"Of course!" Lin Feng didn't know why. What did the hostess mean when she heard that her husband had found a female subordinate? She and the other party just had a pure superior-subordinate relationship, right?

"Well, then this battle will be more certain. However, the gold coins we recruited are not enough, but we can borrow from our partners and repay them with troops. I believe the other party will not refuse!", Lilith made a strange suggestion.


If it weren't for the fact that the other party was created by himself, Lin Feng almost wanted to ask the other party whether she had studied in the financial department of the earth world.

Because compared to the heroic world This is similar to the Middle Ages.

It also possesses magic, but it lags far behind in terms of experience and trade.

Now through the intersection of the two worlds, the other side has improved a lot in this regard, but most people don't take it seriously.

, in this world, the strong are respected, no matter how well the economy develops, it is of no use, they are completely the other side.

���He is a fat sheep, so Lin Feng was surprised when he heard the word"loan" from Lilith's mouth.

"Okay, the other party’s housekeeper has left his contact information. Let’s leave this task to Bedi!", Lin Feng handed over the task to his second sun elf, the future leader of the elf mage group.

"Well, I'll send her right away, and I'll also take the two magic spring blueprints to exchange for other camp blueprints. But sir, you have to discipline Zhizhi now. She's been running around everywhere recently, and she even attracted a wave of monsters last time!", Lilith said that she would deal with the matter, but she also reported one thing.

That is, during the past few days when he was sleeping, Zhizhi flew everywhere, which almost caused danger.

This is the current territory. With a large number of garrisoned troops, it would be a tragedy to switch to the previous state without garrisoned troops. The World Tree itself is not fragile, but it will still cause damage under a large number of attacks.

"Got it, I'm going to find Zhizhi now. Where is she?"

The dragon's intelligence is no worse than that of humans, so Lin Feng calls her 'it' that represents an intelligent creature, not 'it' which refers to a monster."

"Hey, it seems like he hasn’t come back since yesterday, but he should be in the east!", Lilith glanced at the territory, and suddenly found that Zhizhi, who had been coming back every once in a while since yesterday, seemed not to be there.


Lin Feng also understood that Zhizhi might be in trouble, so he did not hesitate to expand wings

"I'll go find Zhizhi, and the territory will be handed over to you. In two days, we will recruit troops and start preparing plans!"

After saying this, he quickly flew eastward. As for whether Zhizhi's life would be in danger, to be honest, he was not too worried.

The dragon is not a beast!

This must be understood. With wisdom, , coupled with keen senses and the ability to fly when in danger, as long as they don't seek death or step into special traps, it's really not easy to get into trouble.

If it weren't for their strong ability to save lives, there wouldn't be so few dragon-slaying warriors, especially giants. The dragon itself is extremely low in reproduction and would have died long ago if its life-saving ability was not strong. It would still be able to stand at the top of the heroic world.

The wings were waving at high speed, and the air flow was torn apart at this time. The wingspan is about ten meters that of a human being, which is the size of an ordinary private jet, and his dragon body is only a teenager among giant dragons, and there is still potential to be explored.

The larger the body, the lower the dexterity.

But the flying speed will be faster, at least now it can easily fly at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour. If it explodes, it will be even faster.

The east is not the main expansion direction of the World Tree Lord, because of the hell creatures in the northern mountains. The threat forced them to focus on that side. This was also the first time that Lin Feng flew this way.

If Tiecheng had been in the past, even if he could fly, Lin Feng would not have the guts to fly over the wilderness. Who knows. There is something hidden below.

But it is naturally different now!

With his current strength, the ones who are stronger than him are the ace creatures, and among all the ace creatures, those who are stronger than him are not as fast as him, and those who are faster than him are not as strong as him. Most of them couldn't fly yet, so there was no need to worry too much.

Lin Feng glanced at the ground. The traces of Zhizhi's battles were easy to identify. There would be traces of flames. Just follow these traces to find the opponent.

Even if no traces were found, at his current flying speed, the reconnaissance speed was astonishingly fast. It didn't take long to fly over a large area. It was only a matter of time before he found the other party.

Not long after, he saw that the ground was scorched. After looking at the corpse of the monster, he realized that he was looking in the wrong direction, so he continued flying forward.

After probably flying for about half an hour, he finally saw Zhizhi, who was being attacked by a group of seabird-like creatures. The monsters were besieging her, and she seemed to be in a state of panic.

She refused to give up the thing in her mouth, and kept holding the thing in her mouth and flapping her wings to break through.

However, even with a wingspan of three meters, these strange birds were several times larger. She looked weak and powerless in front of her. Fortunately, the dragon scales on her body had strong defensive power, which prevented her from being surrounded and killed.

‘What it is?

This doubt flashed through Lin Feng's mind. Because of the distance and the strange birds around him, he couldn't see why Zhizhi refused to give up the thing in his mouth.


A dragon roar sounded like thunder across the sky, and Lin Feng used the roar to tell Zhizhi and Fang Wei of his arrival.

Sure enough, after hearing the roar, Zhizhi broke out in this direction desperately.

Lin Feng also increased his altitude, and at the same time, his wings flapped rapidly, entering a burst of speed mode.

Normal flight speed is different from combat flight.

The former is like jogging, so that it can last longer, and the latter is like a 100-meter dash. You have to sprint with all your strength. The speed is naturally faster, and of course it consumes a lot of physical energy.

A violent wind blew up, and Lin Feng quickly flew towards the battlefield, while his chest swelled high.

The number of strange birds is not very large, only about a hundred. They are powerful enemies for Zhizhi who cannot fight with his mouth, but to Lin Feng, they are completely ants that can be destroyed easily. tumultuous!

Tens of meters long dragon breath flames spurted out.

This time Lin Feng chose the attack range, so the cone-shaped flames covered a wide range. After Lin Feng passed over the battlefield, most of the strange birds were enveloped in the attack range.

If the opponent is a very strong enemy, then of course the flames in this mode will not cause any damage.

But it's just a main-level creature, and the dragon's breath attack in this mode is enough to solve it.

As for Zhizhi herself, she is a red dragon and is completely immune to fire. This mode has no impact, so she is naturally not afraid of accidental injuries. However, she immediately lowered her head, as if she did not want the dragon's breath to touch the things in her mouth. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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