Invincible In the Beginning

Chapter 234 Breakthrough, the ancient emperor of the extreme way!

Chapter 234 Breakthrough, the ancient emperor of the extreme way!

At an altitude of hundreds of thousands of miles in the Nine Heavens Region, Ye Xin confronted the ancestor of Xinghe.

Terrifying power, constantly colliding and fighting in the void.

Below, is the Nine Heavens Territory Continent, which has become a mess and chaos.

"Then let's go to war, stop talking nonsense here, my king's time is really precious."

An extremely terrifying domineering light burst out from Ye Xin's eyes, shattering the void in front of him.

If you Hongtian Temple wants to kill Lao Tzu, just come here.

See one and kill the other, and finally see who is the worst.

Arrogant and domineering momentum erupted from Ye Xin's body.

"Okay, you are so eager to die, I will help you now."


The ancestor of Xinghe stretched his thick arms into the Xinghe hanging in the sky.

Then, a star-studded mirror was drawn out of it.

Exuding terror and supreme coercion.

"This is my treasure, the upper-middle-grade ancestral artifact Galaxy Mirror, and it is also a famous killing treasure among the heavens and myriad worlds."

The ancestor of Xinghe said slowly.

The Galaxy Mirror is said to be an ancestral artifact created by condensing three thousand galaxies.

The power is astonishing, destroying the world.

It is the treasure that the ancestor of Xinghe became famous for.

Therefore, you must watch the ancestor of Xinghe approaching

Whether it is the ancestral artifacts in hand, or the ancestral techniques and secret techniques cultivated, they are not of the same level.

Naturally, the combat power is much stronger than him.

"I didn't expect the ancestor of Xinghe to escape directly from the mirror of Xinghe. It seems that King Ye Shen is in danger."

The people watching the battle all around seemed to have great faith in the strength of the ancestor of Xinghe.

Really, the fame of Xinghe Shengzu and Xinghe Baojing is too great!

"For the sake of the younger generation. As long as you can catch my three moves, I will leave, and I will not attack you anymore."

The booming sound of the Galaxy Sacred Ancestor was in the midst of the shock.

As a top expert standing in the heavens and worlds, he has his own arrogance in his heart.

If Ye Xin's threat wasn't too great, he wouldn't bother to attack a junior who had cultivated for less than 100,000 years.

This is so disgraceful.

"Come on, this king also wants to see how big the gap is with the well-known Galaxy Sacred Ancestor."

Without fear, Ye Xin held the Eternal Excalibur, which had been upgraded to the level of a middle-grade ancestor weapon, and turned into a stream of light, rushing towards the ancestor of Xinghe.

"This first trick, Xinghe Aurora, is ready..."

Seeing Ye Xin coming to kill, the Xinghe ancestor showed a smile, and he did it in an instant.

I saw a beam of galactic light that was tens of thousands of kilometers long shooting out of the galaxy mirror in his hand.

Dazzling and powerful.

The range of a billion trillion kilometers was shaken by his move, and countless voids were gasified and turned into particle streams, rolling.

"Immortal War Demon!

Rumble! ! !

Suddenly, endless demonic energy rolled out of Ye Xin's body.

His entire physical body began to swell, directly surpassing the height of a million feet, and turning into a huge body of a demon god.


The surging and majestic magic power continued to erupt, tearing the void around Ye Xin.

Another secret technique on the Divine Ability Orb.

Turning the god into the body of an indestructible war demon, greatly improving its own power.

"What? Ye Shenwang has mastered a terrible secret technique, and turned into a

"Black hole devours!"

Ye Xin will explode with all his strength, and swing the Eternal Excalibur in his hand directly forward, distorting time and space, and creating a huge vortex.

Rumble! ! !

In an instant, an extremely terrifying energy erupted, smashing everything between the heaven and the earth.

The power is so great that everyone who watched the battle was shocked.

huh huh~

When the tens of thousands of kilometers long star river aurora came to kill.

Instantly swallowed by the black hole vortex, consumed, and disappeared without a trace.

This move is Ye Xin's defensive move, which opens the space-time black hole and swallows all attacks.

Moreover, Ye Xin was also affected by the violent force and retreated thousands of kilometers.

"Hehe, I underestimated you for taking my first move so easily."

"Based on your defensive method, there are not many people in the heavens and worlds who can take your life."

The Ancestor of Xinghe was slightly surprised, he did not expect Ye Xin to take over Xinghe Aurora with ease.

However, he was not discouraged, after all, there were two more powerful nirvana.

"Let's take my second move. Using this move, I once killed a fourth-order holy ancestor in seconds. It is one of my strongest ancestral secrets."

The booming sound entered Ye Xin's mind.

The ancestor of Xinghe made another move.

I saw him sign the handprint, and the galaxy hanging in the sky flew together immediately.

Then in the sky, it condensed to form a galaxy world.

Filled with dazzling light, it is constantly flickering.


With the wave of the ancestor of the galaxy, the extremely huge galaxy world, carrying endless power, directly smashed at Ye Xin.

It was as terrifying as smashing a vast world at Ye Xin.

"God and Demon Map, defend!"

Ye Xin's expression froze, and he went up to the fight.

Divinity and demonic nature are intertwined, forming a map of gods and demons in front of you.

The map of gods and demons can be attacked and defended.

It is the most powerful move in "One Thought God and Demon" created by Ye Xin.

At the same time, the weapon god orb transformed into a middle-grade defensive ancestor artifact, and defended the galaxy world together.


The map of gods and demons and the world of galaxies collided.

The power of destroying heaven and earth erupted, shocking billions of trillion kilometers.

The Nine Heavens Territory Continent below was shattered into unparalleled fragments, floating in the chaotic turbulence.

huh huh~

The terrifying aftermath of energy also charged towards Ye Xin with unstoppable force.

This shock wave made Ye Xin a little hard to resist.

Ye Xin felt that he had sacrificed the eternal emperor's decree.

"This is the Eternal Emperor's Order!"

In an instant, he was recognized by everyone present.

They were all astonished to the extreme.

Seeing the order is like seeing the empress, and can mobilize all the power in the eternal kingdom of God.

Including the ancestors of the giant spirits and the ancestors of Fengxing, they all have to obey orders.

The people who watched the battle were so envious that they would die.

The Eternal Kingdom of God, looking at the heavens and the world, all belong to the existence of giants.

King Ye Shen basically stood at the pinnacle of power.


A wave of godless power belonging to the empress rushed out of the eternal imperial decree in an instant.

The terrifying Diwei instantly canceled out that terrifying impact force.

" actually have a middle-grade defense ancestor weapon, and even the eternal imperial decree that controls the power of the eternal kingdom of God is in your hands."

"Hahaha, it seems that the Eternal Empress treats you very well, even treating you as the closest person."

The ancestor of Xinghe was a little surprised, he didn't expect the Eternal Emperor Token to be in the hands of Ye Xin.

"Very well, this third move, I haven't made a move in ten chaotic eras. You actually forced me to use it, I can be proud of it."

"Once upon a time, I used this trick to kill the ancestor of Taiyuan, a fifth-level ancestor."

"Now, your hole cards should be exhausted, haha, let's see how you take my move."

The ancestor of Xinghe laughed loudly.

"What? The ancestor of Xinghe is going to use his strongest move?"

Hearing this, the faces of many spectators changed drastically.

That move was terrible.

"Quick, quick, we feel that we should step back a little bit, otherwise our lives are in danger."

When the power of the creator Xinghe ancestor's move sounded, they were frightened and panicked, and quickly turned into streamers, desperately staying away from the battlefield.

"King Ye Shen, prepare yourself for death, hahahaha, no matter what, you won't be able to accept this move."

The ancestor of Xinghe said sternly.

"Oops, that bastard, the ancestor of Xinghe, actually wants to use that trick."

The ancestor of the Giant Spirit, who was fighting fiercely with the Tianpeng Saint King, became impatient.

With that move, he didn't have any confidence in Ye Xin.

Think dead.

That move shocked the sky, ghosts and gods wept, and the sky fell apart.

However, the Holy King Tianpeng held him back, and there was no way to save him.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, God King Ye, accept the fate of death."

At this time, Saint Ancestor Xinghe began to make handprints, using his strongest move.

After the handprint was completed, his right hand instantly fell into an endless vortex of darkness. .

In the endless dark vortex, there is a terrifying power that makes the soul tremble.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of dazzling white light emanated from his left hand, dazzling to the limit.

One black and one white, two vortexes containing extreme power were fused together by him.

Rumble! ! !

In an instant, an extremely terrifying fusion force was generated, forming a galaxy of energy, rushing frantically towards Ye Xin,

Wherever it passed, everything was instantly destroyed and disappeared.

In comparison, the Galaxy World just now is several times stronger.

It seemed that this move could shatter the entire Hongtian Realm.

Even if it's a long distance away.

However, the spectators felt suffocated for a while.

Then, this time, Ye Xin did not move forward as he did the previous two times, and took a shot to resist.

Instead, he stood without understanding, waiting for Hong Lai, the ancestor of Xinghe, to attack him with this terrifying move.

"Sigh, Ye Shenwang seems to know that he is invincible, and has given up resistance."

"The monster that is invincible in the world just fell like this."

Seeing that Ye Xin had no intention of resisting, everyone thought he had given up struggling.

After all, the strongest move of the ancestor of the galaxy is really too strong.

"Ye Xin!"

The smoke rushed into the heart like water and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

When she was in despair, she seemed to see the scene of Ye Xin's fall.

"Oops, why did Ye Wang give up resistance?"

The ancestor of the giant spirit became angry, let out a roar, and sent the holy king of Tianpeng flying with a punch.

"Hahaha, giant spirit, the evildoer of your kingdom of God is finally about to fall."

The Holy King Tianpeng laughed.

Rumble! ! !

The destructive energy directly penetrated Ye Xin's body, making the world tremble.

The violent impact even caused huge natural disasters in dozens of nearby domains.

Then, at this time, everyone watching the battle was dumbfounded.

The ancestor of Xinghe was even more dumbfounded, shocked to an unparalleled degree.

"What!" He, who had always looked calm, opened his mouth wide open.

This move has killed the fifth-order holy ancestor Taiyuan holy ancestor.

However, Ye Xin appeared in front of him unscathed.

And, still without any resistance.

God, how could such a thing happen!


"How could he be unscathed? Even if the Holy King gave up his resistance in the face of my move, it would still be enough to seriously injure him."

"What the hell is going on here?"

The ancestor of Xinghe couldn't believe it, and was even extremely puzzled.

" did you manage to stay unscathed?"

The ancestor of Xinghe asked Ye Xin.

"Hehe, why did this king tell you?"

Ye Xin smiled cheerfully.

Breaking through to the Emperor of Heaven by myself, the Immortal Body has naturally improved a lot.

I'm afraid that only a powerhouse like the Eternal Empress has the chance to pose a threat to him.

This is also the confidence that Ye Xin dared to run out when His Royal Highness Hongtian went to the heavens to chase and kill him, knowing that it would be unfavorable to him.

Otherwise, he would definitely hide in the Eternal God Realm and go out after breaking through to the Supreme Saint Ancestor Realm.

"Since you have accepted my three moves, I will keep my promise and will not attack you anymore."

The ancestor of Xinghe said, and then put away the Xinghe that filled the sky, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Let's go? You actually chose to take this king's life, can you go away easily?"

Suddenly, Ye Xin said that he left the ancestor of Xinghe.

"Hehe, what else do you want, God King Ye? Do you still want to kill me?"

The ancestor of Xinghe focused his eyes, emitting a terrifying starlight.

Although it was a pity not to kill Ye Xin, it was impossible for him to kill himself.

He still has this confidence.

"Yes, I just want to kill you."

"This king once swore that anyone who wants my life will be killed forever!"

Ye Xin showed cruel eyes and said coldly.

"Hahaha, what a joke, if you want to kill me, you can't do it now."

The ancestor of Xinghe smiled angrily.

This kid really wants his life.

Too presumptuous.

"Hahaha, with the strength of your current cultivation, it is naturally impossible for this king to take your life."

"However, as long as you break through to the Ancient Emperor's amazement, killing you is easier than crushing an ant."

Ye Xin suddenly laughed domineeringly.

"Hmph, did the Ancient Emperor Ji Dao break through just as you said? Besides, what do you use to break through during the battle?"

The ancestor of Xinghe sneered.

"I, Ye Tiandi, can break through even in battle!"

The overbearing and peerless aura radiated from Ye Xin's body, shocking the Heavenly Emperor.

He, Ye Xin, is an invincible evildoer in the world, so what does it matter if he breaks through his cultivation instantly in battle?


In the primordial world, the five million-meter-tall primordial tree radiates the radiance of the Holy Spirit.

On the branches, there are three immortal holy fruits, hundreds of emperor fruits, and countless supreme fruits.

At the same time, it turns into majestic direct energy and injects it into the Hongmeng Dao Tree.

The Primordial Dao Tree, however, keeps growing.

Such a majestic energy is enough to allow him to break through to the Ancient Emperor of Extreme Dao.

"what happened?"

The ancestor of Xinghe frowned.

He suddenly discovered that an extremely majestic energy was flowing in Ye Xin's body.

"Breakthrough, Ancient Emperor of the Extreme Dao!" Ye Xin shouted loudly.

Rumble! ! !

An invincible and terrifying energy burst out from Ye Xin's body and swept the world.

The aura of the ancient emperor of the extreme path rippling the world.

Every breakthrough, Ye Xin is a breakthrough of comprehensive strength.

With every breakthrough, Ye Xin's strength will be improved by leaps and bounds.

In an instant, everyone was shocked!

It's that simple to break through to the ancient emperor of the extreme way?

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