Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1249: The Fairy

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The celestial cultivators of Wanbeiling looked at the source of the sound subconsciously. The sound was so shocking that everyone's spirits were instantly uplifted. It was simply a fairy sound. I never thought that a person's voice could be so wonderful.

What kind of person is that?

Almost all of them looked over there subconsciously. They couldn't help themselves, couldn't help themselves, and even women were no exception. They couldn't resist this subconscious behavior at all.

Soon, a peerless figure appeared in their eyes. It was an extremely pure and elegant girl in a white palace dress, and the whole portrait was the holiest lotus in heaven and earth. The most surprising thing is that they actually think that this girl is not like a mortal, but a fairy, a fairy from the sky.

This kind of feeling is unclear and unclear. She has a fairy air, a supreme supreme, holy and flawless, sacred and indecent. As for what is Xianqi, the people here probably don't know at all, thinking that they have never seen it before, but just so subconsciously think that it is Xianqi.

"Good peerless fairy, who is she, my god, there is such a wonderful woman in the world!"

"I don't have flowers in my eyes? Am I dreaming! I actually dreamed of a fairy, is this a way to become a fairy!"

"I haven't seen such a beautiful woman in this life, and what kind of person is she, and I have never heard of it." The obsessed face of the corpse son, what is his identity, what beauty hasn't seen, big In the underworld, there are probably not many women he can see.

But such a wonderful woman, he had never seen it, it was unheard of.

"Yu Li, who is the first beauty in the legendary worlds who is more beautiful than this woman?" Jian Qiu looked at the peerless figure obsessively. At this time, there was only a big question mark in his mind. Others Everything was thrown aside, the threat of the Lord Muyang did not think about it, nor did the treasures think about it, it seemed that the figure appeared in his mind, and he could not contain anything, leaving only a peerless hero.

Here, only Su Li has seen the first beauty in the spirit world, and is also known as the first beauty in the heavens and the world.

However, at this time Jian Qiu felt a little disapproval. What the first beauty is floating clouds, and what other beauty is more beautiful and perfect than this woman.

Su Li didn't speak, and was silent for a long time before saying: "Her beauty is a shock, a shock that is almost impossible to appear in this world. How do I feel that she is like a legendary fairy."

Indeed, among the heavens and the world, people with this kind of breath are really too rare. There may not even be anyone with this kind of breath except this woman.

Zhuang Qixian hid in a corner, looking at the peerless figure above the sky, the whole person was stunned, like a demented child, the thinking in his mind stopped, and there was a hare in his mouth.

"What kind of breath is that."

The eyes of Lord Muyang immediately focused on the extreme points of the road, and there was also a deep shock in my heart. This kind of breath is not sacred and ethereal, but it is scary. Indeed, afraid. A subconsciously fearful and awe-inspiring atmosphere. He had seen a fairy cultivator in Dadao Realm from afar, but that fairy cultivator in Dadao Realm had never given him such a feeling.

Everyone thinks that figure is very unusual, very holy, but no one knows why there is such a wonderful feeling.

If there is a saint of heaven here at this time, you will be shocked to find that it is actually the spirit of fairy spirit!

The spirit of fairy spirits is generally only possessed by the immortals after becoming immortals, and the power in the immortals who have just become immortals is not particularly pure. It cannot be said that it is the spirit of immortals. All breath and blood veins are completely transformed into fairy qi to have such a pure fairy spirit.

Ordinary cultivators, even ordinary celestial cultivators in the Dadao realm, even if they encounter this kind of fairy spirit, I am afraid they will not recognize it. Because of this pure fairy spirit, it has never appeared since ancient times.

After the immortal, is there any heaven among heaven and earth!

"Fairy Qin!"

Han Jue Fairy almost shouted out in silence, her eyes full of shock, she didn't expect that the tall Qin Fairy would appear here. In her capacity, there is no need to come here to try it. No matter how good the treasure is, it may be difficult for her to see it.

"That is Sister Qin Fairy! Sister, that is Sister Qin Fairy!"

Suddenly, the little fox was excited. He grabbed the arm of Han Jue Fairy and jumped up excitedly, shouting: "Sister Qin Fairy is here, Big Brother is finally saved. Sister Fairy will never tolerate that bad old man. Break the rules of trial. "

The little fox seemed to see a savior, and his eyes were gleaming. It seemed that as soon as this fairy elder sister appeared, everything in the world could be settled, and the old man had no need to be afraid.

Fairy Fairy was relieved deeply, and a slight smile appeared on her face. Fairy Qin appeared here, quite unexpectedly ~ ~ However, since she appeared, this old undead would probably cry. Of course, she did not want Mo Wen to die here, not to mention the relationship between Mo Wen. In fact, in her heart, the cold fairy didn't want Mo Wen to have an accident.

Thought that she had misunderstood the young man before, thinking that he had ulterior motives to save his sister. For her reward, she also wanted to put a long line to catch big fish and fight for the greatest benefit. But now, she understands that, with the ability of this young man, he doesn't need to do that at all. He really saves his sister.

Everyone looked at the peerless figure, however, the peerless figure was extremely angry, a pair of divine eyes staring coldly at the Lord Muyang.

As soon as the words fell, a horrible white light landed from the sky, and it instantly ran into the realm covered by Shengwei's copper coins.

The face of Muyang City changed dramatically. What kind of power was this? It actually penetrated the realm released by Shengwei Copper Coin.

"Haotian Devil's Claw."

City Master Muyang did not dare to neglect at all. He directly exhibited his cultivation for many years, and has reached a quite high level of magical power.

The power of terror suddenly exploded, and the power of the magical power was extremely huge. In a flash, a thousand miles of the world was enveloped by a force of terror.

The huge Optimus Devil Claw has appeared on the sky, exuding the endless cold devil qi. The Devil Claw seems to be able to destroy the heavens and the earth, and I may be able to shoot a Immortal Cultivator in the early stage of the gods.

However, such a horrible devil's claws collided with the white light, but it was broken by inches, and it was not blocked!

To be continued

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