
The last dragon's breath was spit out directly. Of course, it was impossible to use the diffusion mode this time because the target was a bull with rough skin and thick flesh.

The bright yellow dragon's breath penetrated all targets within the range, including these bulls, like an indestructible divine sword.

The barbarian bull is six meters high at the shoulders and eight meters long. It has sharp horns on its head and is covered with a layer of dark blue scales. It looks like a heavy tank.

In terms of strength, although the opponent is not as high as the Deadwood Guard, it will definitely be stronger, and the same is true for defense. That layer of dark blue scales is not a decoration.

But this kind of strong defense was still ineffective when faced with Lin Feng's concentrated bright yellow dragon's breath. It was instantly melted, not even the slag was left.

However, this kind of dragon's breath will only scorch the opponent when faced with the ace unit, which fully illustrates that although the core and the ace are only one level apart, they are vastly different in strength.

He moved his head slightly, allowing the dragon's breath to sweep towards him.

There would be somewhere to hide in a wide area, but in a narrow underground passage, there is no place to hide at all.

As for the damage to the terrain that you want to cause, you are overthinking it, because this underground passage is a miraculous building. Although there is no indestructible attribute, it is a complete dream to destroy the champion creature.

Therefore, after one blow of the dragon's breath swept away, all enemies within a range of nearly 100 meters in front of him were wiped out, including hundreds of units of core-level bulls.

Under certain conditions, Dragon Breath can exert staggering power. Although there are no ace units, there are hundreds of units of core units in this area.

Lin Feng broke through the upper limit of his own record by taking out thousands of units with one blow.

Wrapped in firelight, he was as terrifying as those epic villains and monsters that destroy the world at every turn.

After solving the overly threatening target of the Manniu, the enemy units behind Lin Feng were also eliminated by the snake demon.

His high temperature is extremely deadly to elites and main force types, but it is completely non-existent to ace-level snake monsters, so there is no need to worry about accidental injuries.

After seeing that the opponent's army was composed of castles and fortresses, Lin Feng was even more unlikely to give the opponent a chance to open up space.

Because the opponent is a top hero, it means there will be an ace unit, so it is either a knight in the castle camp or a dragon in the fortress camp.

Needless to say about the knight, the power of the charge is completely indestructible. Even he can't block it head-on because the charging knight is too terrifying.

The flying dragon is a large flying unit, so it will not be smaller than him in terms of size, but there is no way to fly in this kind of passage, so solving the opponent in the underground passage is the only hope, and this is also their chance.


This is indeed a huge opportunity. If they were to fight in a wide formation, the final victory would definitely belong to them, because with him, a legendary hero, the army would definitely be able to exert hundreds of percent of its combat effectiveness..

But fighting in such a narrow underground passage was even easier to solve, so of course he couldn't let go of the opportunity.

No nonsense, Lin Feng figured it out in an instant and quickly charged forward, followed by the snake demon team.

Zhao Qingye also saw the situation clearly at this time and directly asked the Crusaders and Centaurs to protect the Great Elf and Priestess as they moved forward. This could provide treatment to the snake demon. The Deadwood Guards and Dwarves were too slow and were not suitable for such a sudden attack.

The tacit cooperation between the two parties directly resulted in the devastating speed of the World Tree Leader's sudden advance.

Of course, this Long family army tried to counterattack, but after facing the joint attack of Lin Feng and the snake demon, no matter what the opponent's troops were, they couldn't stop it.

In particular, the snake demon was absolutely amazing in this situation. It could easily cut into pieces any target with the dance of its long sword, and there was no target that could withstand a round of attacks.

Now that it has been upgraded to level 50, the attributes of the snake demon are already superb.

【Name: Snake Demon/Level 12 Level 52 (the attributes in parentheses are after bonus)

HP: 79200

Attack: 32 (87)

Defense: 26 (28)

Kill: 2160-2160 (4320-4320)

Speed: 7

Ability: Six Arm (can use six weapons at the same time), Battle Master (has powerful combat skills)

Maintenance cost: 1920 gold coins/week]

It’s absolutely true, the development of the snake demon at this time is so exaggerated.

The blood volume is close to 100,000, and the offensive and defensive attributes are strong.

In particular, the attack attribute is almost over 100, and each point of attack attribute can increase the damage by 5%.

In other words, when there are 100 points of attack attribute, when attacking a target with zero defense, the damage will be increased by an additional 500%.

The killing attribute exceeded 2,000, and then became more than 4,000 under the influence of the master-level offensive technique.

This lethality is increased by an additional several hundred percent. It is completely normal for a sword to cause damage of 10,000, and it is not impossible to inflict damage close to 20,000. The snake demon is so abnormal at this time, which is why no matter what target it encounters, the snake The reason why demons can be easily chopped into pieces.

Of course, if the knight charges head-on and the Cyclops attacks from a distance, the snake demon will only be defeated in seconds.

It can only be said that there are no invincible troops, only invincible heroes.

Although the speed of the snake demon is not too fast, at least compared with those high-agility soldiers, when it rushes at full speed, it is not much slower than ordinary humans running wildly.

Lin Feng and the snake demon rushed forward at full speed, completely ignoring the enemies along the way, leaving those they missed to be dealt with by the army at the rear. Anyway, they couldn't be blind enough to miss some powerful enemies.

Faced with their violent advance, the Xia Guolong family's army had only two choices: to fight head-on or to withdraw from the passage and fight again.

This is almost a no-brainer.

Fighting in such a narrow area, the ace troops are almost disabled. Of course, the opponent will not do anything stupid, so they directly choose to turn the army around, letting the front troops delay desperately, and the rear troops quickly turn around and leave.

It was precisely because he could see the opponent's choice that Lin Feng led the snake demon team to rush forward at all costs.

Behind them was a bloody road.

Under the chaotic situation, the opponent had no time to assemble long-range troops to snipe them, and this was also the advantage of meeting them in person, not giving the opponent time at all.

If he had just hesitated and then attacked, Lin Feng might have been waiting for a dense array of long-range firepower.

It can only be said that Lin Feng may not be as good at commanding as Zhao Qingye at ordinary times, but at such a dangerous moment, he was able to exert power that the opponent could not imagine. It was completely reckless and overcame everything.

However, this fighting method also has the influence of the dragon's body.

For the giant dragon, there is absolutely no need for any tactics or preparation. When encountering an enemy, just act recklessly. Only in this way can you show your greatest strength.

After advancing for a while, Lin Feng finally saw a target worthy of his serious battle. The opponent also knew that it must send out strong enough troops to cut off the rear, otherwise the army would be directly killed.

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