Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1265: Treasure Hunting Jade Bracelet

In Dongfu, including Ji Tong, all the Union Immortals have changed their faces slightly. This is Xiuxiandong Mansion in Guiyue Fenggu, which has always been protected by Guiyue Old Devil. If safety is not guaranteed, who dares to practice here.

The ghost repairer of Guiyue Maple Valley, photographed by the fierce power of Guiyue Old Demon, almost no one dared to wild here.

It is certainly not a trivial matter that the phalanx prohibition outside the cave was attacked.

"Damn, how did they find out." Ji Tong looked pale.

"Fight with them!" The tiger's eyes burst into anger-anger.

Wu Qixian is also a face-changing, with a regretful look in his eyes. As long as he knows, he will not come back here, it is likely that he was leaked here because of him.

"Go out and see." Mo asked faintly and walked out of the cave first.

I saw that there were more than a dozen immortal practitioners outside the cave house, and the gate of the cave house was unable to leak. At this time, a man was urging a giant hammer magic weapon, constantly attacking the formation ban of Dongfu.

"Who dares to spread wild here." Mo asked coldly looking at the group of people.

The dozens of immortal practitioners surrounding the gate of the Dongfu Palace are not low in their cultivation. The Taixuan Daxuan complete immortal practitioners actually have twelve of them, headed by one person, the breath of their bodies is extremely terrifying, although they have not yet broken through God's virtual realm, but he also does not seem to belong to the category of Tai Xuan realm.

Judging from the breath, he is quite close to the god's virtual realm. If the treasures and supernatural powers on his body are more powerful, I am afraid that they are comparable to the weaker **** virtual realm repairers.

"The chief leader is this person."

Next to the big man named, there was also a gray man dressed, who could not see his appearance from the outside, sneaking, hiding his head and showing his tail.

The Han headed by looked at Mo Wen and looked at Mo. He also had some surprises in his eyes. He was actually such a young boy. Judging from his breath, he should haven't practiced for a long time.

"It hurts the youngest, but it is an amazing genius." The big man headed said lightly.

"Oh it's you."

Didn't ask him to look at the gray man, and he immediately recognized him. What happened happened to him, he also had some understanding in his heart. Most of this person suffered a loss in his hands, so he found a helper to take revenge.

"Young man, hand over the treasures on your body, I can spare you forever." The headed man stepped forward, his body suddenly released a terrifying atmosphere, the surrounding world was suppressed, and a lot of flowers and trees fell head.

By breath alone, it is enough to make Taixuan Daquan's Immortal Cultivator become discolored, and the pressure is strong, no different from the God Virtual Realm Cultivator.

"Oh, you know what treasures are on me?"

Mo asked, looking at the big man with some curiosity, and said in a hurry, the breeze was calm, and it seemed that he did not take the horrible coercion of the big man seriously at all.

Han's eyes narrowed slightly, the ordinary Taixuan Realm Immortal Cultivator encountered his coercion, and most of them were scared and pale, two battles. It is not easy for this young man to deal with so easily.

For a time, the big man looked at Mo and asked.

However, he does not think that Mo Wen is qualified to be his opponent, as long as he has not broken through to the God's virtual realm, he cannot be qualified to be an enemy to him.

"Although I don't know what treasures you have, I know there must be a lot of treasures on you."

The big man looked up and down at Mo Wen. If he didn't know that Mo Wen had a lot of treasures on his body, he wouldn't come here in his capacity.

"Oh, so, do you have treasures for sensing treasures on your body?" Mo Wenwen said, his eyes lit up.

He naturally knows that there are all kinds of wonders in the world, there are some strange things in the world of Xiuxian, which can sense the existence of the baby. For example, in the legendary treasure hunter, there is a fairy treasure called a treasure hunt pot. Most of the treasures in the heavens and the world can not escape the induction of the treasure hunt pot.

There are many treasures such as treasure hunt basins in the heavens, some with strong effects and some with low effects.

Can directly find out the treasures on his body through his medicine ring, which is probably not an ordinary treasure hunt. This kind of thing is rare, I am afraid it is still above the heavenly treasure.

"Don't care how we know you have treasures on your body, you just need to hand over the treasures on your body, otherwise you die."

The coldly said Dahan.

Indeed, the third son has a jade bracelet that can sense the baby, but the secret of the treasure-seeking jade bracelet is only known to him and the third son. Unexpectedly, the young man guessed it at once, and the heart of the big man burst into a sudden There was a strong murderous opportunity.

The secret of the treasure hunt jade bracelet must not be revealed, otherwise he could not keep such a treasure at all.

The gray man in disguise heard that his pupils tightened, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more intense. The treasure-seeking jade bracelet was the treasure he found in an ancient ruin. At the same time, he also got it in that ancient ruin. After deciding on the cultivation method of Divine Soul Dao, with his treasure hunt jade bracelet and his own luck, he walked all the way from a little immortal cultivator in Jindan Realm to the present. The secret about the treasure hunt jade bracelet was decided not to spread.

"Boss, kill him." The gray man in the clothes spread the voice to the head Han Dao.

The reason why he is willing to share the secret of the treasure-hunting jade bracelet with the big man is to see the strength of the big man. In the ghost moon maple valley, the people who can rival the boss, except for the ghost moon old devil, are few and far between.

These years ~ ~ With the treasure hunt ability of the treasure hunt jade bracelet and the strength of the boss, they have robbed a lot of treasures and made their cultivation advance by leaps and bounds.

As long as there are enough babies, it is not impossible for him to break through to God's virtual realm in the future.

And the boss, in order to pursue the ultimate strength, it is impossible to break through to God's virtual realm in this life.

"Don't worry, the treasure hunter's reaction is so great, the treasure on this person is definitely not simple, it can't be too careless."

The big man looked dignified and said that for the first time in many years, he had seen such a big reaction for treasure hunting jade bracelets. Even if he encountered some holy treasures, the reaction of treasure hunting jade bracelets could not be so strong.

Such a treasured person, even he has to be cautious.

"This is a refined place protected by Guiyue Maple Valley. If you risk coming to your door, are you afraid of being punished by the law enforcement team of Guiyue Maple Valley?"

A graceful woman came out of Dongfu, she was wearing a complexion, her whole body was covered in a large black robe, the breath of her body was looming, even changing constantly.

This person is the disguised jitong, and even his own breath can be changed, and there must be a treasure to cover his breath.

Was relieved when she knew that the outside immortal was not sent by Xu Laomo. At least, they have not been exposed.

(To be continued.)

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