Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1252: Narrative

"Thank you Xiaoyou."

Yun Xiaoman gladly took the Shengwei copper coins, which was a treasure, and it was given to her by Xiaoyou.

"Sister Gu Jingman, I have gifts for you when I look back." Xiaoyou looked at Gu Jingman with a smile.

"I don't have a gift, right." Mo asked to interject.

Qin Xiaoyou looked at Mo white, looked around, looked at the immortals around, frowned slightly: "Let's change place."

There are so many immortalists here, it is really not suitable for narrative.

"Qin fairy, how are you here ..."

Han Jue Fairy obviously had something to say, but Qin Xiaoyou smiled slightly at her, and then a spirit of fairy spirit wrapped Mo Wen and Yun Xiaoman a few people, and the spirit light disappeared in place.

She knew this cold fairy, a very talented woman among the Tianhu clan, but at this time, all her thoughts were put on Mo Wen, whether she would like to gossip with others.

"Sister, Sister Qin Xianzi is so cold." The little fox said a little depressed.

"Fairy Qin is not cold, she is very approachable, but she should have something to wait for."

The cold fairy touched the head of the little fox. She had been in contact with Fairy Qin twice, and she knew that although this fairy had a special status, she had no shelf and spoke well.

"Han Jue, who is that Qin fairy?"

Cai Huang'er's eyes were complicated. When he first saw the fairy Qin, he was shocked to the heavens and man. How could there be such a woman as immortal in the world.

"Her identity is very special. I don't know the specific circumstances. I only know that her background is quite terrible. Moreover, the new Tianhu Queen of our Tianhu tribe and her are all worthy of sisters. <>" Han Fairy Fairy Road.

Caihuanger took a breath of air after hearing the words, but there was a heavenly saint as a master behind the cold fairy, and even she said that the background was quite terrible, how terrible that was.

The most incredible thing is that she was commensurate with the new Sky Fox King as a sister. Now who knows the terrible nature of the Sky Fox clan ’s new Sky Fox King, she just stirred up the demon world not long ago. The earth turned upside down. It is said that more than ten heavenly saints have been defeated in her hands.

This is far from the strength that a Immortal Cultivator who has just advanced to Heavenly Path Sage should have.

"Then what is her relationship with Mo Wen?" Cai Huang'er said inconceivably, how could such a peculiar and flamboyant character be related to Mo Wen and take the initiative to give him a hug.

"I don't know." Han Jue fairy smiled bitterly.

How did she know what the relationship between Qin Xianzi and Mo Wen asked, originally the two people who could not be related at all were weird together, and the relationship was still quite simple. How does she explain this? She herself is now dumbfounded.

"Fairy Qin must have fallen in love with my big brother, the big brother's charm is big." The little fox said loudly.

As a result, Han Jue fairy and Cai Huanger both gave her a glance. How could a peerless fairy like Qin fairy fall in love with a man.

Is not only the cold fairy and the colorful phoenix, but all the cultivators of Wanbeiling are stunned, and the scene where Qin Fairy was thrown into Mo Wen's arms has been hovering in his mind.

Millions of miles away, a small white jade tower suspended in the deep valley.

The world of Shao Zun Pagoda, on a grass with flowers and birds, Mo Wen and Qin Xiaoyou sat cross-legged.

"Xiaoyou, can you tell me now, what the **** is going on."

Mo asked with a bitter smile, and now he still wonders why Xiaoyou has changed so much, what happened after she and her mother left. <>

"I am better than you now, can I stand by you, can I protect you."

Qin Xiaoyou had a deep smile on her face, and she smiled with a smile.

"Don't repeat and say yes in one sentence." Mo Wen rolled his eyes.

"In short, after you left, I went with Niang Xiuxian. Niang said that I am a body of immortals that is rare forever. The cultivation path is different from others." Qin Xiaoyou said.

"Fairy body?" Mo asked. There are all question marks in his mind. He has never heard of this thing.

"What the **** are you doing now?" Mo asked couldn't help it.

"It's not high, it just broke into the realm of God." Qin Xiaoyou said with a smile.

"God's Virtual Realm!" Mo Wen was speechless.

"Don't you be too Xuan Daquan when you come in?" Mo Wen couldn't help asking.

It is quite difficult for Tai Xuan Realm to break through to God's Void Realm, but it is a very large watershed. Now the Immortal Cultivator of Tai Xuan Realm is vulnerable to Mo Wen, but compared with God's Void Realm, he still has a great distance .

In a short period of time, he did not want to break through to God's virtual realm, even the immortal who can enter here, no one can break through to God's virtual realm in such a short time.

Qin Xiaoyou smiled and said nothing. Her cultivation path is different from others, so there is no comparison at all.

Mo asked this, and immediately understood that when Qin Xiaoyou came to the battlefield of Zu Wu, I am afraid that it was really a fight for the transition.

Break through the virtual realm of such a short period of time, it is simply incredible.

"Who is my mother, what secrets does she have?"

This question, Mo Wen always wanted to ask, but I never found the opportunity. <> Since the mother disappeared, he could not find her anymore, and many questions have been pressed-in his mind.

Now he has accepted the fact that his mother is an immortal, but why did his mother hide from him before, what secrets are there?

"I don't know what secrets there are in my mother, she doesn't tell you ~ ~ can tell me." Qin Xiaoyou's eyelashes flickered.

"Xiaoyou, you are not a girl who can lie, and you will reveal the stuff as soon as you lie." Mo asked lightly.

Xiaoyou heard the words and said bitterly, "I don't know much. My mother wouldn't let me tell you. She said you are practicing now. When you should let you know, you will know. "

Mo asked silently, he is not a person who likes to break the casserole and ask the end, since the mother does not want to tell him, there must be her reason.


In a space where thunder and lightning shine, Mo asked sitting cross-legged, and in front of him, three blue fruits were suspended.

The breath of fruit is very peculiar. It seems that it is not a plant fruit, but a beating heart.

Tianwu God fruit!

This thing is the treasure of the Tianwu God Fruit and the Quasi Immortal Fruit.

The five Tianwu God fruits in Wanbeiling were all in Yun Xiaoman's hands. Xiaoman only left one of them, and all the other four were taken out.

This kind of Sky Witch God fruit, the first effect is the highest, the second effect will be reduced by a hundred times.

Every cultivator usually eats only one, and eating two is equivalent to violent death.

However, Gu Jingman divided one, but Qin Xiaoyou didn't want it. Tianwu Shenguo didn't seem to help her, so the remaining three were all asked here.

(To be continued.)

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