The enemy's initial unit selection is centaurs, with a number of 5,000 units, and there are 100 units of wood elves inside.

It can be said that this combination should be the most versatile. The barrier troops will not be hindered from moving in the forest, and the combination of centaurs and wood elves is very good in both offense and defense.

If a thousand wolf cavalry faced five thousand centaurs head-on, they should be evenly matched or at a slight disadvantage. Once the wood elves join the battle, they will be at a crushing disadvantage.

Therefore, Lin Feng chose…

"charge!", he issued the order unceremoniously.

Yes, he chose the Wolf Knight naturally for offense rather than defense. If the opponent is too strong to resist, he will naturally retreat, but a target with a strength that is not much different from his own If he wanted to escape, then he was not a legendary hero.

The two armies clashed!

The enemy hero was a little surprised, because he didn't expect Lin Feng to do this at all. There was a clear gap in the combat power of the two sides, and the Wolf Knight was not a powerful type. , as long as the centaur blocks it, the wood elf can easily defeat the opponent with a few rounds of long-range attacks. After experiencing a lot of battles, Lin Feng can naturally see the opponent's thoughts, so he leads the Wolf Knight into the centaur.!

The sound of sharp blades breaking through bodies continued one after another.

Centaurs fell down, because the Wolf Knight, under the command of Lin Feng, could kill several times more, which naturally allowed him to easily tear apart the centaur defenses and directly attack the wood elves in the rear. pounce

"How can it be!"

Seeing that the centaur troops he sent were torn apart from the defense line, the player surrounded by the wood elves was surprised, because he had never thought of this situation.

A dozen villains were killed by the wood elves in one round of shooting. Even the Wolf Knight could easily kill the Wood Elves as long as they were close, even if one of them was a main force and the other was an elite troop, rows of Wood Elves were cut down. , directly turned into a corpse.

However, unlike the heroic world, although it looks like the real world, it can clearly feel completely different from the real world, just like the virtual game is well done, as long as it is not flawed in IQ. Everyone can notice that there is something wrong.

No matter how similar the space simulated by the super computer is, it is difficult to detect this unless you experience it in person. Judging from the live broadcast, it is naturally the same as reality.

Well, virtual space. The scenes in the game can be exported, so it is used as a competition venue.

If it cannot be broadcast live, it will not be realistic, which is why it is not held in the Hero World.

"Wait, we can join forces...ah!"

Lin Feng swung the long sword in his hand and directly defeated his first opponent.

Even if the body was the main body instead of the dragon clone, the lethality was actually not low. It was completely easy and enjoyable to deal with a hero.

Without the hero's command After that, the remaining centaurs and wood elves were quickly wiped out.

The hero level was locked and could not be changed, but the soldier level was increased crazily, directly to dozens of levels, and the experience value was adjusted, increasing by almost a hundred times. , In this case, fighting one battle is equivalent to fighting a hundred battles in the hero world. It is not surprising that

Lin Feng gained some points directly after solving the opponent, but because there was no specific ranking, he did not. I don't know where I am, but I feel like I'm not in the top ten.

The 3% chance of advancement ensures that those who can successfully pass the qualifiers are either lucky or strong.

After the qualifiers, the chance of advancement will become. Ten percent, and people will start to pay attention to it at that stage, and the official will also select some exciting battles to live broadcast, or explain some outstanding performances.

Countless newcomers become famous at this stage. This is world-class attention, as long as it is slightly raised. Two sentences, you can definitely gain a lot of fame.

If you reach the top 1,000, you will have draft rights. Countless professionals who want to join the group will swamp you. You will definitely be a sure winner in life, not to mention there are millions of gold coins. Reward.

If you enter the top 100 through the second round, it will be completely star-level treatment. The countless recruitments and invitations will definitely make people crazy.

It is precisely because of such huge benefits that there is no need to participate in the rookie battle. People will refuse.

Lin Feng's hidden strength is terrifying, but there is no way to show it, otherwise he will definitely be coveted by everyone, so he needs to use his body to obtain the status of a genius, so that no one will doubt him if he performs exceptionally well in the future. For example, having some good things and improving his strength quickly are basic operations for a genius.

What else can prove that he is a genius more than getting good results in the rookie competition?

No, absolutely not, so he does. He chooses to participate. He doesn't like most rewards. He only cares about one treasure.

The mask of hypocrisy! The effect is that it can falsify one's own information, but it can't be seen through by any means.

The combat power has not been improved at all, so it is used as a reward, otherwise a treasure of this level would not appear in the rookie competition reward list, but this thing seems to be tailor-made for Lin Feng.

He could forge a false attribute list for his own body. Otherwise, if he became a hero with the help of Tianhai University, his attributes would have to be open to the opponent. He was not a natural hero.

After solving the target, Lin Feng led the army. Start to clear out the surrounding monsters, collect scattered gold coins and occasional treasures, and at the same time continue to search for lairs and miraculous buildings to improve your strength, as if you are really expanding the wasteland, but the super computer will make this process ten times or a hundred times. It's just acceleration.

The hero's abilities in all aspects will be fully demonstrated in this game.

It only took less than two days for Lin Feng to successfully increase the number of his troops to more than 5,000 units.

It was not because of his luck, but because of the large number of nests. There are many, and the output has increased tenfold, so it has expanded so fast. There is no such good thing in the real wilderness.

However, it is also because of his extremely powerful strategic attribute bonus, which directly increases the lethality of his army by more than several times, and destroys monsters quickly, that is why he can expand so fast.

At this time, most of the one hundred heroes appeared, and the rest all formed their own alliances.

The top three in points can advance to the next level, which means that up to three people can form an alliance. Those who can stay are not ordinary people. Naturally, they understand this truth, so they are all small alliances.

By the end of the day, everyone else's locations will be revealed on the map every two hours.

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