
Facing the goblin, the weakest first-level cannon fodder of the nine camps, the centaur could cut through the opponent's defense line as easily as a hot knife cutting cheese, and pierce through the defense line in an instant.

Even a centaur is defeated by a goblin, not to mention the strategic attribute bonus of Lin Feng, a legendary hero, which makes it effortless to break through the opponent's defense line.


A large number of centaurs fell directly and turned into corpses, as if they had hit countless walls.

The reason is the long-range attack of the seventh-level mage.

The seventh-level mages in the tower camp are long-range troops. They have special functions after promotion. However, before they are promoted, they will only be pure long-range troops.

But facing the first-order centaurs, they will of course have a huge advantage. It is not surprising that long-range firepower can harvest more than a hundred units of centaurs in an instant.

Lin Feng's strength is all reflected in his offense. In terms of defense, he may not even be as good as ordinary heroes.

Therefore, the centaur withstood the long-range attack of the seventh-level mage. It is not surprising that this number of damage occurred, that is, because the number of opponents was not large, only about 200 units, otherwise the loss would be more terrible.

As an experienced hero, Lin Feng would certainly not be stupid enough to command an army to head-on into a defense line composed of fifth-order stone men.

In terms of defense, the stone man is the strongest at level 5. It is completely chasing the level 7 troops. If a centaur collides head-on, it is completely seeking death. No matter how strong the attack power is, it will at best end in a lose-lose situation.

Under the command of the Soul Network, the centaurs cleverly drew an arc among the snow and goblins, passing by the tall stone defense line.

That is to say, only by knowing the advantages and disadvantages of various types of arms can Lin Feng make the right choice.

After going around from the side, of course you have to attack the weak point of the stone man's extremely slow movement speed, and directly attack the mage in the position.

However, the enemy was not stupid. He asked the mage to cease fire and hid among the stone men, thus avoiding being attacked by the centaur. However, before he could laugh out loud, he suddenly noticed an army appearing.

Third-level dwarves, fifth-level wood elves, seventh-level Pegasus, and ninth-level deadwood guards!

These troops formed a terrifyingly large army that could easily crush itself.

So the players who were surrounded by mages subconsciously wanted to command the army to retreat, but found that the way back was blocked. The centaur troops that had just circled to the rear stood quietly, making it clear that they were blocking the road.

Under attack from both front and back, Lin Feng easily solved his first target.

This opponent is not a strong opponent. Even if they reach the third round of assessment, the players are still strong and weak. It is impossible for everyone to be a pervert. The opponent barely passed in the second round and is at the bottom of the food chain in the third round..

It's like when everyone takes the elementary school exam paper.

Many people can't improve their scores because the upper limit is there. But when the test papers are changed to the college entrance examination difficulty level, there will be a huge gap in the strength of those who seemed to have the same scores before.

The reason why Lin Feng was so strong in the first two rounds was because his opponent was only that strong, not because he only had that level of strength. Now that he met equally strong competitors, his strength was truly revealed.

Countless strong men began to stand out.

In this third round, no one can hide their strength. Although the 10% chance of advancement is not low, there has never been a truce with only ten people left. They all have to defeat their opponents to prove their strength.

The opponents Lin Feng faced all had strengths in some aspects, otherwise they would not have been able to reach the top thousand, but compared with him, these people seemed a little weak.

The first is his strategic blessing. Even Lin Guoguo's abnormal talent cannot compare with him, because she needs to level up to become stronger.

And Lin Feng is now above level 50, definitely higher than all the players.

It takes an ordinary person a lifetime to break through this level, but it only took him a few months, and his speed was as fast as a rocket. A high level brings strategic attribute blessings and two satisfying skills, allowing him to use strategic skills no matter who he faces. Blessing cannot be at a disadvantage.

The second is experience.

The time he spent before his rebirth was not in vain. He may be far inferior to those old fritters, but he is far superior to young people. Coupled with the experience of personally commanding an army, he is ahead of other players.

With such a huge advantage, it is no wonder that he is absolutely confident that he can get the title of genius.

Unless there is some natural or man-made disaster, he will definitely be able to easily enter the top ten and have the power to choose the hypocritical mask. As for the first place, he is not willing to take it, because the top ten is enough. He wants to be a genius, but he does not want to be beaten by countless Staring with both eyes.

The difference between the champion and others is very big. The attention of the champion is definitely higher than the attention of the remaining nine people in the top ten combined. Therefore, Lin Feng will not win the championship even if he beats him to death. Entering the top ten is enough to achieve his goal.

Genius identity + hypocritical mask!

These are Lin Feng's two goals, and they do not require him to actually win the championship, although it is not difficult for him to win the championship.

As the battle progresses.

The players in Arena No. 3 each confirmed who was the strong one, and at the same time they also had a tacit understanding.

Deal with the weak first and then compete with each other!

Because they have all reached this point, and there are no consequences for death, they naturally want to take the opportunity to distinguish themselves. They are all young people with high morale, and naturally they will not reject this tacit understanding.

Lin Feng also understood that by this time he would definitely appear frequently in the live broadcast, so he tried his best to conceal his strength and constantly used superior troops to attack the enemy, as if to show that his victory was entirely due to the number of troops and had nothing to do with himself. It's almost the same.

It's a pity that the commentator is not an ordinary person. With the help of backstage staff, he still discovered what he was hiding at the first glance.

"We can all see that this player's victory looks very ordinary, but he uses superior troops to attack inferior opponents to win, but this will make people ignore it.…!", anyway, the commentary will not affect the situation of the battle, so there is no fear of exposure.

As the explanation continued, some people began to pay attention to Lin Feng.

No matter how well you conceal it, you still can't hide it when faced with this kind of observation in the spotlight. Fortunately, the commentators know that they may participate in the competition later and will not go into more details.

The third round was much more enjoyable to watch than the first two rounds.

Because no one will make stupid mistakes, various tactics emerge in endlessly, which are completely eye-catching.

Lin Feng is also one of the performers.

It's just that his battles are not very enjoyable to watch, because the tactics can't be simpler. They directly attack the opponent head-on. With the army that has been cultivated in the early stage, it is completely possible to crush the opponent head-on without any tactics.

It's not that he doesn't understand tactics, but that he doesn't need tactics, just a frontal attack is enough.

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