Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1255: Master's Will

Master's last wish!

When Gagya Tenda said these words, the eyes of several people changed.

The witch was silent at once, and looked at the stars in the distance, not knowing what to remember.

In the eyes of Gaxie Tiannv, there was a touch of sadness, a trace of thoughts, and a trace of complex emotions of thought and inexplicability.

"Master's last wish, I will help him complete, even if he is crushed," Mo Xianger said firmly.

"Mo Xiang'er, you came to me, not because you came to narrate the old one?" Ga Xie Tiannv said lightly, she quickly converged her emotions, and I don't know how many years, there was no mood swing in her heart, heart If Bing Qing, she even thought that there was nothing that would cause her mood swings.

However, speaking of that person again, her emotions could not be suppressed.

The Wujin also looked at Mo Xiang'er curiously, and never went to the Three Treasure Halls. Since the day of the ancient immortals, Mo Xiang'er has never appeared in front of them again. This is the first time. What a big deal, but he didn't seem to get any news.

Of course, they also knew that it was not Mo Xianger who deliberately did not see them, but the master had made other arrangements for her before she died, as to what arrangements they would not know. Some secret things, even if they are not qualified to know.

However, from some old friends under the master's command, many rumors have been heard, which are said to be related to the little master.

little Master!

Even he didn't expect that the owner actually had a small host to stay. He had only recently learned of this news, and no wind had leaked before.

But Wujin also knows that it is not that the master does not trust him, but that this matter is too important to tell others easily, even if he is the most trusted subordinate. Those who can know this secret at the time may be able to count with one hand, and only the most trusted person of the master is qualified to know.

"This trip is here, and it is related to the little master. He and one of his friends accidentally broke into the ancestral holy land of the ancient Wu clan, and it seems to be related to the ancient ancestor witch of the ancient times. I do n’t know what it is, so I hope you will protect your little master, and there must be no failure. "

Mo Xianger said faintly that the little master was sent to the holy land of the ancestor by the power of the ancestors. It should be reasonable that there should be no danger. This kind of thing is mostly a chance. There can be no slippage.

"little Master!"

The daughter of Gaxie Tian contracted her pupils, and her breathing was slightly anxious-a little more. She had never thought about it before. The blood of the master still exists in this world. She actually gave birth to a boy for the Lord!

What made her feel unacceptable and bitter was that the master didn't tell him about it. Before he died, he would rather believe others than actually believe her. Has he never trusted her in his heart?

It was the legendary little master who broke into the holy land of the ancestor just now. After the witch **** heard the words, he breathed equally quickly-a lot. However, unlike the Ganesha, his eyes are more excited.

The master left the bloodline here before he died, and arranged a lot of backhands, obviously pinning his hopes on the little master.

Although he only knew about the news not long ago, there is no doubt that the appearance of the little master is their turning point and hope.

The blood of the master, is that ordinary, with the help of the master, what others cannot do, he will certainly be able to do it.

"What are you waiting for, hurry to the ancestral holy land, the little master must not have any failure."

The witch **** said fiercely, with a wave of his hand, a group of black light wrapped the three men. The next moment, time and space conversion, a moment seemed to have traversed the endless space, everything around was in chaos.

When they appeared again, they were no longer in the Wujin Temple, but a rather ancient and mysterious place.

There are endless stars here, night and day actually exist at the same time, half of the night sky, half of the clear sky.

On the ground, there are khaki-colored rocks everywhere, and the rocks seem to have a very ancient history, the breath above is enough to trace the origin of this world.

Many large stone pillars are scattered on the ground, as well as dilapidated buildings, ruins and broken walls, the eyes are full of desolation and desolation.

However, after the trio of the goddess of celestial beings and the witch **** came here, their faces were all dignified. They dare not walk around casually, dare to destroy anything here, or change anything here.

Here, it is a holy place, it is the holy place of the ancestors of the Taiko Matriarch.

The power here is the power of the entire Taikoo Matriarch, but the power that has been deposited in the endless years of the Makoo Matriarch.

Although the ancient Matriarchs have wiped out the endless years, this ancestral holy land is not an offense to anyone.

I saw ten huge statues at the end of the world, those who do not know how big or how tall.

In short, when you look up, you can't see the end at all. It seems that you have endless eyes ~ ~ Looking down, you also can't see their feet. It seems that there is endless below the ground.

All the ten statues are normal at first glance, but if you look closely, they are extremely huge. No matter how far you extend your eyes, your mind, your consciousness ... you ca n’t see the end. It seems that the entire universe ca n’t They are installed.

But when I came back to God, I felt that they were insignificantly small, so small that they didn't seem to exist, and so small.

These are ten statues that can't see the size at all, perhaps without size.

The ten ancestors of the Taiko Matriarch!

Even now, I am afraid that many immortal practitioners can recognize them at a glance, because they are too famous. Even after the endless years, they are still the most dazzling existence between heaven and earth, and their influence is eternal and eternal.

"What kind of person is that little girl, can actually be favored by the ancestors?"

Gaxie looked at the starry sky, only to see a figure suspended in the starry sky, the figure was delicate-small exquisite, just like a little girl.

The little girl was sitting cross-legged. Instead of sitting in the void, she was sitting on the shoulder of a huge phantom. The head of the phantom snake body is exactly the image of ancestors and witches.

The ancestral ancestors and witches were legendary figures during the Archaic period. It is said that there was a terrifying battle in the Archaic period. That battle broke the whole world, even to the point that the world collapsed completely and shattered.

In order to prevent the world from collapsing and save the endless creatures in the world, she took the risk of flying beyond nine days, into the endless chaos, and finally collected nine consciousnesses from the chaos to supplement the heavens with **** stones In the end, the original world was stabilized, saving the lives of endless mortals and ordinary immortals.

(To be continued.)

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