The treasure of the shop is a few griffins.

Of course, this is only a unit that is openly for sale. As long as ordinary people have money, they will sell it, but not many ordinary people can afford it.

Because the price of each griffon is hundreds of thousands of Xia Yuan!

This price would naturally be too much in the heroic world, but this is the earth world, and troops will consume a lot when passing through the world gate, and the quotas are also very precious, so it is normal for the price to increase several times, isn't it? black!

Really dark!

Lin Feng only had this thought after looking at it.

Based on Xia Yuan's ratio of ten to one gold coins, a griffin could be sold for tens of thousands of gold coins. Although there were other expenses such as management, the profit was absolutely terrifying.

However, the real transaction is never completed openly. Lin Feng saw several people dressed like himself talking to the boss in the store and then directly entering the back through a door. That must be the real place for trading arms.

Arms trade!

This is a very large trading market.

Not only are there in the hero world, but there are more in the earth world, and they pay more attention to them than there, and even national forces will intervene, because arms are strength.

The low-end arms are okay, but the market for high-end arms will definitely be targeted by the authorities, so it is normal that only griffons are for sale.

Some powerful units can really save lives when heroes go into the wilderness to perform tasks. There are not a few heroes who die in the forced expansion of the wilderness once a year.

Anyone who is a hero will work hard to accumulate troops.

If you don't have enough resources, it would be normal to have the Hero World troops teleported through the World Gate and purchase them in the Earth World.

In the World Gate, some shares are fixed for heroes to use. As long as you apply for a share, you will be able to use it sooner or later after being allocated and queued.

Many heroes use this rule to bring their troops to the earth for sale, thereby earning enough profits to support their own armies. This has formed a trading chain, and countless heroes rely on this profit to maintain their armies or make a comeback.

As for whether the official knows?

Nonsense, how could you not know about this kind of thing? Not only do you know, but they are also involved. Without official background, these shops that buy and sell arms would have been closed long ago.

It's just that it's obviously prohibited. If the impact is too great, you can throw out a few scapegoats. Anyway, you can't find any evidence of official involvement.

Lin Feng looked at the shops and stalls one by one, feeling the atmosphere that was completely different from the normal street.

But here, the prices are completely divided into two categories, either cheap or high, and there are not many truly affordable ones.

There are countless completely different goods, which makes people feel like they have entered a world where fantasy and technology intersect, because the gun store actually sells bows, arrows, crossbows and the like.

Fur, bones, tendons, and even monsters are all targets of trade.

If Lin Feng remembered correctly, the meal Su Tianxiang treated him to at the Tianhai University cafeteria used monster meat as an ingredient.

Powerful monsters are full of treasures!

Even meat with the least effect can have the effect of strengthening the human body. Although the effect is linked to various aspects such as the strength and quantity of monsters, it also proves how popular the monsters are.

There are also some new minerals that have not appeared before but are only appearing now. The emergence of mechas is due to breakthroughs in materials, otherwise it would be a complete dream to create them.

Although the street is only a dozen meters wide, it is terrifyingly long, with a rhythm that is endless as far as the eye can see.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't come here to go shopping, so he went straight to one of the largest medicinal materials related stores. When he saw the name of the store, he hesitated.

Lu’s medicinal materials!

Yes, the name of the other party is obvious at a glance. It must be related to the Lu Group behind Lu Qiaoling. The other party's main business is the pharmaceutical group, so it opened a hospital. But I didn't expect that the medicinal material store in the black market was also opened by the other party.

But this is normal.

Because a large number of medicinal materials from the wilderness and the heroic world have magical effects, as a large pharmaceutical group, it would be strange if it did not get involved.

If he went to find other pharmacies, Lin Feng was not willing to waste time.

The most important thing is that the store is much stronger than other stores in terms of scale and momentum. In this case, of course he chose this store. He can't hide because the store is related to Lu Qiaoling, right?

For some reason, Lin Feng subconsciously didn't want to be involved with the other person. He felt guilty inexplicably, but he was obviously single and didn't even have a girlfriend.

With this complicated mood, he walked into this medicinal store, which was at least a few hundred square meters and looked like a high-end and high-end medicinal store.

The counter is full of futuristic feeling, made of silver metal, and the floor is made of white marble that reflects the face like a mirror. This is a high-end stone.

A hundred years ago, marble might not have been considered a high-end stone.

But when the area controlled by humans only had fortresses and nearby areas, the output of marble dropped sharply, and naturally it turned into high-end stone.

Being able to pave the floor with this kind of stone, which is more precious than gold, perfectly demonstrates what it means to be high-end and classy.

Well, gold no longer holds its value in this era.

Because this thing itself has no value, and it is not the gold coin condensed by energy in the hero world, it will of course be abandoned.

"Hello, how can I serve you? ~"

A female shopping guide who was even better looking than the reception girl at the three-star hotel, wearing a close-fitting and attractive uniform, walked over with high heels and a sweet smile on her face.

Nonsense, she was wearing a costume that concealed her identity. , they are probably real customers, and their performance is linked to their dividends. In this case, her smile will naturally be as sincere as she needs to be.

"I want to know if you accept magic herbs!" Lin Feng glanced at the few customers in the store, and then lowered his voice.

Although as a reserve hero, it is normal for him to sell it openly, but it is just his trump card. If he can't use it, he won't use it.

Prepare The hero's identity can solve most problems, but his actions may also attract attention, because what he wants to do is quite big.

"this way please!", the smile on the shopping guide girl's face became a little thicker.

What the medicinal store likes most is to buy rather than sell. If it really wants to be sold, it will not be sold here. If it is processed into medicine, the profit will be much greater.

Especially The Lu Group has a complete sales channel. If it weren't for maintaining its reputation, it might have stopped selling products.

The two came to an area in the corner of the wide hall where there were no other products for sale except the workbench. It is impossible to get here by wandering, not to mention that there is a beautiful screen in front of it, so you can't see this side either.

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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