However, a small number does not mean that the combat effectiveness is weakened, because the main combat effectiveness of their team is two underage dragons and a team of snake monsters.

Not to mention the snake demon team. With the long sword swung, as long as you can get close, even the ace creature may not be able to please.

As for the two giant dragons Lin Feng and Lux, even if they are not adults, their combat power will definitely be stronger than that of ordinary ace creatures. Together, they are definitely a formidable fighting force.

It's a pity that Lin Feng's condition is not at its peak, otherwise his combat power will definitely be more terrifying. Fortunately, Lux is not only stronger, but also in full condition, which is enough to make up for Lin Feng's lack of combat power.

"There's something strange about this area ahead.…!", Gao Min softly introduced the information ahead.

This was their first target and an area that had been roughly scouted by Ghost Team.

The white snow that has never disappeared on the ground is getting less and less as we advance, and the sky is filled with dark clouds, as if this dead space is not the same place as the Dragon Kingdom.

"This may not be the Kingdom of Dragons anymore!", Lin Feng suddenly said. He felt that the extremely rich energy that made his body feel comfortable dissipated, and was replaced by another rich energy.

If the previous energy was beneficial to him, at this time This energy was different, eroding him all the time, as if it wanted to turn him into something else.

"It is death energy, and the stronger the vitality, the greater the impact. No wonder no adult dragon can go out. In our case, we must leave after staying for up to five days. If we don’t want to become an undead creature!" Lux had more knowledge and gave the answer directly.

If there is a dragon country, it will naturally have inheritance. The dragon egg only brings some instincts, such as dragon language, and does not include a large number of legendary spells, history, etc. thing

"I see!" Lin Feng also understood what this cold energy was, and at the same time he also understood why the surrounding area changed from the snow to the land of the undead.

Yes, the land of the undead!

The dry branches, hills, and black ground were covered with bones, among which there were... Big and small, it's like entering the realm of Hellesh Cemetery. Click!

The sound of bones colliding. Since it is the land of the undead, it is impossible to miss the classic monsters. This is the most common thing in the land of the undead. The white bones of different shapes began to move slowly.

"Priestess doesn't need to take action, the snake demon team disperses around the team, and the remaining people pay attention to their defense!", Zhao Qingye commanded quickly.

This is the Priestess's home court, so you can't do anything rashly.

It is indeed the home court, because the power of the Holy Light of the Priestess is a treatment for living beings, but it is the strongest poison for the undead. It is still the kind of ignorance. A type that starts with defense and doubles damage.

Therefore, in this place, the Priestess instantly becomes a super output, but the prerequisite is to protect herself and not run out of treatments.

That is because of the upgrade from Priestess to Priestess. The number of treatments has been greatly increased, otherwise the number of treatments would have been used up a long time ago. There are still about 20 times left , ignoring physical defense + doubling the damage.

This is how terrifying the Priestess is when facing undead creatures, so it is said to be the best. Home field.

When encountering those powerful undead creatures, as long as the Priestess heals the opponent at the same time, it is definitely a super killer.

Therefore, it is not surprising why Zhao Qingye keeps the Priestess under protection and does not need to take action. The number of times the weapon can be used is limited, so it is best to use it on targets that are not easy to kill.


The snake demon swings the sword in his hand like a sword storm, smashing any undead creature that comes close to it with the lethality of the snake demon at this time. It is said that even the elite units cannot withstand one sword, and the core units cannot withstand a few swords. They have entered the rhythm of the output ceiling. In a frontal strangulation battle, they are invincible below the ace level.

Of course, it is only a frontal strangulation, facing the Cyclops Expedition. Attacks, knight charges, etc. still require kneeling.

Facing ordinary undead creatures, no fighting skills are needed at all.

No matter how many undead creatures are, there is no way to get close.

There are also players of the Garden Soldier type, and they are very difficult to deal with, so how to deal with undead creatures is no stranger to players.

The biological strength has increased, but there is still no difference when facing the snake monster.

Of course , the snake monster will not be so exaggerated in the hands of other heroes, but Lin Feng is not an ordinary hero.

He is a legendary hero and the strongest hero template known.

In other words, if Lux dares to fight a snake demon in close combat without flying or using magic, she will definitely be chopped into pieces. This is especially true for Lin Feng himself. Of course, flying in the air and using dragon breath can naturally solve the problem easily. Snake demon.

Soon, a strange black building appeared in front of them.

"It looks like a mausoleum!"

As a tactical commander, Zhao Qingye naturally needs to know something about miracle buildings, so he can recognize what appears in front of him at a glance.

There are also some reward-type miracle buildings in the Hero World, which are various types of one-time treasure houses. The same goes for mausoleums One of the treasure houses, as long as you can pass it, you can get a lot of benefits, and the rewards will definitely not disappoint, ranging from gold coin resources to large strategic treasures.

The guardians and rewards of various treasure houses are different. The most shocking thing is the Griffin Treasure House.

The reason is simple, because it can be given the thirteenth level angel!

It also has another title!

It can be said to be the pinnacle of military strength. It is a pity that the Griffin Treasure House is occupied by the major indigenous forces. At the same time, they are constantly monitoring the place. As long as the Griffin

Treasure House appears, the other party will kill them immediately.


Although these things are extremely limited, it is definitely not a problem to get the refresh information of the Griffin Treasure House within the known range. If the player wants to get the champion unit, there will be a greater chance of getting it. As for this


No one knows, anyway, Lin Feng is inclined to have it, because without it, how can players stand in the heroic world?

The harvest from the mausoleum is usually resources and gold coins, and there are also strategic treasures, which are not fixed.

Because it is related to the surrounding environment, just like if it is surrounded by an area with many strategic treasures, the probability of strategic treasures appearing in it is high. If it is surrounded by a desert, the chance of good things appearing is low.

Lin Feng asked Falina to lead people to guard the outside. Step forward and touch the mausoleum with your right hand.

This treasure house-shaped miraculous building is not a trap. Of course, it will not be triggered when you see it. You must have a hero to trigger it.

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