Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1272: Wasteland Shake

Stone breaking!

As soon as that hand came out, it was just Shi Shitian!

Guiyue Laomo only realized at this time that Mo Wen was not only higher than him in the realm, but also more powerful than he was!

How could the power of a Immortal Cultivator in the Tai Xuan Realm be so horrible that it is simply incredible, unseen and unheard of.

"Stop my life!"

Guiyue Old Demon screamed in horror. He never felt death so close to himself. That hand could absolutely kill him with one blow. He didn't even need a second attack.

It is a pity that no matter how old the ghost and demon beg for mercy, it is useless at this time.

The giant hand patted lightly, and a ripple spread, covering the whole sky, and the body of the ghost-moon demon broke apart inch by inch into the ashes.

one strike!

An immortal practitioner in the early days of Shenxu disappeared and died completely.


The entire Ghost Moon Maple Valley was completely silent, and everyone stood stunned. At this time, only the white figure in their eyes, and the invincible giant hand.

"Brother Mo's fighting style is much better, I don't know when I can catch up with him."

Yun Xiaoman looked at Mo Wen with some envy, controversy, the entire heavens, and the world. Under the circumstances of the same realm, no one can compare with Brother Mo.

Because, his war body is the supreme war body of the ancient warrior of the Taikoo Wu clan, the first war body of Fu Qing Zu Wu. The strength of this battle is incredible, so far no one can match it.

However, Yun Xiaoman has inherited the inheritance of the ancestral ancestors and witches from the Taiko monks. The ancestral ancestors and witches are among the top three ancestors of the Taiko ancestors. It's just that the inheritance of the ancestors and witches is profound and difficult to understand, and it is particularly difficult to cultivate, and it is difficult to have any results in a short time.

But in the future, she may not have the opportunity to catch up with Brother Mo.

The giant hand that covered the sky slowly shrank, and finally became normal. The Tai Chi picture above the sky had also disappeared. The wind was clear and everything grew. It seemed that nothing had happened. A grass above Fengxi Mountain None was damaged.

However, everyone understands that the Lord of the Ghost Moon Maple Valley, the fierce and powerful ghost of the Ghost Moon has been completely destroyed for tens of thousands of years.

Mo Wen carried his hands on his back and walked into the cave.

After the death of Guiyue Old Demon, no one in the entire Guiyue Maple Valley would dare to find fault.

Since the battle body of the sky broke through to the third floor, the mystery of the battle body has been fully reflected. His current battle body can be arbitrarily large and small. When it is large, it can exceed 1,000 feet. When it is small, it can be transformed into Rice grain size.

Moreover, he can now become part of the war body, for example, just now, he turned his arm into a sky war body, and with the power of one arm, he could easily kill the ghost moon elder. The third layer of the battlefield of the sky is the threshold that really enters the supreme battlefield, which is very different from the previous one.

What's more, since the inheritance of Fu Qing's ancestors, he has become more and more elaborate in the control of the war body. The same power and attacking power are also very different from the past.

"Let's go back to Dongfu first." Mo Wen smiled at Jitong, who was still dumb, and walked into Dongfu.

Ji Tong came back and looked deeply at Mo Wen's back. At this time, she had no idea how to describe her mood.

This young man is terrible!

It was not only his strength, but also his amazing growth rate. When he met for the first time, he didn't do anything for the transition. Now how long has it passed, she dare not imagine what level she has reached.


Wu Qixian took a deep breath, and after a long time, slowly spit out four words.

Hu Xianxian and the other two Union Immortal Cultivators have not yet recovered, and followed Mo Wen subconsciously to the cave.

The entire Ghost Moon Maple Valley is still silent at this time.

Many immortal practitioners may never forget the scene I saw today.

I don't know how long after that, a sudden cry of surprise sounded on Fengxi Mountain. It was weeping with joy and venting from death. Subsequently, more and more shouts were rushing on Fengxi Mountain. These people have just experienced the danger of escaping from death. How can they not be surprised and excited.

Although the cultivators here almost don't know Mo Wen, but at this time a certain amount of gratitude and awe rose naturally.

Ghost Moon Maple City, on the surface is very quiet, but secretly has begun to surging.

A sneaky cultivator who left behind in a hurry left Guiyue Maple Valley with different identities. Some were lonely cultivators, some were general monks of an alliance tribe, and some were monks of sect power.

Their purpose of leaving Guiyue Maple Valley is no exception, and they are all to bring out what happened here as soon as possible, especially the news of the treasure hunt, which must be brought back as soon as possible.

Perhaps with just such a news, they will be able to promote their fortunes and make a fortune.

"A few of you, you have watched the young man for me. I can't tell him to escape anyway, so I immediately return to the Alliance to report the matter. Hum! Treasure hunt, this kind of treasure is only worthy of our Northern Cang Alliance."

After a middle-aged man in purple clothes gave a few words to a few immortals, it turned into a purple light and disappeared instantly into the sky.

Similar things continue to happen in Guiyue Fengcheng. Not only do those who have immense power behind them want to bring the news back as soon as possible, but also some scattered repairs, they also intend to make a lot of money with this news.

"Sir, those people are the wanted criminals in the chase? How can I look different?"

A little old man respectfully stood behind a young man in black with a doubtful expression in his eyes.

"Huh ~ ~ Of course you can't see it, if you can see it from a distance, then they can't escape to the present. The person who is covered with loose robes is Ji Tong, Although she used a treasure to cover her breath, she still couldn't escape my psychic eyesight. "

The young man in black said in a cold voice, he practiced a very special magical power, and the ordinary method of blocking eyes could not escape his eyes.

But, who is that young man, why are they mixed with Ji Tong?

This is quite confusing to him.

However, although the teenager was an accident, it was also an unexpected surprise. The treasure hunt was born, and the ancestor could never let this treasure go. This teenager is so powerful, and in the end it may only be a dead end.

"Sir, why don't we return this news to our ancestors directly, if our ancestors are happy, maybe we can get more benefits ..."

The little old man's eyes rolled around and he looked around, then greedyly whispered. If you know this, you must report it to your ancestor. Why do n’t they report it to your ancestor! (To be continued.)

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