The previous adventure team only had four people, so it was relatively easy to move forward. However, they were a large army and had to open up enough space, so their advance was incredibly slow.

Fortunately, after spending about two hours, they finally arrived at the target location, which was in front of a camp surrounded by plants.

A squadron of Thunderbirds represents 60 units of the tenth-level unit.

The Thunderbird is an advanced unit of the ninth-level Eagle. It has a very powerful ability and has a certain chance of triggering a thunder attack when attacking.

Plus a large group of ogres, which means 300 units of seventh-level ogres. This unit is a standard melee unit with very powerful attack power.

In other words, among the nine main camps, the stronghold camp, which is dominated by orcs, is famous for its powerful attacks. Indomitable, brave and fearless are synonymous with orcs.

Orcs on the battlefield are an absolute nightmare for the enemy.

The powerful attack power can easily tear apart the enemy. Apart from not being proficient in magic and having no brains, he has almost no weaknesses.

The orcs, who are brave and fearless by nature, live in Lannar.

It was a land full of deserts and hills. In order to survive, the orcs had to fight against the wilderness and monsters. The casualty rate was extremely high, and they never had enough to eat. Therefore, they launched frequent invasions, not only for plunder, but also for consumption. redundant population.

Several human principalities bordering each other have been tasked with blocking the invasion of orcs.

Who allowed the eight principalities to occupy the most fertile plain area in the safe area, but the price was that they were located in the center of the major forces and were subject to various invasions at every turn.

Undead, lizardmen... demons, and even elves covet the territory occupied by the eight principalities. If it weren't for the disparity in strength and the secret alliance, the eight principalities might have been divided up long ago.

The eight principalities have a combined population of several billion.

This strength can be counted as an empire, not to mention a principality, but it is just because no one has the courage to call it an empire.

The reason is very simple, because they are all split from the Falcon Empire. If anyone dares to call it an empire, it is obvious that they want to annex the remaining seven principalities. In this case, unless they want a civil war and are absolutely confident of victory, otherwise There is absolutely no possibility of an empire.

In other words, no matter which force is willing to see the emergence of a second empire in mankind, so if there is such a sign, other races and forces will take action, and it will not be surprising what will happen.

Nalaner, where the orcs live, is located in the northeast, bordering several principalities. Its combat power is extremely violent, and it is completely the type that whoever tries will know.

The tenth-level thunderbirds and seventh-level ogres are the most difficult units to deal with. The other fifth-level orcs and third-level wolf knights are also difficult to deal with. Even the big-eared monsters that are cannon fodder have the advantage of being large in number. A tough battle.

The most troublesome thing is naturally the tenth-level thunderbird. The opponent is on a mound, and its golden feathers are extremely conspicuous, constantly reflecting the sunlight in the sky.

Especially the size!

It is almost ten meters tall in its upright position, with a wingspan of at least ten meters, which is a few circles smaller than Lin Feng's fighting posture. It can easily pick up the minibus from the ground and drop it from the sky.

This kind of opponent is not easy to deal with, because The opponent can fly, which means that the only ones that can threaten the opponent are flying and long-range units.

Quantity sixty units!

There are a lot of people in a squadron. If you have not advanced, it is relatively easy to deal with. However, after the advancement, the thunder and lightning that has a chance of triggering are a bit too much of a threat to ordinary opponents.

To put it into perspective, the blood volume of a level 80 gryphon would be around 6,000.

This amount of blood is very terrifying, and naturally it is not easy to solve, even if the opponent is an advanced core soldier.

But when a lightning attack is triggered, the accompanying paralysis effect can completely make the opponent lose the ability to fly and fall directly from the sky. Once it falls, the damage caused will be very terrible. If you are unlucky, it is not impossible to die directly.

You also need to pray that the opponent's level is not too high, but this is difficult because there is no hell tide here to clean up regularly. The high-level units in this wilderness are generally very high-level, so this prayer is of little use.

The only good thing is that the opponent does not have a leader to lead them, otherwise they would be in trouble if they wanted to win this time.

In terms of hard power, Lin Feng's army is naturally stronger. Regardless of whether his army alone is not as strong as the opponent, just like the swordsman army only has 193 units, which is far inferior to a large group of 300 units of seventh-level ogres, but there is still an army of seventh-level ogres. There are 103 Pegasus units in the first-level force (more than a dozen units were lost in the previous battle).

Adding the two together, his seventh-level unit is 296 units, which is not inferior to the number of ogres. Moreover, he is the legendary hero who leads them, so it is absolutely correct to say that he has an advantage.

Although his single unit does not have an advantage in terms of numbers, that is because he is commanding troops from multiple camps.

There are wood elves, griffins, and priestesses at the fifth level. The total number is already over a thousand, while their fifth-level elite units are only a few hundred. The gap is not small. In addition to the main unit being somewhat weak, in terms of elite units, it is different from other units. Compared with first-class heroes, they definitely have a crushing advantage.

"Get ready to get started!"After looking at the slave camp for a while, and taking a reluctant look at the small group of twelfth-level snake monsters in the huge iron cage, Lin Feng issued the attack order.

As long as these guards can be eliminated, then He is about to usher in his first ace unit team.

There is no need to worry about the camp, because his master-level leadership skills are more than enough. As long as the evil camp and the like are not allowed to join, there is no need to worry about falling into negative values or even appearing. There is also a good chance that morale will be high.

"yes!", Lilith and Lancelot began to mobilize their troops, preparing to launch an attack.

Of course, there is no doubt about the victory, because not only do they have an advantage in the number of troops, but they also have heroic command. Even if they are at a disadvantage, they are confident of victory, let alone It's an advantage. What the two of them have to consider is to take down the opponent with as little loss as possible. Otherwise, the swordsman and the ogre are facing each other.

Although they have similar combat power, they may still be swordsmen in terms of attributes. He has an advantage, but compared with the five-meter-tall ogre, he is still somewhat disadvantaged in terms of size and strength. If compared with other fifth-level creatures such as hellhounds, the swordsman may still have the same advantage in strength.

Compared with the ogres who belong to the seventh-level melee combat class and are more than twice as tall and several times heavier, the swordsmen are naturally at a disadvantage, but correspondingly, they have an advantage in dexterity. The deadwood guards take the lead. If so.

Even if you go head-to-head with the ogre, there is no problem at all, because the deadwood guard with a height of more than ten meters is several times taller and more than ten times heavier than the opponent. With the ability to take root, it can form a solid defense line, and then let The swordsman troops are harvested.

However, when our own core troops go into battle, we naturally have to find ways to contain the enemy's core troops. Not only is the opponent's rank higher, but they are also more numerous.

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