A large number of military guards were attracted to the direction of the coalition forces in the Commercial City, so the number on the side was naturally not too large.

It might be possible to block it when faced with ordinary troops, but when faced with elite troops whose numbers are dozens of times smaller and whose combat effectiveness is only several times less, they will naturally be penetrated instantly.

Because we had advanced to the front of the Miracle before, the map was naturally updated.

Lin Feng, who is leading the army forward, does not have to worry about getting lost, especially when there are local snakes like Dragon Man.

Putting aside the combat power, considering only the aspect of opening a road, the three-headed dragon will definitely surpass the snake demon army.

When the snake demon advances, it uses the long sword in its hand to tear the enemy into pieces.

The Earthly Dragon, whose body is more than twice as tall as it and weighs more than ten times as much, uses 'bump'. When faced with enemies and obstacles, it only needs to be bumped over with its head.

The weight of those heavy-duty trucks on Earth is only a dozen tons at best.

However, the Earthly Dragon may weigh dozens to hundreds of tons (I haven't weighed it yet, I'm guessing), and its weight is several times more than that. A creature of this weight, coupled with its extremely powerful defense, really doesn't need other means when fighting, as long as it's head-on. The impact is enough.

After a single impact, even if it is an ace creature, it will definitely be dead or crippled. Unless it is an agile and powerful creature, if it is hit head-on, Lin Feng can guarantee that there will be no survivors.

At least when he looked along the way, there was no target that survived after being hit.

Rocks, trees, monsters, anything in the front will be smashed, and the troops behind will just follow the opponent's advance.

With the opponent's presence, it only takes less than ten hours to reach the front of the miracle leader.

The army of military guards behind them were also rushing back, but they were entangled by the Commercial City coalition forces and had more than an hour to return.

In other words, Lin Feng and the army have more than an hour to enter the Miracle Territory, either to occupy it directly or to find a way to stop the Bull Principality army from the south.

Yes, Lin Feng saw the army that had entered the Miracle Territory a few kilometers away.

The opponent was currently engaged in a bitter battle, with a large number of troops belonging to the barrier blocking the opponent layer by layer, all under the command of a creature with a golden horn.

Unicorn beast!

Lin Feng recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

Moreover, the opponent is a creature rather than a soldier, which means that the minimum strength is level 120, which is level 120 of the twelfth-level template. Just look at the Earthly Dragon to understand how strong this strength is.

If it were one-on-one, the Earthly Dragon might still have a chance of winning, but there were more than one opponent. Behind the unicorn beast, there was a team of unicorns.

A squad of 12 units of Tier 11 unicorns.

With these ace creatures, and as the occupier of the wild miracle territory, the unicorn beast is no different from a hero in other aspects except that it is not a hero and does not have more permissions.

The number of deadwood guards is the most terrifying, numbering at least several thousand, almost forming a dense forest within the city wall. It is precisely because of these core troops that the powerful Bull Principality army can be blocked.

But when faced with concentrated fire from long-range troops, other troops with all their casualties had no way to fight back. They could only watch the deadwood guards fall in rows.

However, the Earthly Dragon was too conspicuous, so when Lin Feng led the army to kill, the Bull Principality also discovered

"Damn it, how could those lizards from the dragon tribe appear here and get involved with that army!" Shar, who was riding on a war horse and commanding the battle leisurely, suddenly frowned, and then cursed unceremoniously.

Lizard is a contemptuous name for dragon-like creatures, just like calling elves long ears and dwarves short legs. Humans are short-lived species

"Lord Shar, could it be because of that red dragon?", a general reminded his commander that he must not forget that the opponent's army has a dragon. If there is a dragon, it is not impossible to persuade the dragon tribe to help. The furious Shar suddenly calmed down and nodded. :

"Indeed, if it is that red dragon, he is indeed qualified to ask the dragon tribe to help!"

Even if the relationship between the dragon and its dependents is not the source of blood, it is almost a natural relationship of trust. It is indeed very easy to negotiate.

"Then shall we step up our offensive??",Some generals couldn't help but ask. Now that they have entered the Miracle Territory, they can occupy the Miracle Territory as long as they defeat the deadwood guard troops and the unicorn group in front of them.

"Are you sure you are faster than the other person?"Shar glanced coldly at this guy who couldn't see the situation clearly. After the other guy retreated, she thought about what to do next. If they faced him head-on, there was actually a way to win quickly, but the army would definitely There will be heavy casualties.

Although she has signed a magic contract with the adventurers, it refers to the alliance forces directly under the City of Commerce and several major forces, and does not include the affiliated heroes and armies. She was not included in the contract guarantee at the beginning. This was added to the contract just to prevent it from happening, so that our affiliated troops could take action, but I didn't expect that the other party would now take advantage of this loophole.

"The long-range troops do not need to save ammunition to clear the way for the knights to charge. As long as the unicorn group turns around to intercept the opponent, then launch a charge!", Shar made a decision.

Although the level of 200 units of knights of the ace unit is not too high, the power must be indestructible.

She firmly believes in this, but because she is worried about the unicorn group, once the opponent If they are here, even if they can't stop the knight's charge, they can immediately make up for the holes in the defense line.

Therefore, they have to wait for the opponent to leave before attacking.

The reason why the unicorn beast is here is because the Bull Principality army is closer to the Lord's Heart on the altar.

If that unit wanted to take advantage of the unicorn group, it would be an opportunity for me and others.

The long-range firepower of the Bull Principality army suddenly increased, more than twice as strong as before, and the melee troops moved to both sides. , leaving an open road in the middle, at the end of which are two hundred units of knights covered in metal armor.

As long as these ace troops launch a charge, no one will doubt this.! It's just that other troops can't keep up with the speed of the attack. As for the flying troops, the sky griffin troops are fighting hard with the Pegasus guards. After the arrangement is completed, Shar's eyes look at the troops entering the battlefield.

At first glance, she almost didn't vomit blood, because she found that the opponent had no intention of approaching the center of the Lord's Heart, and went straight towards the nest area.

There were also nest guards there, and it was not easy to advance, but the opponent would rather attack. There was no intention of getting close to the central altar at all.

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