Invincible In the Beginning

Chapter 246 Soldiers approaching the Ice Star Realm, Dangerous!

Chapter 246 Soldiers approaching the Ice Star Realm, Dangerous!


Suddenly, a terrifying space wormhole appeared in the starry sky in front of Ye Xin.

Ye Xin was ready to fight, staring at the space wormhole that suddenly appeared.

Then, a ten-foot-tall giant came out with a giant ax on his shoulder.

Followed by a normal tall young man in black.


As soon as he walked out of the space wormhole, Ye Xuan shouted happily.

I haven't seen my father for nearly 20,000 years.

Longer than they have ever been apart.

"Xuan'er? How could it be you?"

Ye Xin looked at his son and was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, it was his second son who made him feel like an enemy.

"My master and I passed by this star field and found that there were energy fluctuations from other races, so we rushed over to check the situation."

"I happened to see my father kill four top-level sixth-order ancestors of foreign races with one sword. Haha, it's so exciting."

Speaking of this matter, Ye Xuan had a look of admiration on his face.

As a son, I am proud to have such a father.

"Are you the master?"

Ye Xin concentrated and looked at the Great Axe King.

"Father, this is the famous Great Axe King, and also Xuan'er's master."

Ye Xuan understood, and quickly introduced it to his father.

"What? It turned out to be the Holy King of the Great Axe, who has long admired his name."

Ye Xin was surprised for a while, and quickly saluted the giant ax bearer.

As the God King of the Kingdom of God, he has read many records about the chaotic universe.

For the top powerhouses in the chaotic universe, I have checked their information.

The Great Axe King is one of the strongest under the Three Emperors, as famous as the Eternal Empress.

The power of his axe, ordinary holy kings, may not be able to withstand it.

Unexpectedly, his son was so lucky that he joined the sect of the Great Axe King.

Of course, compared to the Eternal Empress, the Great Axe King is still weaker.

Moreover, after receiving the Grandmist Dao Fruit presented by Ye Xin, the Empress entered retreat for more than 10,000 years.

I don't know if I can break through to the Saint Emperor Realm after the retreat is over.

With her terrifying combat power, if she breaks through to the Holy Emperor, her strength will definitely stand at the peak of the human race.

Overwhelm the Three Emperors.

"Hahaha, with my meager fame, how can I compare to Ye Tiandi's fame now?"

"Kill the Black Mist Sacred Ancestor in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, then break through the Ancient Emperor of the Extreme Way in the battle, kill the Xinghe Sacred Ancestor, and then kill the Yanlong Sacred Ancestor."

"I just killed four top-level sixth-order alien ancestors with another sword."

"It's unbelievable. I never dreamed that such a terrifying evildoer would appear in my human race."

"It's even more unexpected that we are so destined. My only disciple is your son."

The Great Axe King laughed loudly.

The cause and effect of the world is so ingenious.

"It's not a big deal, it's just some insignificant enemies."

Ye Xin smiled modestly.

"Hey, father, you are so humble, and my master is honestly boasting about his achievements."

"The old man killed the Holy King Jinyao with an axe, and he boasted about his achievements in my ears every day. I could hear the cocoons."

Ye Xuan joked. road.

"You..." The ancestor of the giant ax blushed, "Can't you save some face for the teacher?"

"To be honest, I just saw your destructive sword, and I still feel panicked in my heart."

"If it weren't for your low level of cultivation, I feel that a single sword can kill me."

The Great Axe King sighed.

Talented people come out from generation to generation, and one wave is better than another.

"It's all thanks to those four alien races. Without them, I wouldn't be able to comprehend the sword of ultimate destruction."

"Okay, I won't talk to you guys any more. I have something urgent to do and I need to leave immediately."

"From now on, I will talk about the old days."

Ye Xin said goodbye immediately.

Now that Hongmeng is attacking the Ice Star Realm, he must rescue it as quickly as possible.

"Emperor Ye Tian left in such a hurry, did something urgent happen?"

The Great Axe King asked.

"I found Xuan'er's mother. She is in the Frost Star Realm. Now the Hongmeng people are arresting her. I must rush to rescue her."

Ye Xin didn't hide anything, and said.

"What? Found the mother? Now the mother is in danger."

Ye Xuan was anxious and was about to cry.

He is a child brought up by his mother, so his affection for his mother is naturally extremely deep.

Even more anxious than Ye Xin.

"Haha, Ye Tiandi, don't worry, you are not the Supreme Patriarch, you haven't comprehended the laws of the universe, you can't travel through the starry sky, and it takes a lot of time to fly."

"I happen to be in the realm of the Holy King. I will take you directly to the Frost Star Realm, so that you can greatly shorten the time."

"If there is a conflict with Na Hongmeng, I can also help you."

The Great Axe King laughed.

This is the mother of his only disciple, as a master, he must not stand by and watch.

It just so happened that it had been hundreds of chaotic eras that he hadn't fought Patriarch Hongtian.

If there is a chance, he would not mind fighting with Patriarch Hongtian to see who is the strongest.

"That's great, thank you Great Axe King for your kindness."

Being able to quickly resist the Ice Star Realm, Ye Xin naturally would not refuse.

Besides, this Great Axe King is slightly stronger than Hongtian Patriarch.

At that time, I really met Patriarch Hongtian.

I also have a helper.

Although he has comprehended the sword of ultimate destruction, there is still a big gap compared with a top-level holy king like Patriarch Hongtian.

Ye Xin has an arrogant personality and is unwilling to owe favors to others.

He doesn't want others to help him unless necessary.

But for his wife, he is willing to give favors.

"Let's go!"

On the left and right sides of the Giant Axe King, he took Ye Xin and Ye Xuan, tearing apart the starry sky and walking in.

With his Saint King's ultimate strength, it won't be long before he can reach the Frost Star Realm.


Frost Star Realm.

Li Yue'e looked at the starry sky every day, anxiously staring at the news of the third elder.

Confirm whether Ye Tiandi is her husband Ye Xin.

It made her restless, and she didn't enter the retreat and break through the realm of the supreme ancestor.

She really wanted to find her letter.

"Your Majesty, don't be too anxious. You have been waiting for so many years, and you also care about this moment."

At this time, a beautiful woman covered in snow appeared in front of Li Yue'e.

"I have seen the Great Elder."

Seeing the person coming, Li Yuee saluted.

The beautiful woman is the only Holy King who escaped from the Ice God Clan, the Ice and Snow Holy King.


At this time, the Sacred King of Ice and Snow coughed.

"Elder, are you alright?"

Seeing this, Li Yue'e quickly expressed concern.

"Hey, the demonic energy of the dark-born demons in my body cannot be expelled from my body. My injuries will never heal, no matter whether my life is in danger or not."

The Sacred King of Ice and Snow shook his head and said.

"Great Elder, how can I help you expel the devilish energy in your body?"

Li Yue'e asked.

She really wanted to help the Ice and Snow King heal his injuries.

"My devilish qi is the magic sword qi left in my body by the Sword Demon Holy Emperor. Unless there is a holy emperor with comparable strength to him, this magic sword qi can be expelled."

The Ice and Snow King said.

How difficult it is to find a strong man comparable to Sword Demon Saint Emperor.

Even the Frozen Holy Emperor died in the hands of the Sword Demon Holy Emperor.

It is conceivable that even though they are both Saint Emperors, the Sword Demon Saint Emperor's strength is terrifying.

Besides, even if you find such a strong man, let alone ask him to make a move.

It's not even certain whether he can be qualified to meet him.

"Great Elder, don't worry, I will practice hard and reach the realm of the Holy Emperor as soon as possible to help you expel the Qi of the Demon Sword."

Li Yue'e said with firm eyes.

"Come on, you are very likely to reach the realm of the Ice Emperor."

That's right, the Sacred King of Ice and Snow has no hope for Li Yue'e at all.

She has reached the level of the Ice Emperor.

With such strength, there is no way to help her expel the Qi of the Demon Sword.


at this moment.

Waves of powerful fluctuations suddenly spread from a distant place to the Ice Star Realm.

The Holy King of Ice and Snow frowned, watching what happened in the sky.

They can feel that there is a strong malicious evil spirit in this energy fluctuation.

It is the bad comer.

"What's going on?" Li Yue'e also looked at the sky, "I feel that the situation is not good, and my soul trembles involuntarily."

Her strength is far lower than that of the Ice and Snow Sacred King, and her perception is naturally much inferior.

"There is a powerful malicious force descending on our Frost Star Realm."

The Sacred King of Ice and Snow turned slightly pale.

At this time, the entire Ice God Clan members sensed increasingly shallow energy fluctuations.

Whizzing! ! !

At this time, the two supreme ancestors of the six ice gods appeared in front of them.

"Great Elder. Your Majesty, it seems that an enemy is coming."

The Second Elder Hail Saint Ancestor said with an ugly face,

Hail Sacred Ancestor is the sixth-rank Sacred Ancestor after Ice and Snow Sacred King.

The remaining five people are the first-order or second-order holy ancestors.

That battle was too fierce, the powerful supreme ancestors all went to fight desperately, and they were weak, but they were not powerful enough, so they were left behind, enough to escape as fire.

"Go, let's go and see!"

Immediately, nine people flew into the sky.


Suddenly, a huge vortex burst open in the entire sky.

Hundreds of trillions of supreme-level troops and tens of thousands of emperor-level troops came out of the vortex.

The momentum is mighty, the power is shocking.

These are really well-trained troops.

Fighting with the formation, even the ordinary supreme ancestors would have to stay away.

Immediately, these innumerable armies surrounded the entire Frost Star Realm.

Then, the breath merged into one, forming a terrifying enchantment mask, sealing off the Frost Star Realm.

So that none of the creatures inside can escape.


At this time, an even more terrifying aura descended.

Four powerful figures appeared in the void

The first person was wearing a crimson demon armor and holding a blood-red sword.

The ancestor of the magic knife, the sixth-order ancestor, is no less than a sixth-order existence like the giant spirit ancestor.

Among the Hongmeng, the top five big shots.

Commander of this operation.

On the right is a muscular man covered in chains of flames, his breath full of destructive heat.

The fire chain ancestor, the sixth-order ancestor.

On the right is a slender, charming girl in red.

The ancestor of the red tassel, the ancestor of the sixth rank.

The last one was an old man who was as thin as a stick and was about to sink into the ground, his whole body was enveloped by thick black air.

The ancestor of the Rakshasa, the sixth-order ancestor.

The leader of the Demon Sword Sacred Ancestor said mightily: "People from different universes, listen up, you are only allowed to disarm and surrender, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!"

The cold and strict voice resounded through the entire Ice Star Realm.

"My lord, we don't mean to offend, please be clear."

The Ice and Snow King stepped forward and said.

If she hadn't been seriously injured and her strength was greatly reduced, she would never be so polite.

They have been frozen into icemen long ago.

Now, it is best to avoid conflicts.

"Who is Li Yue'e, let's hand her over first."

Hongying Shengzu took out a portrait, looked at the woman on it, and said.

Arresting Li Yue'e is the most important task assigned this time.

Li Yue'e was taken aback for a moment, she was at least an ancient emperor, ever since she became the queen of the Ice God Clan.

Even the Frozen Star Realm has never been out.

How could it attract four sixth-order holy ancestors to arrest him?

I was puzzled in my heart.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and hand over someone, you still have a glimmer of hope to survive, otherwise you will start killing immediately."

The muscular man bound by the chains of flames yelled and scolded him from the sky.

Terrible power came to oppress Ice and Snow Sacred King and others.

"Make a choice quickly!"

The ancestor of Rakshasa coldly shouted, his whole body was full of killing intent.

"Let's hand over people. It's absolutely impossible. Let's fight if we want."

After finishing speaking, he exhaled the aura of his own holy king.

Hope, in order to dispel the intention of this group of people to attack.

Let them hand over Li Eyue, even if they exterminate the clan, it is impossible.

"Hahaha, put away your holy king power, we have already understood your situation."

"A holy king who has been seriously injured is not worth mentioning!"

The ancestor of the magic knife smiled.

The severely injured Ice and Snow Sacred King, he also has the confidence to take her down.

"You guys... speak out loud!"

The Ice and Snow King was angry.

In any case, as a holy king, he also has his own inviolable pride.


A terrifying momentum erupted.

In an instant, the whole world was plunged into a world of ice and snow.

The blizzard was huge.

"Hmph, small tricks!"

The ancestor of the fire chain threw the eight flaming iron chains wrapped around himself at the ice and snow king.


The flame carried on the iron chain exudes energy that corrodes the world.

Completely erode the void where it passes.

bang bang bang! ! !

Both sides displayed earth-shattering supernatural powers, and the entire Ice Star Realm trembled.

However, the ice and snow sage king's body was eroded by the energy of the magic sword, and his strength was greatly reduced.

He was soon entangled by eight iron chains, and some of them couldn't get rid of it.

fell into a disadvantage.

"Elder, let me help you."

Seeing this, the ancestor of Hailstorm turned into a ray of light and rushed directly into the battlefield.

However, as soon as he flew into the air, he was slashed by a knife.

She tried her best to barely escape the knife attack.

Obviously, there is a certain gap between her and the ancestor of the magic knife.

"Hey, since you people from different universes don't know what's good, then we can only kill."

The ancestor of Hongying looked down at the people of the Ice God Clan, and said coldly.

"The army goes out, kill, kill everyone."



The Hongmeng army made a loud killing sound, and swooped down from the sky to kill the Ice God Clan members.

The terrifying coercion stirred up the entire sky.

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