Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1263: Onitsuki Sotani

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Guiyue Maple Valley is not far from the Seventy-two Tribal Alliance. At the speed of not asking, one day's work can arrive.

After Ji Tong and Wu Qixian were born, they hid here all the time. It was not that they did n’t want to run further, but Xu Laomo issued a killing order without leaving a live mouth. His hundred thousand minions under his command Every day, Ji Tong's whereabouts are being searched. The area around them is full of people. If they are caught inadvertently, they may be caught.

This time, Wu Qixian came out of Guiyue Fenggu alone, just to explore the way, hoping to find a route to escape.

However, not long after he came out, he was discovered by Xu Laomo.

Xu Laomo is the apprentice of the old ancestor. Moreover, it is said that Xu Laomo is very favored by the ancestor of the hunter, but he is the most talented of all his disciples. After cultivating for more than ten thousand years, he has already broken through the middle of the deity.

If any of the disciples of the ancestor of the hunter can inherit his mantle and break through to become the next immortal cultivator, then Lao Xu will be the one with the highest probability.

"In front, it is Guiyue Fenggu."

On a steep cliff, a valley in the distance of Wuqi Lookout, the valley is very large, and the sky is covered with a strange green smoke. From here, it looks hazy, and I can't see the inside at all.

"Guiyue Maple Valley was a nest of gods and old monsters in the past. The cultivators of the immortals within a radius of a million miles are all based on the ghost moon old magic horse. Unlike the normal force of cultivating immortals, Guiyue Maple Valley keeps everything, Dragons and snakes are mixed in the valley, and evil gates are crooked. Anyone can come here as long as they don't break the rules of the ghost, the moon and the devil. "

"Over time, Guiyue Maple Valley has formed a huge place to hide dirt and dirt. Here the evil gates are prosperous, and all the evil repairs regard it as a paradise. Similarly, because of the influx of a large number of immortal repairers, the business here is quite developed. Not only is formal business popular, but it is also the largest black market in the hundreds of millions of miles nearby. "

"It used to be a desolate valley, but Guiyue Lao Mo managed it as a cornucopia, and a lot of resources flowed here. It is not terrible. However, the fierce prestige of the ancestors of the lettuce hunts in all directions, Guiyue Maple Valley Can't keep it at all, and Guiyue Lao Mo has to bow down and submit. "

Wu Qixian said faintly, in front of those who were immortal, they were really no different from ants.

"Since Guiyue Maple Valley is the site of the ancestors of lettuce hunting, why are you still hiding here, are you afraid of being discovered?" Yun Xiaoman said in surprise.

Mo asked with a faint smile and said, "Little girl, sometimes the most dangerous place is the safest place, and Guiyue Maple Valley has always been mixed with dragons and dragons, and the demon is rampant. This place is very chaotic. Even if it is conquered by the ancestor of lettuce, I am afraid It is also difficult to change the situation here. Hiding here and touching fish in muddy water is safer than hiding in a deserted place. "

This is a psychological suggestion that no one thinks they will hide here, that the most dangerous place here, but the most dangerous place is often the safest place.

On the contrary, hiding in the deserted old forest, it is easy to be found by others.

Because there are some weird tracking secrets and treasures among immortals, no desolate place can escape the search for those things.

"Yes, disguise yourself and pretend to be an evil figure, but it is safe to hide in such a place."

Wu Qimu smiled and said that they had been hiding here for a while, and there was basically no problem.

"Let's go."

Mo Wen turned into a streamer and flew to Guiyue Fenggu.

The area of ​​Guiyue Maple Valley is quite large, which is enough to accommodate ten Yanque cities. At that time, it was quite desolate. Not only does it have no underground veins, but also the surrounding world is very thin. , Can gather a large number of immortals, so I chose here as the old nest.

For thousands of years, Guiyue Lao Mo spent a lot of resources, constructing a large number of Juyuan formations, and even plundered Yuanmai from other places, implanted Yuanmai into the valley underground, and transformed it into a treasure land suitable for cultivation step by step. A large number of evil Dao monks gathered here.

In the distance, a huge city appeared in Mo Wen's eyes. The city was built under the green smoke. The looming area is probably as large as seven or eight Yanque cities. It can be separated from the ghost city by hundreds of miles. Feeling a terrible wave of energy, any creature approaching here, in that terrifying breath, may be nervous.

This place is worthy of the old monster's nest of a god's virtual realm.

Mo asked a few people how to dress up, and it was easy to mix into the city, the city was very lively, the streets were prosperous, and people were coming and going.

But in the excitement, Mo Wen smelled a murderous, immortal who can appear here, I am afraid there is no one to provoke characters, most of them are some insidious and cunning people.

Walked and walked, suddenly, Mo asked a dark, a strange shadow came over him.

The next moment, the dark shadow seemed to take him into another world, a bloody, full of despair and killing Shura hell.


Mo asked Lengheng with a glint of gold in his eyes.

Just a moment's work, everything disappears instantly.

Is still walking on the street, what happened just moments ago ~ ~ I saw a person wearing a gray sack on the street groaned and took two steps backwards, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of the mouth.

He raised his head violently and looked at Mo Wen with horror, his eyes were full of incredible colors.

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the gray man in a gray dress, the soul-cultivator. This guy is actually a rare soul repairer.

However, his attainments in the soul together can only be said to be a half-hanger, not even an entry. However, his cultivation base is very strong, and his soul power is infinitely close to God's virtual realm. Otherwise, he cannot force Mo Wen into that kind of illusion.

Wu Qixian didn't know what happened. When he reacted, he realized that someone had already shot them. His face changed slightly. There are a lot of troubles in Ghost Moon City, and it is often inexplicable that fighting may break out.

However, he belongs to the kind of person who is the most reluctant to provoke trouble, and fears that such a thing will expose him.

Mo Wen's eyes were a bit cold. When he first came here, he was attacked by someone inexplicably. It is indeed the most chaotic place in the world.

The gray man in distress still looked at Mo Wen horrorly, his body stiff in place, and he never dared to move.

Wu Qixian blocked Mo Wen's face and pulled him, fearing that he would make an amazing move.

They are now wanted criminals, the most feared thing is to be concerned by others.

"And next time, die!"

Mo asked coldly to leave a sentence, then continue to move forward.

To be continued

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