
He roared towards the Bone Undead, not only to buy time for Falina, but also to deal with Li Ming and the force behind him, that is, Li Tianxing of the Sea King Li family.


Colliding into the skeletal undead whose body was more than twice as big as his own, the weight and acceleration directly knocked his opponent over, and the two sides started fighting.

When two such huge creatures fight, it affects the innocent people around them. No one can say that they are going too far, right? , so he was knocked away by the opponent's claw during the battle, and his body just enveloped the retreating Li Tianxing team.

"no, do not want!"

The voice sounded, but Lin Feng, whose body was being pushed away, naturally wanted to be able to help. He didn't want to, but he couldn't help it.


After hitting the ground, he rolled a few times to ensure that nothing slipped through the net..

If it were other forces, he would certainly not be able to do this intentionally, but if the other party was the Sea King Li family, the situation would be different. Of course, he would be ruthless, although the death of the hero world would only result in the loss of templates, not real losses. Death, but it is also a tragic loss. Because the level is cleared once death occurs, it will also happen if the hero has no territory.

It is not difficult for them to re-level, but the time and energy consumed will not be small.

The other party's words can be regarded as venting his anger for Zhao Qingye, because he promised to make Li Ming and the Sea King Li family pay enough, and now it can be said that they are just collecting interest.

If it weren't for the complicated situation here, maybe Lin Feng would create it. An opportunity for Zhao Qingye to kill.

Lin Feng was not worried that no one would come to take the God-given God, because he knew that Lilith would definitely pay attention to the battlefield, so he immediately lured the bones of the undead away as he expected. A figure emerged from the void and carefully picked up the God-given head.

Gao Min!

She has the shadow ability and is really suitable for this situation. She doesn't have to worry about anyone focusing on her, which is good. Able to arrive as soon as possible.

In the dragon's lair, Lux fell from the sky and stood in front of other players, causing them to despair.

‘It's too much, and it's so shameless! '

These players looked at the huge white dragon in front of them and already wanted to curse, because they were fighting for things and let a white dragon intervene. This directly showed that they were not allowed to play.

But no one yelled.

Because they abide by the rules of the game and do not attack directly, but only hinder them. If you are not happy, don't play. If they really don't follow the rules, then they will lose even more miserably.


Lux directly sent a signal after the flaming strategic treasure fell into Farina's hands.

Therefore, Lin Feng, whose body was already stained red with blood due to the fight with the opponent and whose blood volume was running low, did not dare to stay any longer and immediately spread his wings and flew.

Of course the Bone Undead will give chase.

It was just that the continuous golden light appeared, causing huge damage to him again and again, leaving him no time to take care of Lin Feng who spread his wings and took off, otherwise he would not be able to leave in front of him after landing.

This is the role of the Priestess, using her own sacrifice to cover the retreat!

In this case, Lin Feng and the others would of course be able to retreat smoothly, but an accident occurred.

"The opponent has a drawing of the one-eyed cave's lair!"

Farina suddenly pointed at a guy who was secretly hiding the scroll. The guy just picked up the drawing from her side, and she happened to be recognized by her who was proficient in identification.

"What!" Lin Feng heard the news just after he took off, and even the speed of flapping his wings was a few minutes slower.

The One-Eyed Cave is an ace-level lair that can recruit Cyclops!

Needless to say how precious it is.

The entry standard for top heroes It is a team's ace unit, and it is also something that heroes dream of. Until now, there is no ace unit nest in the player's territory, which shows how difficult it is to get it.

But now there is one in front of you, how can you not. It's shocking.

Although it is the blueprint of Cyclops's trump card, it can be exchanged with the indigenous forces. Although the major indigenous forces will tacitly block the harvest of high-level blueprints by the descendants of the Earth, they will not reject this exchange. That is to say, possessing this Cyclops Lair blueprint is almost equivalent to harvesting the blueprint of any of its factions, although it requires risking to redeem it.

For Lin Feng, the Ace Lair blueprint contains Lilith, so as long as he encounters the Ace Lair in the wild. They would definitely be able to get the blueprints. Others might not be able to get it even if they demolished hundreds of ace lairs, but for them one was enough.

But if they could get the ace lair in advance, who would refuse, so he spread his wings and headed towards that one. Players pounced, and it didn't matter if they broke up with each other because of the entanglement of interests.

And it was not just Lin Feng who did this, other forces did it more ruthlessly than Lin Feng. The rules that were previously followed by default were no longer known where. All of them were firing. Whoosh!

A figure picked up the drawing from the corpse and disappeared. It was obvious that even with Lin Feng's extremely sharp senses, he still didn't notice the other party.

Shi Linfeng was in a dilemma. He didn't know whether to stay and look for the other party or to spread his wings and leave. He was now seriously injured. Not only did he have a lot of wounds on his body, but even his dragon scales were corroded by the death dragon's breath, and he almost lost his defense ability.


Without much thought, he still made a choice, that is, to withdraw first. If he didn't leave, he and Lacus might have to end up here.

Whether it was him or Lacus, they had to pay for each other to hold them back. The price was so huge that he really had no energy left to continue fighting.

Maybe it was because it was an ace lair blueprint, not a god-given head that he had already obtained.

Otherwise, no matter how high the price was, he would still keep the ace lair blueprint for other territories.

It's just out of reach, but it's not a problem for Lin Feng, because as long as he takes risks in the wilderness, he has a high chance of encountering the trump card's lair, and then he can just ask Lilith to go out and get the blueprints, without having to rely on fate at all.

Falina was very unwilling, because she understood what the trump card lair blueprint represented, but she didn't know Lilith's incredible ability.

It was just that her arms couldn't twist her thighs. Naturally, she couldn't do anything when her backer wanted to retreat, so she immediately raised the issue. Retreating with the flaming sword, it would be a tragedy if the strategic treasure in her hand fell.

Since she was not a hero, she would not be able to get the strategic treasure prompt, so there was no way to check the attributes.

But Falina was sure that the long sword in her hand was. It is very likely that it is not just an intermediate strategic treasure, but may even be a high-level strategic treasure.

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