This situation cannot continue, so the composition of the army is a little more complicated. Anyway, the two arms can actually be used as one type of arms.

Indeed, whether they are spearmen or sentries, their appearance, positioning, and attributes are almost the same, and they can be used as a kind of unit.

Moreover, the expeditionary army itself includes troops from the castle and temple camps. If the long-range firepower is not powerful enough, archers and crossbowmen may also be recruited.

Lancers: 2100

Sentinels: 700

Lancers are level 3 nests, and sentinels are level 1 nests. There will naturally be a gap in output. This does not mean there is a gap in output between the two arms.

In this way, the main force finally surpassed the elite force.

However, the recruitment price of first-level soldiers is not expensive, but the number is not cheap, and it costs more than 200,000 gold coins.

Now if Lin Feng wants to recruit all the troops, it will cost several million gold coins, and the maintenance cost will start at hundreds of thousands of gold coins every week. In this case, if there is no certain source of gold coins, he may not even be able to support his troops. get up.

After recruitment, the army numbered nearly 8,000 units.

This number can be said to be close to the scale of top-level heroes, because the average number of top-level heroes' armies is almost over 10,000. In addition to the gap in the core arms, there are even more elite arms.

It can only be said that in terms of military composition, the army of World Tree Leader completely crushes other heroes at the elite level.

"Set off!"

Lin Feng swept through the almost endless army and directly issued the order to attack.

As long as the army can be upgraded a little more, he is even confident to compete with those top heroes.

Now the army only has core arms. There is a huge gap with the top heroes. If the Dragon Tribe uses its trump card, it can even crush the armies led by several top heroes. It has the capital to grab the cake and the high-level lair of the Miracle Leader has a high chance of obtaining the blueprint after dismantling it. Just like the nests dismantled in the wild will always be the default level 1 nest, but of course the nests in the Miracle Territory cannot all be level 1 nests.

For example, after capturing a Miracle Territory, the level of the first level nest is. Level 3 means that a total of four nest drawings have been invested, so the probability of harvesting the drawings after dismantling them will be four times higher than in the wild. If you are lucky, you will have a chance to get four drawings.

This is why Lin Feng covets the Miracle Leader's nest. The fundamental reason.

Because he can get not just one or two nest blueprints, but several or more. As long as he demolishes one nest, he can make a lot of money. Even the main force nest can make a lot of money. Pull!

The armies of different shapes begin to move towards the two-way monument.

The more types of troops there are, the harder it is to coordinate with each other, because it is impossible to combine long-range troops with melee troops in a battle. The positioning is wrong, and the characteristics of each type of arms must also be considered.

That is because the battle commander is three heroes. If it is just Lin Feng, he will definitely not be able to concentrate on the battle.

Therefore, even if the multi-arms coalition has strong combat effectiveness, it can still find ways to deal with potential morale problems. It makes up for it, but the command aspect is really challenging.

It's okay to have two heroes to help him command this operation. If Lin Feng leads the army alone, commanding alone will give him a headache.

It's okay if the army attacks. What's the difference between rushing forward like that and the troops guarding? Maybe it's just the strategic attribute bonus?

"Zhao Qingye!"

Suddenly, a name flashed in Lin Feng's mind.

That was a tactical commander with explosive command talent and no backing background.

The opponent is definitely his best target to win over. As long as he finds a way to use the power of the Sea King Li family to suppress him, The opponent will definitely be forced into a desperate situation. If he steps forward again, he will definitely gain a loyal commanding genius.

However, no matter how careful the plan is, there will be loopholes, especially in the eyes of such a shrewd genius.

Therefore, he can't intervene, just wait for the opportunity.

If the opponent has an accident before rebirth, he doesn't believe that there will be no accidents this time.

With such a powerful army, the combat power is already catching up with the top heroes, so there will be no accidents unless he is unlucky.

It is possible to encounter ace monsters in the central area of the Spider Forest, but it is naturally impossible to encounter them in the edge areas.

Even the human-faced spiders have no intention of testing them and just pretend that they have not seen them at all.

In an area that had been cleared by major forces for countless years, there couldn't be too many monsters, so the road was extremely safe.

A day later, the army met up with Farina dozens of kilometers away from the commercial city.

"What an exaggeration!"

This was the sigh of Lin Feng, who was climbing on Zhizhi's back, because he saw the convoy on the road below that seemed to stretch to the horizon.

They were all large six-wheeled carriages pulled by four extremely strong horses with monster blood. The wheels made deep ruts on the hard ground, indicating the weight of the goods in the carriage. The six-wheeled carriage pulled by this special horse had a load capacity comparable to that of the carriages in the Earth world. Totally different.

Calculated in tons!

Lin Feng feels that the amount of cargo pulled by these carriages is at least less than that of trucks in the real world, and it may even be more, because the power of these two-meter-high horses is definitely several times that of horses in the earth. Above.

Several times more power does not mean that the carrying capacity is only a few times higher.

The six-wheeled carriage is not just an ordinary carriage. It is fully equipped with sturdiness and lightness runes.

It is precisely because of this awareness. The carrying capacity of the carriages and the number of at least several hundred made Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Maybe only in the commercial city could such a number of special carriages be easily collected. If it were elsewhere, It is not easy to create this array.

One ton of grain can feed at least a dozen people for a year.

After all, grain refers to wheat flour, and each kilogram of bread can be eaten for at least a few days. This still refers to the appetite of dragons, and it is possible for humans to eat it. Not necessarily in a year.

And the entire dragon tribe only has a few thousand, which means that a few hundred tons of food can be consumed for a year, and a few hundred tons can be pulled by dozens of carriages. This shows how powerful this ticket is.

As for the consumption power of the wilderness

, let alone this amount of materials, even if the quantity is thousands or tens of thousands times larger, as long as it can be transported safely. In the depths of the wilderness, the number of active players in the wilderness is measured in hundreds of millions. Even the wilderness of Miracle Forest alone has more than 100 million players. If this amount of supplies can be transported everywhere, it will be a drop in the bucket.

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