On the march, when they saw the red dragon flag in the world tree collar, the players' eyes were different.

There is both curiosity and admiration!

Because they all knew that in the business war that just happened, it was the army led by this elf hero that defeated four armies of top player heroes one after another.

If we weren't concerned that this was an army of aborigines, they might have come over to ask for photos and support.

Well, in the eyes of players, the army of World Tree Leader is an army led by aboriginal elf heroes. Naturally, they will have some scruples, and of course they will not be as close to them as the player army.

Returning to the Spider Forest again, the entrance is guarded by a large number of centaurs. As long as forces that do not belong to the World Tree Territory enter, they will do it directly without explanation.

Even in the absence of the hero, the soldiers can still carry out orders, but they are rigid at best.

It can be said that as the World Tree Leader becomes more and more powerful, the current Spider Forest has become somewhat of a back garden. After a period of time, after freeing up hands and having extra manpower, a Gray Elf will be built here. city of.

Although there are ace creatures in this forest, Lin Feng can already tear a head apart with his claws. With the presence of the snake demon team, there is no problem with the ace creatures within a few heads.

But now they have one more thing to do when they go back, and that is to recruit the third Sun Elf.

Lilith's level cannot be improved through battles, but will be gained as the world tree elves expand and become active. It can be said that the pace is slow at first and then fast. Although she is far behind Lin Feng in level now, in the later stages, the upgrade speed will be It is not impossible to surpass Lin Feng.

Especially now that the World Tree Leader has used special abilities.

In other words, the gray elves born are no longer in an adult state, but in a juvenile state, which can allow the number of births to be 90 per day.

As long as they continue to take the Fountain of Life, the young gray elves will become adults within a month. That is because there is no shortage of food and shelter, and there are many adult gray elves, so they can start to use this ability.

But this time Lin Feng and the others harvested a little too much, so they planned to use some to create elite troops.

For example, during this battle, they had a lot less manpower to collect intelligence. This time, they did not suffer a loss because of the assistance of Feida's Guild. They can't always rely on others in the future, so they must have their own intelligence personnel.

As for elites, they have always had them, but they just didn't have the resources to recruit them. world Tree!

This racial mother tree can not only give birth to gray elves and sun elves, but also other elves.

It's just that the birth of gray elves only requires the consumption of the Fountain of Life, while elves of other levels have to invest resources. In the past, the territory could not afford the consumption, but it is different now. rich!

At this time, they are completely exposed, and they can create a large number of elite elves in one go.

In addition to the 12 sun elves, there are 360 moon elves, unlimited gold elves, silver elves, great elves, etc. The potential of these elves is naturally far beyond that. They can obtain careers and learn various skills.

The first thing to do is of course to give birth to the elves first.

Every time Lilith was born, the elves would pass through a period of time, and they were never born consecutively. This meant that there were subtle restrictions, and Lin Feng wouldn't ask if she didn't tell him.

Under the huge World Tree, Lin Feng climbed on Lilith's shoulders, watching her touch the World Tree with her right hand, and then put a lot of resources into it.

The birth day elves were supposed to be random, but as the Elf Queen, she seemed to have special abilities that could make the birthday elves best meet their needs, so Lin Feng never interfered when it came to the birth day elves.


Endless light emanated from the World Tree, and then condensed into a human form in front of Lin Feng and the others. This was the third Sun Elf in their territory, and would also be the new Elf Knight.

Then a large amount of silver light appeared.

Silver Elf!

This time, in addition to the birthday elves, there is also the birth of a squadron of silver elves, which is one-sixth of the upper limit.

As for why it was not born at once, Lilith didn't say it, and Lin Feng didn't ask. He knew that it should be a secret. It wasn't that the other party didn't want to say it, but that it couldn't be said.

Just like one thing, before reaching that height, you are not qualified to know that thing at all, but once you reach that height, it doesn't matter. The remaining memories of World Tree are also slowly emerging, precisely because of the rules.

Although the silver elves are not as rare as the number of sun elves, they are definitely not too many, and the upper limit is only 360.

It sounds like a lot now, but judging from the current expansion rate of the territory, it will soon be insufficient. When the gray elves have a population of over 100 million in the future, this number will be even more pitiful.

Therefore, each one must be used with care. Whether it is a mage, a warrior, a political officer, etc., it must be carefully considered before making any decision.

The silver elf template is very strong, directly at level 12, but the level is only level 1, which means it needs to grow slowly.

What is the concept of twelfth-order template?

It means that the talent is far more than that of a dragon, comparable to an ace creature, but the template only represents talent, not necessarily strength.

But...it's expensive!

Every time a Silver Elf is born, no less resources and gold coins must be invested than the Sun Elf. For this squadron of Silver Elf, 6,000 units of ore, 6,000 units of wood, and 600,000 gold coins have been invested.

World Tree obviously takes good care of this kind of elites with quotas, otherwise it would be normal for the birth cost to increase a hundred times, and the opponent's potential is worth the price.

Then a total of 61 World Tree elves appeared

"Met the Creator, met the Queen!"

The elves half-knelt on the grass in perfect order.

As the wise World Tree elves, they are not a military force. They only have combat wisdom. They are not necessarily weaker than the players in terms of IQ, they may even be stronger, but they have It may just be a little less in terms of knowledge reserves. Of course

, all of them are female elves. For the matriarchal race of elves, female elves may have higher potential.

First, Lilith stepped forward to start the conferment.

There was no gorgeous process. Only after the light enveloped him did this slender but sharp-looking sun elf change. He seemed to be about the same height as Lancelot and had brilliant golden hair. The short hair is obviously the color of the sun, but as long as you see the other person's golden pupils clearly, you can see a chill in them.

"Get up, Gao Wen!", Lilith signaled the other party to get up.

Lin Feng did not speak at this time, because he was flipping through the other party's attributes and wanted to know how strong the other party was.

The attribute list expanded, and the attribute list of the third Nisei and Elf Knight appeared in his In front of you.

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