Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1149: Put down that girl

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All the people in the alliance were angry, Zagoli was a member of their alliance, the blood Ying tribe actually robbed people in front of everyone, and they were so straightforward.

"I'll stop him, you go first."

Wu Qixian roared and flew up, ready to block the blood dove for a moment, creating time for Jiyue to escape.

Kang Hu and Guerle snorted, and shot at the same time, preparing to intercept.

Then, Wu Qixian suddenly displayed a strange body technique, and actually got out of the interception of the two.


Kang Hu and Guerle's complexion changed slightly, and Wu Qixian, the old immortal, still has such a hand.

"Do not limit yourself."

Blood Dove glanced coldly at the flying Wu Qixian, flipped his wrist, and shot down. A horrible coercion suddenly swept across the valley, and a thousand-footed **** palm appeared above the sky, which was shot fiercely on Wu Qixian.


Wu Qixian flew out, his face was pale, his body was shot halfway by the **** giant palm, blood dripping.

Only one move, he was so miserable, this blood dove was so terrible.

Jiyue's pupil shrank, when was the blood dove so terrible? Does he have adventures in Xianzun space? Before, he still had the confidence to stand in front of the blood dove for some time, but now, he has no confidence at all.

"Patriarch Divine Prestige!"

"The patriarch is invincible!"

"The patriarch is probably not far away from God's virtual realm."


The immortal cultivators of the blood Ying tribe are very excited one by one. Their patriarch is still so powerful. Why can't the tribe be prosperous?

At the age of the Blood Dove Patriarch, he has such cultivation practice. In the future, even if he breaks through to the God's Virtual Realm, he may have hope.

Blood Dove laughed a lot, and there were some arrogance in the cold eyes. He did have some adventures in the space of the Immortal Venerable. He said that it was a bit exaggerated to break into the virtual realm of God. Took his place.

"Jiyue, you are here to dare to grab people, but you are not afraid to be brave."

Blood Dove looked coldly at Jiyue, the blood flashed, the world was covered with a **** rune, and the whole valley seemed to be immersed in the **** world.

A blood shadow appeared in front of Jiyue in an instant, the blood light in his hand seemed to be able to devour the world.

Jiyue also had a dazzling light on him, he was a fairy-cultivator at the peak-peak of the late Taixuan, and his magical skills were quite extraordinary.

Two terrorist forces collided together, and they battled for hundreds of rounds in an instant.

The light and shadow float above the sky, the power of horror sweeps, and it actually gives the feeling of falling apart.

All the immortals on the ground looked astonishing. The difference between immortals who are also Taixuan Realm was so big that even if they were enveloped by such breath, they all felt a shaky feeling.

Soon, the two men played against each other, and the outcome was divided.

Jiyue was blood-stained, his body was half-dead, and the Yuanshen almost forced was out of his mind.

And Zagoli, who had already fallen into the hands of the blood dove, carried her neck like a chick, and her body's meridians were sealed.

"Jiyue, fight our blood Ying tribe, you are still a little bit, one day, your so-called alliance will be uprooted by me."

Blood Dove glanced at Jiyue lightly. If it were elsewhere, he would definitely kill the leader of the alliance. However, this is the space of immortal venerable dragon, mixed with dragons and dragons, with too many variables, he does not want to grow outside the festival. After all, killing Jiyue is not an easy task. Although it is far from his opponent, it is also troublesome to chase down if he runs away with all his heart.

"let's go."

Blood dove left a word coldly, and grabbed Zagoli flying to the sky, the celestial cultivators of the blood Ying tribe laughed one by one, their eyes full of pride.

People in their alliance? We didn't want to grab it, just grab it. What can you do with me?

A woman who has inherited the ancient immortal repairers will inevitably make their blood Ying tribe flourish again.

All of the Alliance's immortal practitioners gritted their teeth and raged into the sky, hoping to die together with those of the blood Ying tribe.

"Damn it!" Ji Tong clenched his fists fiercely, and had never been so stubborn.

The face of the tiger was so ugly that he was extremely uncomfortable. He only recently agreed not to ask Mo to take care of the Wula tribe, but it turned out that something was wrong.

"Miss Zagoli is Mo's friend. If you take her away, aren't you afraid Mo asked to find your **** tribe?" Hu Xianxue said coldly.

Mo asked about things in Muyang City, which has long been famous, and now there are very few people who do not know that Mo asked this tester.

No one knows, this tester named Mowen is lawless. Not only is he not afraid of the god-cultivator, he is also unfathomable.

Above the sky, the blood dove's figure paused slightly, standing in the air and looking down at the people below.

"The person who killed Fuji and robbed the Rongzhan War Armor should not be asked?"

The blood dove said coldly, about Mo asked this tester, but he knew that few people from Muyang City didn't know this tester.

Originally, he did not associate the Mo question in Moyang City with the Mo question that appeared in Muyang City, but Hu Xianxue said this, but he reacted.

Gellle heard the words, and his face was instantly ugly. Now he feels like he is dreaming.

The man who was chased by him and ran everywhere, when he arrived at Muyang City, he was so terrified!

Same person? Gerle felt that he was completely two people, and it was impossible to connect.

But after that happened, Mo asked to move Muyangcheng by name. He didn't know if it was difficult. He even deliberately investigated to confirm that it was really the same person.

The blood dove looked at the celestial cultivators of the blood Ying tribe. Obviously he was not very clear about such things.

"Mr. Patriarch, Mu Yangcheng's Mo Wen is indeed the Mo Wen who killed Fuqi."

Geerle bowed his fists, and by this time, even if he was unwilling to admit it, he could only say it truthfully.


Blood Dove nodded slightly, and then looked to the Alliance Immortal Cultivators, and said with interest: "I can't think that you, the turtles, can have a relationship with such Immortal Cultivators, but how about that? As a tester, you think he can Back to the last ancient wasteland? Moreover, even if he can go back, this seat is not afraid of him, but it is a pity that he cannot be killed to grab the holy treasure in his hand. "

A person who has never met before can scare the patriarch who lives in the Tangying blood Ying tribe. Although everyone said that the Mo question is very perverted, but who knows that it is not an accident and an exaggeration. After all, Mo Wen's enemies in the Blood Fighting Palace are only a mid-Tai Xuan practitioner, and if he is a Tai Xuan Great Consummator, he would be afraid of one or two.

Moved Mo Wen out and couldn't frighten Blood Dove. The Alliance sighed. They did not have any deterrent effect. After all, Mo Wen is not a cultivator of wasteland, but a tester.

"If you meet Mo Wen, you can ask him to come to me in the future and be here in the end."

Blood Dove laughed disdainfully, and then took the Immortal Cultivator of the Blood Ying Tribe to leave.

However, not long after he flew, he found that an invisible force was shrouded from the air. The force was not fierce, but it was very powerful and flexible, and actually forced him back to the place.

A quiet voice drifted over.

"No need to wait, now you can come and grab my holy treasure."

The voice was as quiet as water, but it echoed in everyone's ear. Immediately afterwards, a figure in white appeared in the sight of everyone. It was a teenager.

"Do not ask!"

"Do not ask brother!"

"Mo ask brother."


All the members of the Union saw the figure, and they were overjoyed. They didn't even think of it. Mo Wen suddenly appeared at this time.

After all, Mo Wen is not a member of the Alliance, and they have no way to send him a distress message.

Immediately afterwards, Sang Yixiao also rushed to the valley and saw the situation in front of her. She was secretly glad to find Mo Wen over.

The **** dove, the old immortal, is actually here. This situation is really fierce.

"You just don't ask?"

When he saw the boy, the blood dove looked slightly dignified. Although he said it was disdainful before, the fool knows that a person who can make God's virtual realm so miserable is definitely not a simple character.

"Put that girl down." Mo Wen glanced at Zakuli in the blood dove's hand and said lightly.

"If you ask me to let me put, let me put it, what kind of thing are you?"

Blood Dove is very uncomfortable to ask this kind of light-hearted attitude. Anyway, he is also a Taixuan Daxian Daxian Cultivator. You are a tester who is not yet a Taixuan Realm, so dare to ignore him so much.

He is very clear in his mind, this Mo question may not be as powerful as the rumor, even if he is really so against the sky, can't he still run?

He runs away, who can stop it, in any case, he can't hand over Zagoli.

"Master Patriarch, this little thing is too unpredictable. I don't need your old man's shot at all, I can destroy him."

Kang Hu sneered, flew to Mo Wen in a flash.

He was already arrogant, how could he put Mo Wen in his eyes, and did not believe that Mo Wen was as powerful as the rumors.

According to the rumors, the big things with sesame seeds can be said to be so big, how can those public opinion believe it ~ ~ Bingtianhusha. "

The world is cold, the cold hits, the sky falls down, and the snow falls, and there is a great momentum of ice.

A huge snow tiger appeared in the air. The tiger exuded terrible coercion, roared fiercely, then stretched out the tiger's claws and patted Mo Mo fiercely.

Compared to the giant ice giant tiger, Mo Wen is like an ant at the foot of an elephant.

However, the horrifying ice tiger claw had not yet fallen, and it solidified in the air.

Then, starting from the tiger's claws, a crack appeared on the giant ice giant tiger, and finally slammed into powder.

At the same time, Kang Hu found that his body was surrounded by an invisible force, which was so vast that it seemed to be connected with the surrounding space, and his body could no longer move, even blinking. When he arrived, he continued to struggle, but he couldn't break away from that horrible force at all.

Mo Wen didn't move a bit from beginning to end, just carrying his hands, his eyes looked coldly at Kang Hu. At the next moment, Kang Hu's body was distorted a little under everyone's appalling eyes, just like being pinched by an invisible giant hand, and then exploded violently, flesh and blood.

What scared everyone was that not only the body, but Kang Hu ’s Yuanshen was squeezed together.

Everyone's heart tightened fiercely, feeling that their breathing was a bit uncomfortable, and the world and earth seemed to be pinched by an invisible force. That kind of feeling was very sullen, just like the space where he was located was crumbling, and it might collapse at any time.

What power is that! It actually gives such a panic feeling.

(To be continued.)

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