
Thousands of spearmen fell.

The layout of both sides is almost the same, with spearmen and swordsmen placed in the center, and centaurs placed on the wings.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the spearman's defensive strength is several times higher than that of the offensive, and the centaur must be in motion to exert its stronger strength, so this formation is not surprising.

The defensive force of the spear array deployed by the spearmen was indeed not weak, but it had no effect on the rain of arrows falling from the sky, and a small area was cleared directly.

Phantom arrows!

Although it only has 30% lethality after splitting, the attributes of the eighth-level unit are there. Coupled with the phantom shooter's excellent attributes even at the eighth level, the 30% lethality is also terrifying.

The arrow rain swept across the frontmost area of the enemy, causing the troops there to fall instantly, as if they were being swung by the death scythe.

After these few battles and trials, Lin Guoguo's ability to command long-range troops has improved a bit. For this, just looking at the hit rate is enough.

One round of arrows directly eliminated thousands of units of spearmen, including dozens of units of seventh-level swordsmen. The tyranny of the phantom shooters became clear after they reached a high level, so it was no wonder that everyone was afraid of them.

The phantom shooter stepped forward ten meters and stood in front of the stream, and the army also stepped forward five meters. second round!

Another round of long-range firepower extended forward along the blank area cleared by the arrow rain.

A very simple tactic, which is to use phantom shooters to cause terrible casualties and force the opponent's army to take the initiative to attack. This is the method with the least loss, because they will have to fight against those seed players who have been developing for a period of time, so naturally they cannot lose too much. many.

If other people knew Lin Feng's inner thoughts, they might think he was crazy.

The ratio between himself and the enemy's troops was almost one to ten, so it was considered good to win, but what he wanted was to win with minimal losses, and he was completely too proud.

But some people can see that Lin Feng brother and sister can definitely win.

The key is how much you lose to win, but there are only a few people who can see this, and even if the two commentators saw it, they wouldn't say it now. If they said it now, it would be a spoiler, which would naturally make the point of view significantly greater. reduce.

It was precisely because of Lin Feng's detached gaze that he was able to consider everything before the battle even started.

One round of long-range attack can cause thousands of units to be lost.

Even if the pursuer army numbered more than 200,000 units, it could not afford to lose it, because the phantom shooter's ammunition was not fired, but a staggering number of rounds. Once its firepower was fully unleashed, it was not impossible that more than half of it might be lost.

And if more than half of the troops are lost, then there is really no chance of victory at all.

So the opponent began to command the long-range troops to come forward and prepare to deal with the phantom shooter. If they used melee troops, the surrounding troops would not be spared.

When Lin Feng saw the other party's actions, a smile appeared on his lips because the other party had been fooled.

Putting the phantom shooter at the forefront of shooting is precisely to attract the opponent's long-range troops to come forward.

When the opponent's third-level archers and fifth-level wood elves, totaling nearly 10,000 units, gathered and began to rush towards the front line of the formation.

Suddenly, Lin Feng commanded the army and cooperated with the advance of the phantom shooter, crossing the shallow stream and engaging the enemy head-on. distance!

This is probably the most important thing about long-range arms.

As long as you can master this thing, you will definitely not be weak in commanding long-range troops. Those top heroes who are famous for their long-range troops are all experts in this field.

At this time, Lin Guoguo already had a huge advantage in this area by virtue of her talent. In the future, in front of her, except for the Cyclops, all other long-range troops might be defeated.

This is no joke, because long-range troops all have the weakness of low HP and low defense. Facing enemy long-range fire attacks, they will fall faster.

In other words, long-range weapon shooting is a lose-lose situation.

At this time, the opponent's idea was to use long-range firepower to defeat the phantom shooter, so that there would be hope of winning. The phantom shooter's long-range attack power was indeed overbearing and invincible, but it did not mean that its own defense would be so strong.

Lin Feng acted as if he didn't see this and had no countermeasures at all. He just waited for the other party to approach from a distance.

"These guys were fooled!", Lin Guoguo exclaimed excitedly. In front of Lin Feng, she certainly doesn't need to pretend. In front of other people, she is a girl with a stable personality.


Lin Feng didn't mean to look down on his opponent. On the contrary, he felt that he was worthy of being a top 100 player in the rookie competition. He could quickly connect the joints. He knew that if he exchanged long-range for long-range, their side would definitely lose more.

The opponent figured it out quickly. It was too fast. It took just a few rounds of long-range attacks for the phantom shooter to figure out the best way to deal with it.

If it weren't for Lin Guoguo's talent being so secretive, there would have been no problem with the opponent's decision.

Unfortunately, it was destined to be Lin today. At the moment of Guo Guo's performance, the phantom archer fired a thousand arrows again, falling towards the long-range troops who were gathering outside the range and preparing to enter the range to attack together.

The arrows had already activated their phantom arrow ability in the air. A rain of arrows hit the sky, causing huge damage in an instant.

Archers and wood elves fell down in droves, making the area covered by the arrow rain form a dead area, as if they were bitten by an invisible giant beast. All the troops in the area fell down and died instantly.

If it were a melee type of third-level or fifth-level troops, the splitting arrow rain would not be able to cause such terrible damage. However, the long-range troops themselves have low health and low defense, and they are fierce in the face of long-range firepower. Only an extremely powerful phantom archer could cause such huge casualties.

After shooting, the phantom archer continued to open his bow and fired another round of arrow rain.

This was a critical round of arrow rain because the area covered by the arrow rain suddenly hit. Extending a few meters in front, the opponent's assembled long-range troops were included in the shooting range.

Facing the long-range firepower of the phantom shooter, these assembled long-range troops were severely damaged.

Under normal circumstances, when the long-range troops were attacked by the enemy's long-range troops. , of course, it can fight back.

But the phantom shooter relies on its range to be a little farther than the opponent, creating a small one-sided shooting area.

In other words, as long as this distance is maintained, the phantom shooter can attack the opponent, but the opponent has no way to fight back. Because the retaliatory arrows can't reach the phantom shooter at all, it may only be a few meters away, but this distance is completely different.

That's why it is said that range is the most important attribute of long-range arms, even more important than damage. As long as the damage is not too low and the range is stronger than the opponent's, then you have a one-sided advantage.

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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