Among them, fireballs are the most common.

Everyone knows that flames have special effects on plant targets, so there are so many legal players who choose to use fireball attacks.

Fireball is an entry-level skill, but it can be used all the time, because the power can change as the user's strength increases. It is not strange for a fireball to dominate the world.

With the second round of long-range firepower, the atmospheric barrier appeared to be crumbling, and it seemed that it would not be able to withstand the third round of long-range attacks.


He jumped forward amidst the roar of the forest wind in the sky, and took a deep breath at the same time.

If the opponent doesn't come to stop him, he will attack directly at the city wall. If he comes to stop him, he will directly attack his face with dragon breath. The saved dragon breath is precisely to deal damage at this moment.

Sensing the movement of the forest wind in the sky, the remaining large eagles and griffons came directly to meet them, blocking the front with no regard for life or death. tumultuous!

The cone-shaped dragon's breath flame spurted out, forming a river of flames.

In order to stop Lin Feng, the enemy's flying units naturally had to form a tight formation, otherwise they would be smashed through by taking advantage of his size and weight.

But in a tight formation, facing his dragon's breath in diffusion mode, it would of course be a tragedy.

Bodies like raindrops fell into the sky, and the eagle and griffon received the dragon's breath attack head-on, resulting in the loss of more than 200 units.

You must know that this is a flying unit and cannot be squeezed together like ground units. This result is achieved entirely because the opponent is too close.

Less than half of them are ninth-level giant eagles. After the previous battle, there were more than a hundred units, but now there are only a few dozen units. They have completely withdrawn from the battlefield. The situation of the gryphon troops is not good, and their number is only greater than that of the flying units of the world tree leader combined. Just a few hundred units more.

During the process of breathing out the dragon's breath, Lin Feng had already spread his wings to stabilize his body, because the long-range firepower on the city wall was already aimed at him. If he really pounced, he would definitely be greeted by concentrated fire.

Although Dragon Scale's defense is not weak and its spell resistance is high, in the face of this amount of focused fire, his tens of thousands of health points are still not enough, so he decisively raises the altitude.

It's just that his attack is not only to lure the opponent's remaining flying units out, but also to reduce the pressure on the ground army. If the opponent's long-range firepower is ready to attack him, the ground's long-range firepower will naturally be reduced.

Taking advantage of this change, the deadwood guards advanced another ten meters and were about to reach the fortress.

The Obsidian Fortress is indeed very strong. The Deadwood Guard is not easy to destroy. At least it cannot be destroyed as easily as the previous peripheral defense line and the previous resource points. However, it is not impossible to destroy it. If you really want to let it continue to attack, it will be impossible to escape unscathed. No harm.

Therefore, the defending heroes are directing the long-range troops to fire.

After getting closer, not everyone in the mage group had mastered other spells, so they began to use powerful spells one by one.

All kinds of spells were raging in front of the fortress.

Even if it is not a heroic spell, it does not mean that the power will be too weak, especially since spell damage does not depend on defense, only resistance.

If it were a mental...poison spell, it would have no effect on the Deadwood Guard, but a fire spell could cause far more damage than the original.

The scorching heat and flames formed a dead zone in front of the deadwood guard, but he still stepped into it without hesitation.

Soldiers only have combat instincts, but no emotions such as fear or fear.

As long as there is an order from the hero, even death can be faced calmly. That is why it is said that arms are the perfect war machines. This is why creatures can never perform better than arms on the battlefield.

Of course, this is when there is a hero under the command. Otherwise, if you don't have wisdom, you will just be fooled by others.

The atmospheric barrier was already broken at this time, and in the sea of fire, the health of the deadwood guard with over 10,000 health dropped rapidly, and casualties soon appeared.



Deaths appeared one after another.

Faced with this kind of face-riding output at close range, no matter how much health they have, they can't withstand it. Not to mention the deadwood guards who are the core unit, even the ace-level snake demon team dare not face it directly, so they need to hide all the time. In protection. boom!

The deadwood guard was now close enough to attack the city wall directly with its vine tentacles. Naturally, he was not polite and swung his vine tentacles directly towards the top of the city wall.

A fierce offensive and defensive battle between the two sides officially began.

In fact, it takes a long time for a large army to fight, and what determines victory or defeat in a short time is special tactics or strength crushing.

Now the Deadwood Guard is using his body as a shield, successfully covering the Crusaders and the Snake Demon Team as they arrive in front of the city gate.

"Gather the fire snake demon!"

The giant ax roared, and no one understood the terror of the ace soldiers better than him.

Even if the city gate is made of special materials and reinforced with dwarven rune technology, it can withstand the deadwood guards and crusaders.

But facing the ace-level snake demon team, it is really dangerous.

The city gate of the Miracle Territory may also be hacked by the ace troops, let alone their fortress. It is completely normal to be hacked. The only thing to consider is how long it takes to kill it.

The snake monster does have high defense and thick health, but it will die in the face of countless long-range fire. The trump card of the ace unit on the battlefield can really turn the tide of the battle, provided that it can. Use it correctly.


When the long-range ones on the city wall were preparing to attack, a thunderous roar sounded in the sky.

Then the red dragon led a large number of gryphons and silver pegasus, directly smashing the formation of their own flying troops. The city wall surges down.

If the snake demon team is gathered in front of the city gate, the flying troops in the sky can easily attack the long-range troops on the city wall, and if they attack the flying troops flying down from the air, it is possible for their own city gates to be attacked. It can't be saved.

Double offensive!

Zhao Qingye uses the two points of the World Tree leader to create an offensive.

Whether it is the giant dragon in the sky or the snake monster in front of the city gate, if the other party chooses to stop one of them, the other party will find an opportunity. Unless the opponent creates a force that can compete, this situation is unsolvable, and it is a complete frontal advantage.

What does the defender choose?

The sky!

All long-range firepower begins to shift its target, directly targeting the flying troops falling from the sky.. Just seeing this scene, the giant dragon and the silver pegasus immediately raised their altitude and tried to stay out of the shooting range, while the gryphon kept spreading towards the city wall, clearly to attract firepower.

The gryphon of the elite unit can only serve as a target for attracting enemy's long-range firepower, right


The power is not much greater than that of the Griffin.

However, Lin Feng has high defense and high health, but he only has one, and it is difficult for the opponent to focus fire on him, so he immediately raises the altitude after attracting the opponent's long-range firepower attention. The Fang Gryphon unit is in trouble.

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