Invincible In the Beginning

Chapter 244 Ten thousand destruction attacks, the ultimate destruction of the sword

Chapter 244 Ten thousand destruction attacks, the ultimate destruction of the sword

"Damn it, why is Ye Xin so strong?"

"Actually dodged the attacks of the three Dragon Demon Demon Ancestors."

The face of Longyuan Sacred Ancestor who was watching the battle became extremely ugly.

"Dragon Demon, the four of you are quick to deal with Ye Xin. This is the territory of human beings, so let's wait for a long time to prevent accidents."

The ancestor of Longyuan transmitted the sound to the four ancestors of different races.

Foreign races came to kill people in the territory of the human race. If they were discovered, they would definitely be mobbed and attacked.

At that time, it will not be easy for their Hongmeng to explain to the many forces of the human race.

After all, colluding with other races to assassinate the same race would be taboo if it were announced.

Moreover, there is a Big Mac at the door, the Humane Ancestral Court.

That is the three emperors who sit in charge, the three holy emperors of the human race.

"We know that now the four of us will attack together and kill Ye Xin."

The four Longmoyaozu echoed back.

It is also a very risky thing for them to come to the territory of the human race, and they hope to complete the task as soon as possible.

Whizzing! ! !

The four supreme ancestors of the alien race all exploded their power to the maximum state.

To kill Ye Xin in the sea of ​​blood,


The power and influence produced by the four top supreme ancestors at the same time.

The huge oppression dared to cause the starry sky to shatter.

"Ultimate death technique!"

Thousands of kilometers long, the Dragon Demon Demon Ancestor hovered with a terrifying figure.

In the boundless starry sky, a huge tornado storm was born.


It opened the dragon's mouth enough to swallow a huge palace.

A mass of super-mass dark matter formed a beam of light and spewed towards Ye Xin.

The terrifying power swallowed all matter into the dark space.


When Hei Yan rushed in front of Ye Xin, there was a huge explosion.

In an instant, the range of hundreds of light years around the explosion was shrouded in the explosion of death.

The terrifying power completely destroyed everything.

"All the darkness is purified under the light."

"Fusion... the light of the celestial pole!"

The Ancestor of Ultra burned up the light all over his body, frantically mobilizing his power of the law of light.

Rumble! ! !

Immediately, with Ye Xin as the center, those who defended for hundreds of light years were completely shrouded in endless golden light.

The golden light has the power to purify everything, and it is extremely terrifying.

It contains the highest comprehension of the light gods to the law of light.

"I'm burning with lust!"

woo woo woo~

Waves of terrifying spiritual power burst out from the body of the Tianyan Sacred Ancestor.

Like the tide, flocking to Ye Xin,

The highest meaning of the law of fire is not to burn outside the body.

Use flames to attack enemies outside the body, at least the path of the law of fire.

The real strongest mystery of fire is to use mental power to stimulate a flame attack.

The internal flame attack on the enemy will make him burn with desire, unable to extricate himself, and explode to death.

"Hey~ human child, die!"

At this time, the Holy Ancestor of the Blood Sea made his first move.

"The bloody vortex!"

Rumble! !

Following the roar of the Blood Sea Saint Ancestor.

The monstrous sea of ​​blood that surrounded Ye Xin began to surge crazily.

A huge bloody vortex was formed.

Immediately afterwards, the bloody vortex began to surge, and began to grow crazily, even surpassing the length of millions of kilometers.

And it continues to expand, endless terrifying energy leaks out, tearing apart the boundless starry sky.

The attack of the bloody vortex is to continuously expand the vortex, accumulate endless power, and wait until it explodes in an instant.

When the time comes, there will be a terrifying power to destroy everything in an instant.

This burst of energy is enough to annihilate everything.

The four top-level alien sixth-order ancestors all unleashed their full combat power.

Just to take Ye Xin's life.

The more evil Ye Xin behaved, the more murderous they would be.

Rumble! ! !

Four attacks, enough to destroy an ordinary Great Thousand World's attack, destroyed Ye Xin's place countless times.

Constantly exuding terrifying power, constantly destroying the place where Ye Xin is.

Destroying once is not enough, they unleash their own attacks recklessly.

All kinds of treasures were used, and they attacked where Ye Xin was.

This kind of attack intensity and frequency, even the Holy King can't stand it.

Ye Xin's defense is extremely strong, and the news that he was intact under the explosion of the galaxy, they naturally knew this information.

In order to prevent Ye Xin from being killed, these four alien races were well-intentioned.

No chance of survival was left to Ye Xin.

Even the ancestor Longyuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, was dumbfounded.

This... these four alien races are simply crazy to the extreme.

If he had been the one under siege, the terror would have fallen by now.

This one sends out the trick over and over again, destroying the same place over and over again.

Who can stand this?

At this moment, the four patriarchs of different races are already a little out of breath, and most of the mana in their bodies will be consumed in the future.

They are almost exhausted.

They feel that in this short period of time, they have released more big tricks than they have released in their previous lifetimes.

Ye Xin's location has been completely illuminated at least 10,000 times.

The energy released can destroy tens of thousands of square worlds.

"Is he supposed to die now?" The Dragon Demon Demon Ancestor said uncertainly.

"He must be dead. The four of us teamed up and destroyed his space at least ten thousand times. How could he still be alive?"

The Holy Ancestor of Blood Sea said confidently.

"I'm exhausted, let's stop and rest for a while."

The ancestor of Otto turned pale.

The dignified sixth-order ancestor, the powerhouse standing at the pinnacle of the chaotic universe,

He never dreamed that he would be exhausted in a day.

"Okay, let's stop."

Sacred Patriarch Tianyan nodded and said.

At this moment, they all looked nervously at the starry sky of hundreds of millions of kilometers that was destroyed by them.

There, it has been completely turned into a stream of particles by terrifying energy.

Although, it is now believed that Ye Xin is dead.

However, they would not be relieved until they saw him die with their own eyes.

Even Sacred Ancestor Longyuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, had his heart beating faster.

At such a high price, he did not hesitate to take huge risks to collude with other races.

If Ye Xin didn't die, he was really desperate to the extreme.

"I didn't feel the breath of the human kid."

"My bright eyes didn't even see the fleshy body of that human boy."

The four alien ancestors smiled secretly.

They worked so hard for so long, they were almost exhausted, and finally killed this kid.

If this human kid is still alive like this, they are probably going to die of depression.

"Great, hahaha, the little bastard Ye Xin is finally dead."

"Sacred Ancestor Black Mist, Sacred Ancestor Xinghe, you two are about to die in peace."

The ancestor of Longyuan became excited all over.

Ye Xin, the greatest threat, finally disappeared before his eyes.

"Mission accomplished, we

"Hmph, next time we meet, we will be eternal enemies."

The dragon monster said coldly.

"Hehehe, who is afraid of whom? At that time, it will not be certain who will win the deer."

Ancestor Otto laughed.

"Hmph, when the time comes, this ancestor will definitely devour you and become part of my sea of ​​blood."

The Holy Ancestor of Blood Sea smiled cruelly.

The common enemy was resolved, and the hostile relationship was restored in an instant.

"I said what are you arguing about there? Don't you know that this is the territory of my human race?"

"Just now you caused such a big explosion, it must have been monitored..."

"Leave quickly, you were really discovered by a strong human race, are you still alive?"

Sacred Ancestor Longyuan said hastily.

He is not concerned with the life and death of these alien races.

It's just that I don't want to leak out the fact that I colluded with other races and harmed my own race.

Otherwise, the ancestor of Longyuan is doomed.

This is a taboo.


The four patriarchs of different races disliked each other, snorted coldly, and prepared to evacuate.

At this moment, an indifferent voice rang in their ears.

"The king is not dead yet, and your mission has not been completed yet, so you left like this?"

I saw Ye Xin walking out from the starry sky where they had just been destroyed with a smile on his face.

" is this possible? The human kid is not dead!"

"Why, why, why didn't he die!"

The four alien patriarchs were completely shocked and let out desperate roars.

not dead!

Under their more than 10,000 destructive attacks, he was still alive.

God, how could this be.

They were completely dumbfounded.

"Why did this happen? Who can tell me why this little bastard Ye Xin hasn't died yet."

The ancestor Longyuan, who was still smiling all over his face, froze in an instant.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xin showed up alive at this time.

"Ah~ What kind of pervert is this, why don't you die!"

The four alien ancestors and Longyuan ancestors all roared frantically.

After working for a long time, I was so tired that I was dying.

In the end, the other party was still intact.

This kind of blow, for them, is really too big, too big.

What drove them crazy even more, and what shocked them even more, was Ye Xin's next words.

"Hahaha, today I would like to thank you all for your 10,000 devastating blows, allowing me to comprehend the strongest swordsmanship in the world."

Ye Xin laughed out loud.

I, Ye Tiandi, not only did not die, but with your help, I comprehended the strongest swordsmanship.

Just ask you, are you angry?

At this moment, Ye Xin finally comprehended the last step in the way of the sword.

His kendo, once again waited for a sublimation.

A huge qualitative change has taken place, and it has entered an incredible realm.

After experiencing tens of thousands of destructive attacks, Ye Xin continued to comprehend his own way of swordsmanship.

Time after time, in the midst of death and destruction, he evolved the so-called swordsmanship in his heart.

It really made him enlightened.

He successfully evolved the Ultimate Eternal Sword Dao into the Ultimate Destruction Sword Dao.

The end of eternity is destruction, utter destruction.

Everything in the world will become the origin and the origin of the universe.

So destruction is also the beginning of mind birth.

The Ultimate Destruction Kendo is the sword way born for the purpose of destroying everything.

Its appearance is precisely to destroy everything in the universe.

The way of the sword triggers the mutation of the flesh.

At the same time, Ye Xin, relying on the Ultimate Destruction Sword, condensed the Primordial Destruction Sword Body, and evolved the Primordial Indestructible Body.

His physical body is already a body of destruction, which is equivalent to having no breath and no entity.

Perception and the naked eye can't sense his existence, and can't see his existence.

He is equivalent to a transparent person.

Of course, this is the state where Ye Xin urged Hongmeng to destroy the sword body, so that all the breath disappeared and he became a transparent person.

In the normal state, there is no difference between him and the previous state.

Relying on this invisibility ability, if Ye Xin went to become a killer assassin, he would definitely be the most peak existence.


After hearing Ye Xin's words, the four strong aliens spat out a mouthful of old blood angrily.

They came to assassinate the human monster Ye Tiandi.

In the end, not only did they not get the job done.

It also indirectly helped him become stronger.

Can this not be annoying?

In their hearts, they are infinitely crazy at the moment.

"Okay, you just gave me the gift of destroying 10,000 times, now it's my king's reward to you."

"This king's swordsmanship is understood because of you, so I will use this strongest swordsmanship to end your lives." Ye Xin said.

He also didn't know how terrifying this sword technique was.

However, it is definitely the strongest combat power he has ever had in his life.

I saw that a destructive and terrifying sword intent suddenly burst out from Ye Xin's body.

Boom~! ! !

The entire starry sky of tens of thousands of light years suddenly vibrated, and countless sword lights appeared out of thin air in an instant, covering the audience.

The destruction of the sword intent seems to destroy the entire chaotic universe and reopen the world.

These sword lights turned into hundreds of millions of sword shadows, centered on Ye Xin, suspended in the starry sky.

In an instant, the territory of hundreds of millions of kilometers turned into a world of swords.

At the same time, it emitted a terrifying aura of destroying everything.

The four alien sixth-rank ancestors instantly showed panic and anxiety.

In this overwhelming, turbulent and majestic sword intent, they felt the suffocation of death.

Most of all, the powerhouse standing at the pinnacle of the chaotic universe has extremely terrifying perception.

The four alien ancestors all understood that the swordsmanship that the human boy had just comprehended could easily annihilate them.

"This... What kind of perverted evildoer is he? In an instant, he comprehended such an astonishing way of swordsmanship."

"This is the strongest sword intent I have ever seen, none of it, absolutely the strongest!"

The four alien patriarchs were stunned.

"What kind of kendo is this? Eternal kendo? But I've seen the female emperor's eternal kendo, and it's much stronger than it."

"Young Ye Xin, you have only practiced for less than 100,000 years. How can you comprehend such a perverted sword that transcends the universe?"

The ancestor Longyuan in the Longyuan Star Realm felt his soul tremble when he saw Ye Xin's terrifying sword intent.

He knew very well that the four Dragon Demon and Demon Ancestors would definitely be swept away and killed on the spot.

"Running, being able to escape, will be our luck."

The four patriarchs of the alien race felt invincible, and without the slightest hesitation, they began to run for their lives.

"Escape? Can you escape the king's sword intent?"


I saw Ye Xin drew out his sword.

I saw the Eternal Excalibur in his hand, slashing towards the four holy ancestors of the foreign race.

There are no fancy moves, just a plain swing of the sword.

However, just this light sword is full of incredible destructive power.

It was so terrifying that it had surpassed Ye Xin's expectations.

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