It's just that Moody was talking about the title 'same race'.

That can only mean one thing, that is, it refers to a giant dragon, not a dragon-like creature.

Even if a dragon creature has the blood of a giant dragon, no one can call it a 'same kind' of the dragon. This is common sense, so Lin Feng instantly understood that there are people of his own kind here.


Except for the two red dragons when they broke out of their shells, this was Lin Feng's first encounter with other giant dragons, so he was a little excited.

But it didn't take long for him to understand why the other party didn't show up.


I saw three dragon beasts the size of mounds surrounded by a dragon egg the size of a volleyball standing on the altar in the middle.

There seemed to be life inside the egg calling to Lin Feng, which was why he felt something attracting him outside the valley. It was entirely because of this dragon egg.

But if the dragon eggs want to hatch, this won't help much.

Because it requires a hot environment and dragon's breath baptism, without a hot environment it will be difficult to break the shell, without dragon's breath baptism the blood will be impure, and the purity of the dragon's breath also determines whether the descendant's strength will be affected.

When Lin Feng broke out of his shell, he was only at the most ordinary level when he was baptized by dragon's breath. If he hadn't had the unparalleled blood talent, his strength would definitely be far lower than it is now.

‘I see! ’

And Lin Feng also understood that why the other party was able to tame three dragon beasts was entirely because of this dragon egg. Without this dragon egg, the other party could only tame one dragon beast. How could there be three.


An accident occurred, and the surface of the dragon egg suddenly cracked, as if the dragon inside couldn't wait to come out.

It's not that the red dragon egg can't be broken without a hot environment, it just means that it will be more difficult.

It's just that for the descendants of powerful dragons, it is not difficult to break the shell. If Lin Feng did not predict wrongly, this dragon egg must be related to the title dragon Hellscream. Just the momentum he feels will Far more than he was before.

It is not without reason that the dragon attaches great importance to blood.

There are two red dragons, one of which is just an ordinary red dragon, and the other is a titular dragon. There will be a terrible gap between the descendants of both sides at the starting line, and it will get wider and wider.

"If the other party wants to break out of its shell, I will perform the dragon breath baptism.

You wake up the dragon beasts and keep them away!

" Lin Feng saw the dragon eggs with more and more cracks, and hurriedly warned Moody beside him.

If he wants to use dragon breath next, he will naturally let a few of them get close to the big one and leave.

The three-headed dragon beast The dragon egg is full of this guy's aura, which means that it is a loyal dependent of the other party.

He has no way to command it while the other party is alive.

This is not a legacy like the dragon tribe, but it is not considered a legacy if there is a master.

, so Lin Feng had no chance of taking over, so he could only ask the old priest to wake him up and drive him away.


The dragon priest made a special whistle, waking up the three sleeping guys. It seemed that they had been specially trained.

These huge dragon beasts were at least ten meters tall at the shoulders and dozens of meters long. However, they all moved away obediently. The three pairs of eyes looked at Lin Feng from time to time, maybe because they felt something familiar about him. Breath.


The shell of the dragon egg shattered like glass, and it was easily shattered by the little guy inside.

Lin Feng thought about how difficult it was to break the shell in the first place, and then compared the speed of breaking the shell, he felt a strong sense of malice.

What appeared in the middle of the broken eggshell was a creature with a wet head and a body that was almost the size of a normal child's fist.

This was the baby dragon!

At this time, its wings were wrinkled together and its scales had not dried. It looked like an ordinary bird. Future generations, except for some creatures, would have thought that this was a giant dragon.

Stepping forward, Lin Feng walked to the altar and looked at the little guy who was wildly swallowing the eggshell.

There was no such thing as a giant dragon. Whoever is the parent will be recognized.

This little guy clearly knows that Lin Feng is not his parent, but he is not too afraid, because the two are of the same race, and they will not easily harm the child. The cub, Lin Feng was considered a dead egg at first, not because the red dragon was so cruel that he would not spare the cubs of his clan.

While the other party gnawed on the broken egg shell, he looked at Lin Feng curiously, his eyes revealing. With an obvious intention of getting closer


Lin Feng took a deep breath and raised his chest, preparing to baptize the opponent.

The red dragon was naturally immune to fire damage, as long as he didn't use the impact of the dragon's breath. There is no need to worry about threatening the opponent.

As for the power of the dragon's breath, he is confident that even if his Flame Dragon template is inferior to the adult red dragon in terms of quantity, it will definitely surpass it in terms of quality.

It is obvious that the little guy knows what to do next. With no intention of avoiding fear, his small body tried to unfold his folded wings and looked directly at Lin Feng, who was countless times his size.


Lin Feng slowly breathed out the dragon's breath.

This time, unlike before, he did not use all his strength. Instead, the dragon's breath became thinner and much slower, with no impact at all. It was like an egg-thick water column intertwined with red and bright yellow.

The dragon's breath drizzled on the little guy like water. The other party's body was dried and a large amount of impurities were purified at the same time.


The little guy was also bathed in the dragon's breath. He looked very happy, and he let out a breath of joy from time to time.

Lin Feng exhaled. It took a few minutes to end, but when he was on the battlefield, it lasted for a few seconds at most. This shows the difference between the dragon's breath baptism and the dragon's breath attack.

After the dragon's breath baptism, the scales on the little guy also turned back to red, and his wings also changed. No longer wrinkled like rags, it looks like a shrunken red dragon, but the lines are softer and there are no bone spurs on its body.

Female red dragon?

As a red dragon, Lin Feng could naturally detect the other person's gender from these places and discovered that it was a female red dragon.

And compared with the opponent, no matter the momentum or size, he was far inferior to the opponent at the beginning. If his bloodline talent had not come into play later, he would not have been able to achieve a strength far superior to that of the same level.

Both sides stared at each other, but the little guy may have noticed that Lin Feng was not hostile, so he stumbled over and tried to climb up along his body.

‘Why do you get close to yourself?"

Seeing the other party's performance, Lin Feng felt very confused in his heart.

The red dragon is an evil and cruel dragon. It is completely abnormal that the other party would be so close to him. Even his parents would not be so close to him.

Just after glancing at his attribute panel, he finally discovered the reason.

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