Among the main forces, Centaur has a weekly output of 5292 units.

In more than two weeks, the total output exceeded 10,000 units, and the output of wood elves was 1,560 units. After advancing at the mountain fortress, and combined with the remaining big elves, the number will even exceed the previous heyday.

There are more than 80 remaining units of the Deadwood Guard, plus the 228 units that have just been recruited, the number directly exceeds 300, which is more than before.

It can only be said that owning a territory with strong output is a completely different concept for a hero.

The gap between lords and heroes seems to be only one miracle lord, but in fact it is a world of difference.

Because the lord can quickly replenish the army after the loss, but the hero can only slowly raise the army.

The commercial war is only now over.

The participating heroes still don't know how long it will take to recover their combat power. The top heroes need to recover in units of years, but Lin Feng's troops have already recovered, which is enough to illustrate the abnormality.

After having more than one billion gold coins, I dare not say that I have spent enough. At least I can build a city wall that makes Lin Feng feel relieved.

The Miracle Territory has city wall protection and does not have city wall protection, that is completely different.

Due to the blessing of the rules, the city wall is not easy to be destroyed even by champion creatures, and it also has the ability to block air. It is the best protective barrier. Having it can increase the security of the World Tree Territory by several levels.

Having a city wall to protect them would play a huge role in preventing the descendants who increasingly covet their secrets, as well as the creatures from hell.

A safe and solid territory is what Lin Feng wants.

In order to guard against hell creatures, it is worth investing more gold coins on the city wall. He does not want to be directly destroyed by hell creatures like the remaining memory of the World Tree clone.

"Happy cooperation!"

Lilith finally said something, because it is really difficult for them to hate a boss who pays readily.

A boss who not only pays readily but also takes the initiative to raise prices is naturally the best candidate for them to work with.

"Happy cooperation!", Falina finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because she could see that her thigh was not angry because of the heavy casualties of the troops. In fact, she was already ready to persuade the board of directors to give out more blood, but she did not expect that the other party Are you satisfied like this? It is also because the World Tree leaders have not seen much of the world and do not have enough knowledge about money, so they missed this opportunity, because for them, earning two billion is already a huge profit.

In terms of the share that Feida Group can monopolize, the other party has revealed its intention to cooperate, and instantly a large number of groups are willing to join, and the benefits gained have already reached more than 100 billion U.S. dollars.

Monopoly means that the other party wants to monopolize the majority of the profits, but it does not really mean that they want to monopolize the majority of the profits.

If the business war is lost, although it is still a cooperation, the benefits will only be a little bit, and it will occupy the majority of the shares as it is now. As long as it has these shares

, Feida Group will now make profits. This is just the beginning.

There will be more plans to fully squeeze out the effects of quotas, and the benefits will be astonishing. It can be said that quotas are like golden chickens that will continue to lay eggs. Otherwise, there would be no such a huge commercial war for it.

It's beyond my imagination!

If Lin Feng knew all this, he would definitely sigh. But after such a battle, he gained a huge amount of gold coins and supplies, and his level also increased by two levels. At the terrifying level of level 52, the experience gained in the next ten days is actually more than before.

However, the experience requirement increases step by step, and the experience of these two levels is no less than that of the previous five levels.

The battlefield is like this. It is like food, allowing the World Tree Leader to grow quickly.

Now they have to go back to rest. Although the continuous fighting is very exciting, it is also very tiring. Now, both Lin Feng and the other two have arrived. Limit.

Naturally, there is no need to fight on the way back. You can choose any route to go back.

There is no need to worry about making enemies in the business war, because everyone takes people's money and fights for others. There are really people who are narrow-minded, so even in the business war. They were beaten to death, but many people became friends immediately after the war.

At this time, Lin Feng and the others had a group of people waiting for them.

"Giant Axe, I can cooperate with you if you have time in the future!", the tall and strong man in the lead greeted Lilith seriously, and then left with the others.

"The other party came here specifically to meet and defeat his opponent. He has a good reputation. If you need any help, you can contact him!"Falina was not surprised that the other party would come over to say hello, because this is very common for top heroes.

The circle of top heroes is only that big. When they need helpers, they are usually of the same level, and they will also find people of the same level for transactions and other matters. This is what is called multiple friends and multiple paths.

"I can tell!"Lilith also saw the other party's character, so she slightly nodded in agreement with the other party's evaluation.

They left the Yellow Sand Hills, where they had fought for ten days and killed countless enemies. Thinking about it, they still felt a little reluctant to leave.

The team left the Yellow Sand Hills. After returning to the vicinity of the Commercial City, Shaqiu Ling had no intention of returning to Tianma City to attend the celebration banquet. Instead, he went straight to the Commercial City. Lovely gold coins were the way to go. As for eating and drinking , let's forget about it.

When Da's trade union won, it is conceivable that the stock market price soared instantly. It started with a doubling. Ten times was not a dream. It was completely earned in all aspects. It is no wonder that the group's senior management would rather take the risk of a commercial war to monopolize it. It is really because the benefits are too great. Big.

Lin Feng was in an energy-saving posture at this time. He must have known a lot of forces in this form.

He climbed comfortably on Lily's shoulders and the remaining legions were stationed more than ten kilometers away in the commercial city. , not allowed to get close to the Miracle Territory.

This is the first time Lin Feng has come to this Miracle Territory that has been established for hundreds of years.

From a distance, he can see the thick and tall city wall, which looks completely empty. Any gaps are integrated and there is a faint light shining at the same time.

The city wall is at least tens of meters high. If you want to see the top clearly from below, you have to look up, because a skyscraper with more than ten floors is only that high, and the city wall faces towards the sky. The two sides extend as far as the eye can see. The outer city wall is not the city wall of the Miracle Territory itself, because this city is too big. If it is built with resources, it will completely bankrupt any force.

The city wall's solidity and air-barrier ability are definitely a super line of defense. Even the ace troops cannot easily destroy it because the materials used are not only special, but also blessed with massive spells. Even knights' charges and Cyclops' long-range attacks are difficult to destroy..

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