Lin Feng no longer flies under the tree canopy, so he doesn't have to worry about his wingspan being too wide to pass. When flying above the tree canopy, it doesn't matter how wide his wingspan is.

That is to say, he dares to do this because he is strong, otherwise a large number of monsters will teach him how to behave.

It is not that there were no flying mounts among those players in the past, but it goes without saying what the consequences would be if they flew over the spider forest, especially those human-faced spiders whose webs can be shot out, which is a complete flying nemesis.

It just doesn't work for Lin Feng with the Flame Dragon template.

Because flame is the nemesis of spider webs, and because of his huge strength, as long as he is not hit in large numbers, there is no need to worry about falling. This is also the reason why he can fly in the sky. Even Lux can only fly above him, and he can help resist the human face. Spider attack.

If you fly at high speed throughout the whole journey, you will reach the two-way monument in about ten minutes.

After almost ten days, the territory has not changed much. At this time, the World Tree Territory changes almost every day.

The tall city wall can be seen from a distance. The gold coins invested before were not in vain. They directly wrapped the territory. Now that there is another wave of hell, the city wall can play a very powerful role.

The territory’s defense is terrifying!

This is already a consensus, because the city wall will have rule bonuses.

Those ace-level knights who can easily crash through hills can only crash to death under the city wall, and the city wall can also be slowly upgraded by investing gold coins and stones. As long as you are rich enough, you don't have to worry about insufficient defense.

Players' miracle lands and defenses are built to resist champion creatures.

Although it took countless resources and time to upgrade to this level, it is precisely because of this that no indigenous forces are willing to bite such a hard nut.

No champion creature can be destroyed easily, let alone a unit.

The defense against champion creatures is the standard for the safety of a god-given leader. If there is no such level of defense, it is best to keep a low profile.

Since Lin Feng's territory does not need such a long wall for protection, the investment will naturally not be too high. If he wants to achieve the level of defense against champion creatures, he may only invest a few times more. In comparison, this investment is really not much..

After this period of time, the number of gray elves has increased by nearly a thousand, because those born now are all in their infancy, which means that 99 gray elves will reach adulthood every day.

Anyway, in terms of quantity, there are already a lot of gray elves. It is completely possible to train mages and shadows one after another. The two special professions are too powerful. It would be a complete waste if they were not used. In the past, the number of gray elves was too small. Although there are not many now, but It can also be trained.

Of course, because this is a profession and not a military unit, there is no need to bring your own dry food - no, the good thing about bringing your own equipment is that it all needs to be purchased or manufactured.

For example, the equipment on the Shadow Team.

That is to say, leather armor, daggers, poisons, etc. are of course not born with them, but purchased with gold coins. The gray elves cannot produce these things yet.

Falina spent a lot of energy on those equipments.

In a market where supply exceeds demand, it is not easy to buy high-quality equipment. Without certain channels, it will definitely make you doubt your life.

In the past.

Even though Lin Xi is an elite of Tianhai University, the equipment he wears is only at the level of Youying, which shows how difficult it is to get the equipment.

There is nothing about the equipment in the hero world that cannot be worn. It will be worn out and damaged if used. There is no such thing as continuous use.

The battle also takes a heavy toll on equipment.

Especially when facing monsters with endless abilities, who knows whether the opponent has the ability to cause damage to the equipment.

In general, for a professional player, that is, a full-time combat player who spends most of his time in the heroic world, it is absolutely basic to consume a few sets of equipment a year, less unless you are the type who has a lot of dodge skills.

Players in the Earth World will all enter the Hero World. Given how terrible the demand is, it is natural to conclude that supply will always exceed demand.

For some high-end players, they will always have several sets of equipment on their body. Which equipment to use in battle is completely necessary. If you wear those high-end equipment while leveling, even if you don't know how to maintain it, the wear and tear will make you cry..

Therefore, the consumption of equipment by earth players directly accounts for most of the income, plus other expenses. Unless you are a part-time player, it may be normal to make ends meet.

The market for food, equipment, consumables, and pharmaceuticals is huge, and if you have the goods, you don't have to worry about no one buying them. This is definitely an industry that Lin Feng will enter in the future.

Because he has Gray Elf in hand, he wants to get a lot of gold coins. Naturally, he cannot always sell his troops and become a mercenary. Trading of these basic materials is the most stable source of income.

Compared with other ways, the unit price of these basic materials is not high, but the quantity is king, and this is why major labor unions make money.

Of course, it will take some time for the gray elves to explode in production. The number of gray elves now is only a few thousand, not even 10,000.

Lin Feng and Lux slowly landed in front of the city gate

"what is that?", Lux looked at the World Tree in front of her. The huge World Tree may be nothing in terms of height. There are countless trees above 100 meters in the Hero World, but it is rare to see such a huge open crown, let alone Still full of rich breath of life

"world Tree!", Lily answered without any hesitation, even leaving Lin Feng unable to think of an excuse.

In fact, Lilith has already seen clearly, and there is no need to doubt Lux's loyalty, because the effect of the Dragon Lord has deeply affected the other party. This It can be seen from the fact that the other party is willing to leave their hometown and follow them to leave the Dragon Kingdom.

"Was it originally called World Tree?", Lux sighed softly, and followed them through the city gate and entered the interior.

The city wall's air confinement ability did not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves, so they could not fly directly to the World Tree like the first ones.


A high-pitched cry sounded, and then There was the sound of something running on the ground, and the red figure rushed over quickly and rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

"Not the enemy!", Lilith's voice made Lux, who was about to take action, retract her claws

"Zhizhi?" Lin Feng now weighed almost thirty tons and had a huge body. He easily withstood the impact and remained motionless. However, he was a little confused about the identity of the person who came.

It's not that there was something wrong with his memory. In fact, the wingspan of his head was just that before. About two meters tall, the little guy who was even bullied by seabirds grew like he was on hormones.

At this time, he was almost four meters tall at the shoulder, which meant that he was taller than an elephant when he was on all fours. How could he not let people down? I wonder if I am just looking at it.

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