
Of course there will be performances in the pub, and each has its own characteristics.

The dance of the snake people, the poetry of the elves, the organ of the winged people, there are countless different racial characteristics.

Players have appeared in the heroic world for hundreds of years, and the major races are no longer strangers to them, at least not afraid of them, and they have come into contact with them even when they were rejected, so some aboriginal people began to come into contact with them.

The people who come here are generally not big shots, they are all low-level professionals, because the drinks here are cheap and the atmosphere is warm.

However, there will also be a lot of valuable information here, so many forces will send manpower.

Moreover, the tavern is also an information station, and ordinary information can be purchased for a certain amount of money, which is an open secret.

In particular, commissions such as dirty work are usually received and commissioned from taverns.

It's just that these secrets are secrets to ordinary people, but they are not secrets to some people.

"Welcome, what would you like to drink?"

A male waiter holding a tray came up and asked if he was working part-time.���The descendant.

The time flow rate in the heroic world is five times that of the real world, which also means that working in the heroic world is more rewarding. If it were not for the limited time each time, it would be most cost-effective to work in the heroic world all the time.

As for the income gained from working, most of it is used to improve one's own strength, or to hire someone to help level up.

After level 50, you can let the template affect the earth world itself.

It can not only improve your strength, but also increase your lifespan. It’s no wonder that everyone wants to upgrade. Even professional logistics players will find ways to hire someone to upgrade them if they have money.

One of the most important financial resources of major trade unions and mercenary groups is to help people upgrade.

It is precisely because asking people to help upgrade requires money that players will not miss any opportunity to make money. It is not surprising that there are a huge number of workers. Not everyone is suitable for fighting.

"Find us a place there!", Falina pointed to a place where tables were crowded with people

"Sorry...Okay, I'll arrange it right away!"The waiter in a black and white uniform was originally ready to refuse, but Falina knew these things too well. The steward next to her stepped forward and handed over a small bag of gold coins.

Hundreds of gold coins were exchanged for Xia Yuan. More than a thousand, this kind of money is enough to make a place. The reason why he didn't give more is not because he didn't have the money, but because he didn't want to be taken advantage of.

Otherwise, let alone more than a thousand, even one million gold coins would be thrown away by Falina..

For her, as long as the relationship between the two parties can be brought closer, money is not an issue at all. The problem is that she has no place to spend money.

At the beginning, her net worth was only a few million gold coins, but now she has hundreds of millions. The gold coins and shares in the Feida Group are all things she earned because she was in her lap. In this case, how could she be stingy with money as long as she could help with things?

But she also spent money. Pay attention to the method, regardless of spending money, you are stupid and nouveau riche.

One hundred gold coins is in line with the consumption price of this tavern, and it will not make people think that they are fat sheep.

Sure enough, a table near the wooden bar. The tables and chairs quickly unfolded.

Money is not everything, but having no money is absolutely impossible. This is shown at this time.

"According to the habits of that team, they should be arriving soon, and the team they are familiar with is also here!", Falina explained why she chose to come here.

Since she is helping with things, she will do her best.

"Um!", Lilith did not say thank you. In the past, the two parties only had a purely transactional relationship, so naturally they had to be more polite. But now that both parties are considered allies, there is no need to be so polite.

But before the target arrives, trouble comes.

Because Whether it is Farina wearing a vibrant outfit or Lilith, who looks mysterious and seductive in a cloak and veil, they are very eye-catching and will naturally attract some flies.

"Two beauties, I wonder if I would be honored to treat you to a drink!"This is a handsome young man. He is wearing equipment. Just by looking at the style, you can tell that it is not from a store. It should be tailor-made.

"Feel sorry!"Falina didn't say much, and directly took out her gorgeous firearm and put it on the table.

Most people have firearms, but their power is pitiful. They are usually used to allow themselves to have long-range attacks, but also to To make up for the output.

The price of high-end firearms is astonishingly expensive.

They are hand-made, made of precious materials, and have special ammunition. The girl who can afford this kind of firearm is not someone he can afford, so when this young man saw this gun. The gun withered in an instant.

Just like in the earth world, when a man approaches and the girl puts the keys to a multi-million sports car on the table, it seems that the boy will retreat. Lin Feng had been dealing with this kind of thing for a long time, so he understood the most trouble-free and efficient way.

Lin Feng kept looking at the door of the tavern, anticipating the arrival of his target.

He was determined to get the parts of this divine weapon. There may be some twists and turns on that one at the meeting, but this one is a part that can be harvested easily.

""Here we come", Falina whispered.

A team walked into the tavern.

This is a very common adventure team, consisting of warriors, archers, and assassins. There are not many mage players because they have rare spells, high bursts, The shortcomings of weak ability to continue fighting, coupled with the fact that it takes a long time to recover after consuming magic power, so the chance of appearing in the adventure team is very low, and the number of priests is even pitiful, much less than the number of mages, so there are none. Normal situation.

There are five people, including men and women, and their faces are full of pride and confidence.

If they dare not work to earn money and hire someone to guide them, but choose to work hard on their own, of course they will be proud and confident. There are advantages and disadvantages, and there is no right or wrong. One is fast and risky, and the other is time-consuming and not risky.

However, most people will choose to work hard on their own, and leveling up is all on their own, because they have to hire someone with money. Leveling up would take too long, and many people couldn't afford to wait.

After a quick glance, the five adventurers immediately walked over to the tables next to Lin Feng and the others, because their adventure team had another goal, and that was. Looking for someone to go on an adventure with, this familiar adventure team was the one they wanted to invite.

After the team came over, they didn't talk about business immediately, but kept bragging about the mystery of the ruins. It's not small, Lin Feng and the others can hear it clearly, and in such a noisy tavern, you can see how loud it is. It's not surprising that the other party has no sense of confidentiality because of things like ruins and treasures.

Almost everyone in the team has experienced it. Sometimes places where goblins have lived are said to be ruins, and a few broken boxes can be said to be treasures, but no one will take them seriously.

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