Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1229: Ji Wuya's ultimate heritage

The masked woman did not know what secret method was used, she could directly talk about the knowledge of Gu Motian, and found that Gu Motian's soul had already died, but Mo Wen's soul was undergoing an incredible qualitative change.

That kind of change, even she feels uneasy, if you ask him to completely transform, I am afraid it will be quite difficult to kill him again.

The cultivators around me heard the words, and they all looked stunned, what! Gu Motian's soul has been destroyed?

How is that possible!

Once the soul of the Immortal Cultivator is destroyed, the sea will collapse and the vitality in the body will gradually pass away. It is no different from a dead person. So many of them looked at Gu Motian, and no one found Gu Motian dead.

Could it be that they couldn't tell if they were dead or not!

"The soul-cultivator's methods are strange and unpredictable, but other things can't be done, but the soul-cultivator can do it. Mo asked to kill Gu Motian, surely what secret method was used to stabilize his consciousness, and even create a blind eye Pretending to be Gu Motian's breath of soul makes you think that Gu Motian is not dead yet. "

The son of the corpse instantly thought of the problem, and the soul-immortalist does have this incredible method.

Isn't Mo Wen deliberately pretending not to be dead after killing Gu Motian, confusing the middle man to delay time.

"He is not delaying time at all, but is breaking through." The masked woman said coldly.

"Can't ask him to procrastinate anymore, he must be expelled from the sea of ​​knowledge."

"Is he trying to break through the realm? A good Mo asked, really cunning. Although he does not know what realm he is breaking through, it may be a means to resist us, and he must be forced out of the sea of ​​knowledge."

"Hurry up, you can't drag on anymore, before he breaks through."

Everyone looked anxious, but no one came forward to stop it. Everyone wanted others to contribute first.

The death of Gu Motian gave these geniuses a considerable shock. They always thought that they had all kinds of life-saving means. It was not easy for others to kill him.

However, there is a living example in front of me, Gu Motian is dead, and he is still scattered.

Faced with a soul-cultivator, no one would dare to take this risk, who would guarantee that he would not become the second ancient desert sky?

Scorpio's gloomy face, Mo Wen's power has made him feel terrified, he can kill Gu Motian, maybe he can kill him.

"Huh, a bunch of waste."

The masked woman snorted, stepped out, and seemed to be ready to do it herself.

"Su Li, let me go."

Jianqiu whispered, this time, he was ready to shoot himself. At this time, he had realized that this Mo question, and then asked him to toss it down, and finally may lose all.

Saw a flash of sword gas in his eyes, and the endless beam of sword gas exploded instantly.

The next moment, a blazing group of white souls appeared in front of everyone. The blazing light group exuded an endless sharp breath, as if it could cut the world, mountains, rivers, and everything.

It doesn't look like a ray of light, but like a peerless sword.

"Sword Soul!"

"That's the legendary sword soul!"

"Actually Sword Soul"

In the main hall, there was a cry of exclamation, and all the practitioners of the Immortal Cult looked unbelievably at the white cluster of light.

The spirit of sword is a very rare kind of soul. Only sword cultivation can cultivate it. The sword cultivation that can cultivate the spirit of sword is all a big figure in the world. Any one of them is in the world of heaven and earth. The resounding power exists.

No one thought that Jian Qiu had actually cultivated the spirit of the sword.

Sword Soul is essentially a special kind of soul. It has similarities with Thunder Soul, Fire Soul, Skyfire Soul, or Tai Hao Thunder Soul, etc., are all soul bodies that can be born under special circumstances.

But the spirit of the sword soul is far more powerful than the ordinary special soul body. Even in the attack power, it is more powerful than Taihao Thunder Soul.

Sword cultivation that can cultivate the spirit of the sword, the biggest significance is not the strength of the soul, but their talent and perseverance in swordsmanship.

Without talent, without persistent sword cultivation, it is impossible to cultivate sword spirit.

"What a sword autumn, I am afraid that I am far inferior to him in terms of the strength of my soul."

The corpse boy took a breath. Sure enough, there is no vacant person under the prestigious name, no wonder Jianqiu's fame is far greater than him, the gap between him and Jianqiu is no longer a star.

Not far away, the feelings of Han Jue Fairy and Blood Devil are very similar to those of the Heavenly Corpse Master. Jian Qiu not only overwhelmed them in fame, but also far exceeded them in strength. It is worthy of being one of the most magnificent people in the spiritual world in the last 10,000 years. They really cannot compare with such people at present.

Gu Jingman looked at the sword spirit coldly, and the murderous eye burst into his eyes. The **** ancient sword in his hand suddenly burst out a bright light, and he severely cut off the sword soul.

"Your opponent is me."

Blood Devil stood in front of Gu Jingman with a cold face and took the sword light down. This woman dared to attack the swordsman.

"You get me far away."

Gu Jingman was furious, and the blood sword in his hand madly roared the blood devil, which made her anxious, and she died with you.

On the other side, Jianqiu's spirit of sword turned into a sword light, and he flew into the sea of ​​knowledge of ancient Motian in a flash.

However, only a moment, a terrifying soul storm suddenly broke out from Gu Motian's body ~ ~ instantly swept the entire hall.

Jianqiu's sword soul just entered the ancient Motian's sea of ​​knowledge, and then fell out of embarrassment.

A group of immortal practitioners were backed by the invisible soul storm, no one could stand still, and everyone was stunned, terrifying soul power!

Saw that Gu Motian's body fell slowly, there was no sign of life on his body, and a cloud of thunderlight flew out of his eyebrows.

The moment when the group of thunder lights appeared, the breath of terror raged wildly, the thunder came, and the endless Taihao Thunder turned the hall into a thunder sea.

"How could a terrifying soul body be so powerful."

"That's Mo Wen's soul? It's terrifying! How could suddenly become so powerful, my god!"

The immortal repairers changed their faces one by one. No wonder Jianqiu ’s sword spirit fell into such a state of embarrassment just after he entered the sea of ​​knowledge.

"It's still one step slower, he has completed the breakthrough, and the soul power is almost comparable to God's virtual realm. How can it grow to such a point in such a short time!"

The masked woman named Su Li looked so uncomfortable that Mo asked, the soul power was already comparable to God's virtual realm. Compared with before, the enhancement was not three or four times, but ten or twenty

Taihao Thunder Soul released endless soul power to cover the hall, like a king coming, containing endless majesty and domineering.

Mo Wen ’s soul has indeed undergone a qualitative change, because, just in Gu Motian ’s sea of ​​knowledge, he has completely refined the medicine Shengji Wuya ’s Yuanshen Pearl.

To be continued

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