Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1284: 0 Spiritual Medicine

Stealing chickens is not an eclipse, Lu Jiahao is in this mood at this time, he never thought that Mo Wen actually concealed his strength.

Now that such an outsider was mixed in their secret plan, Lu Jiahao finally panicked.

Mo Wen ’s back quickly disappeared in front of several people in Lu Jiahao. He also wanted to know what secrets were hidden under the demon fire demon mountain.

The cultivation of the round-faced woman is quite extraordinary, and has reached the threshold of the god's virtual realm, and soon crossed the magma river, but at this time, Mo Wen has long disappeared, and no traces can be found.


Yun Ling slapped the ground fiercely, and his eyes were burning with anger. This **** Lu Jiahao was not successful enough.

A quarter of an hour later, several people of Lu Jiahao also crossed the Magma River. Although their cultivation practices are not as good as Yunling, they all have treasures to protect them. It is not difficult to cross the Magma River.


Yun Ling gave Lu Jiahao a cold look. It wasn't this idiot. How could this task allow an outsider to get in.

"Dare you scold me!"

Lu Jiahao did not expect this woman to be so bold, but dare to scold him face to face.

"Huh, you still have to think about what to do next. If you broke the leader's plan, he hasn't taken your muscles and peeled your skin."

The young man was not easy, and this time he joined the team, and he didn't know what would happen.


The underground core area of ​​Yaohuo Moshan is quite vast. It looks like an underground world here, with an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers.

Because the monster fire here is extremely rich, so there are many fire-like treasures, and the probability of encountering good things here is 10,000 times that of the wilderness.

Mo Wen had just flown for less than a quarter of an hour, and the treasure hunter bracelet in the medicine ring had an induction. There must be a treasure within a kilometer of the circle. Mo Wen followed the induction and quickly found a sacred elixir of fire.

Holy medicine is divided into five ranks, which are the same as the holy treasure, the Bailing holy medicine, Qianling holy medicine, Qiankun holy medicine, Tongtian holy medicine and Xuantian holy medicine.

Above the Xuantian sacred medicine is the fairy medicine.

However, in the heavens of the world, fairy medicines are quite rare and almost extinct. Only some ancient ruins can still contain fairy medicine.

Immortal medicine requires the cultivation of immortal spirit. Before ancient times, some immortal cultivators could bring some immortal spirit back from immortal world, and even some high-level immortals could directly bring a lot of treasures from immortal world to lower realm. So before the ancients, although fairy medicines were rare, there were some.

The underground core area is very large, Mo Wen did not fly to the end after flying for half a day. There seems to be an unknown space rule here, which has expanded the underground space many times. Under normal circumstances, such a flight has already flowed out of the monster. Range of mountains.

However, along the way, Mo Wen got a lot of fire-based elixir, with the guidance of the treasure hunt bracelet. The treasure hunt is quite simple. In just half a day, he found more than 200 strains of spirits, thousands of spirits and Qiankun. It has not been found yet.

However, it is normal that the Tongtian Holy Medicine is extremely rare in the heavens and the world. Even if this treasure house inside the Demon Fire Demon Mountain cannot be born casually. Perhaps there is no Qiankun Holy Medicine in the entire Demon Fire Demon Mountain, but according to the number of Bailing Holy Medicine, there should be one or two strains of Qianling Holy Medicine.

Of course, the premise is that you need to be able to find it. This depends entirely on personal luck.

Don't ask if there is a treasure hunt bracelet, give him 10,000 years, he can't find so many sacred medicines, sometimes the treasure is close, but you want to find it is very difficult, the immortal consciousness scan It is impossible to search, because the higher-level spirit essence has stronger protection ability, reaching the level of the Bailing holy medicine, not to mention the god's virtual world's immortal repairers. Search it out.

Only special treasures such as treasure hunters can find the surrounding treasures through a special rule of heaven and earth.

More than two hundred sacred medicines of the spirits almost wiped out all the essence of the holy product under the demon fire demon mountain. If there is no treasure hunt bracelet, it is good to ask if you can find more than a dozen. This shows how precious the treasure hunt is, it is simply a treasure trove, and maybe a treasure will fall on your head from the sky.

Half an hour later, a huge ancient stone gate appeared in front of Mo Wen's eyes, where it had reached the end of the underground core area.

"This stone gate should be built by man. There might be some secrets here."

There was a flash of light in Mo Wen's eyes. Judging from the breath of this stone gate, it was definitely a high-level monk who built this gate, at least all of them were in the same realm.

Ordinary cultivators can't open this stone gate at all. Even if they walk here, they can only stare. There is no way to get this gate.

Even ordinary gods who repair immortals can hardly break through this gate. I am afraid that only some gods and consummates can break a stone gate in the same circle.

A gleam of white light flew out of Mo Wen's palm. The white light was like the heaven and earth, and the core of all the rules of operation, even if the heaven and earth must operate according to its rules.

Light of creation!

An old book appeared in Mo Wen ’s hands, which released an endless mysterious radiance that shone over the stone gate. After a while, he saw a rumbling loud noise from the stone gate, slowly opening from both sides.

Mo Wen flipped his wrist, put away the Tianhua Tianshu, and then turned it into a golden light, which disappeared in the stone gate instantly.


An hour later, four figures appeared here, just a few people from Lu Jiahao who had been tracing all the way.

All four were breathless. After crossing the magma river, they chased all the way, and even the treasure hunt could only be put aside, just want to intercept Mo Wen as soon as possible.

Na Mo Mo asked too fast ~ ~ They tried their best to catch up, but they didn't even see the shadow of Mo Mo's question.

They didn't know that Mo Wen came to seek treasure all the way. If he didn't seek treasure, with his speed, I'm afraid he came here a few hours ago.

"Why is there a stone gate here?"

Lu Jiahao gasped for two breaths, and looked tired.

"Not good, notify the leader immediately."

Yun Ling's face changed dramatically, and she could see at a glance that the stone gate was definitely not an ordinary immortal who could open it. Even the allied leader might not be able to easily open the door. The teenager named Mo Xiao, by what means Is the door open?

Lu Jiahao's complexion was also ugly to the extreme. He didn't immediately notify Jiazu before, but he wanted to use his own ability to remedy this fault. But at this time, he knew that if he didn't report his family ancestors anymore, their plans might really be a big problem.

(To be continued.)

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