Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1282: Underground treasure

Underground of the Demon Fire Demon Mountain, the deeper and deeper the danger, a large number of prohibition circles are hidden in the dark, and if you are not careful, you will come out and kill you by surprise.

Fortunately, there are a lot of treasures on this team of people.

Moreover, the deeper the ground, the more horrible the demon fire is. Even if the ordinary Taixuan Realm Immortal Cultivator appears here, the soul of the deity may not be able to bear the burning of the demon fire and die.

This is not the core area, and the underground core area is even more terrifying. I am afraid that only the cultivator of the god's virtual realm can survive in it with his own power.

"We have penetrated more than 30,000 kilometers, and further down, my soul may not be able to bear it."

A player's face was pale, and there was pain in his eyes. The demon fire on the ground was burning his soul all the time. The pain on the soul was much stronger than the flesh-body.

"This channel is quite deep. With our ability, I am afraid that we cannot go to the core area. However, the good news is that our channel is probably the one that leads to the core area."

Shi Qingping's eyes are filled with joy. From the current reaction situation, this channel is quite deep. I am afraid they have not even reached half.

It is very likely that this one is one of the channels leading to the underground core area.

The passage to the core area is quite rare, and the outer area of ​​the Demon Fire Demon Mountain can encounter a luck that has been quite luck.

The leader sent so many teams to investigate, in fact, it was not easy to find a passage to the core area.

"Everyone insists, maybe we really hit the jackpot." Lu Jiahao was ecstatic.

The ancestor has been trapped in the late period of Shenxu for tens of thousands of years, and he has been unable to break through. If there are no adventures, this life will come to an end. If you can get the thing in the core area of ​​the ground, the family ancestors will break through to the completeness of the God's imagination, and there may even be a trace of the possibility of breaking through to the Dao realm.


That is the existence of the highest-level gangster in the wasteland. Once the family ancestor breaks into the realm of cooperation, who else dares to fight against him in the whole wasteland? At that time, he didn't have whatever he wanted, letting him take whatever he wanted.

"Before the mission, my grandfather gave me a treasure, which is enough to protect us from rushing to the periphery of the core area." Lu Jiahao's eyes flashed a sharp light, no matter how to find the treasure.

A cold light rose from Lu Jiahao's hands. In the cold light, there was a crystal clear, white ball.

"Cold beads made by Hanyu!"

The round-faced woman's eyes narrowed slightly, and the leader gave Lu Jiahao all the cold beads.

There are cold beads in hand, enough to protect their souls, I am afraid that entering the underground core area is not a problem. However, the Lujia Hao cultivation is too low, and there is a lot of water in it until the later period of Taixuan. I am afraid I have not used Tiancaidibao to improve cultivation practice.

A jade light exuding coldness enveloped everyone, and the group continued to fly down.

After an hour, they fell another tens of thousands of miles, already deep into the ground.

The members of the squad are getting more and more excited one by one, Lu Jiahao even talked excitedly.

"I feel that the core area is not far from us. If you can walk to this position, you can usually reach the core area. You can't have such a deep channel."

Lu Jiahao clenched his fists tightly. Whether their Lu family can fly Huang Tengda and become the pinnacle-family in the wilderness, it is up to this time.

"Lu Shao, those people who shouldn't exist, should they be dealt with as soon as possible?" Shi Qingping looked at Lu Jiahao, then looked at Mo again and asked.

All the teams who came to explore the underground treasures were all confidants of the leader. Only this outsider felt that it was safer to deal with this outsider first.

This matter must be concealed from some people in the alliance, otherwise the benefits will not be monopolized by the leader alone.

"Well, don't worry, as far as I know, any access to the core area must have obstacles on the road, and the people of Demon Fire Devil Mountain will not just watch others break into it."

Lu Jiahao said coldly, looking at Mo Wen as if looking at a lamb who was staying.

"What treasures are there under the ground?"

Mo asked with a smile, he didn't care, but he was curious about what treasures there were.

"What treasure? I don't think you will know." Shi Qingping sneered, this man named Mo Xiao, he has never been accustomed to, a little turtle, want strength without strength, background without background, actually still Dare to be so crazy!

Mo Wen smiled and said nothing.

The group continued to go deeper. Soon, the scene in front of them gradually expanded, and a subterranean magma river appeared in front of them.

The terrible magma river blocked them, winding all the way, and it seemed that there was no end.

The surface of the magma river is tens of thousands of meters wide, and there is a terrifying flame on the river.

This is not an ordinary magma river, and the ordinary Tai Xuan Realm will be burned to death instantly.

"Underground Magma River!"

Lu Jiahao roared, his eyes full of ecstasy, because according to the information they got, the other side of the underground magma river was the underground core area.

They really found a way to the core area.

Shi Qingping and the round-faced woman were also very excited, looking hotly across the Magma River.

"Since the Magma River appears, let's go back immediately and report this great news to the leader."

Shi Qingping said excitedly that once the news was brought back, the leader of the alliance would commend them greatly. In the future, he would be promoted to become rich and control power, and he would not even have to look at the face of the old monster of God's Void Realm.

"It's a little too early to go back now. It is said that there are a lot of treasures in the underground core area, especially some fire-like treasures. You can find a lot here. Since we came to Baoshan, wouldn't we go home empty-handed?"

The round-faced woman said lightly ~ ~ She didn't agree with the proposal to go home immediately.

"But it's too dangerous ..." Shi Qingping said hesitantly.

Breaking into the core area of ​​the ground is a very dangerous thing, and one may lose his life by accident. Now that they have made great contributions, why not take risks.

"Without going through danger, what kind of immortal do you still cultivate, and what kind of longevity do you seek? Do you think longevity is so easy?"

The round-faced woman sneered coldly and said lightly: "The fate is made by yourself. If you want to get ahead, you have to pay more than others."

"The Demon Fire Demon Mountain is a treasure mountain, with a lot of treasures hidden under the ground. For a long time, this is the private territory of the ancestor of hunting and hunting. No one can get involved. If it was not for the alliance to attack the Demon Fire Demon Mountain, All the guards have evacuated, and you have no chance of coming here. "

The round-faced woman obviously didn't want to go back like this. It used to be a forbidden land, but it was the private territory of an ancestor who shared the world. She knew quite well how many treasures there were in such a place. (~ ^ ~)

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