, and there are no flaws in it.

The supplies are also abundant.

Just watch the shield holder take out the potion and drink it immediately after being attacked. You can tell without any hesitation that if the team is really poor, it will not be so decisive.

However, this is normal. If the player team dares to take risks alone, if they don't have the ability, they will die.

The movement of the army will naturally alarm them. A short-haired man with a bow and slightly pointed ears stood on a high ground. Even in such a fierce battle, the opponent still noticed the arrival of Lin Feng and the others. Before the battle, the adventure team may have had time to survey the surrounding environment!

After the battle started, the adventure team with only a few people would not be able to have enough luxury to monitor the surroundings.

Therefore, the archers standing at a high place were actually responsible for paying attention to the surroundings to avoid other monsters being attracted by the battle. , this is also the reason why the opponent is standing at a high place, not because the target cannot climb the tree.

It is just that after noticing the army, the adventure team is in a state of being unable to get off, because even if they want to retreat, they will be hurt by them. The giant ape must be willing to let go. The furious giant ape's eyes are red, and he swings the stick in his hand faster and faster, and his combat effectiveness is also increasing rapidly.

"Escape quickly, I can't hold it anymore!"

The shield-wielding player received another blow from the stick and finally shouted, because his equipment was about to be smashed by the opponent.

The shield's defense is not unlimited!

Every time it is hit, the durability will naturally decrease. But the shield will be damaged after the durability is exhausted, and now the shield's durability has reached its limit. If there is no shield to block it, it will definitely not be able to withstand two blows.

When several other people heard this, they were completely shocked.���Without any hesitation, he gave up the target, turned around and fled in the direction of Lin Feng's army.

Once the main tank cannot withstand it, the remaining people may be killed instantly with one move. In this case, fighting again is courting death, so retreating is the best option.

Moreover, the archer did not immediately follow him to escape, but used arrows to prevent the giant ape from pursuing him. Several of his companions were not as fast as him. call!

The giant ape threw the wooden stick in his hand at the elf player standing high up with all his strength. The wooden stick flew out with great momentum. Once it was hit, the ordinary flesh and blood body would definitely be smashed like a balloon.

Although the elf players on the tree were well prepared and were able to escape in time, they still looked very embarrassed, and the giant apes also began to climb the trees to pursue them.

As an ape monster, trees are its domain. Its climbing speed can be described as walking on flat ground. After reaching a certain height, it jumps directly up at an astonishing speed.

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