Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1288: Blue Cloud Bird

"Good strength."

Yun Ling was surprised in her heart. Although she asked Mo Fei to fight with a sword, what did she do?

The immortal repairer in the late stage of the Tangxian Shenxu couldn't kill a Taixuan realm with a sword, and was shocked by this immortal repairer in Taixuan realm.

"Get on together and capture him."

Lu Junsheng growled, he knew that he could not explain to his ancestor if Mo Wen was not caught.


The two figures flew out and surrounded Mo Wen suddenly.


Lu Junsheng and Yun Ling, two immortal practitioners in the late period of Shenxu, made all their efforts. Even Mo asked was very stressful, and the two were not ordinary immortal practitioners. Their magical skills were quite extraordinary, and there were treasures on their bodies.

Lu Junsheng held a giant axe in his hand, and then waved it, just like a landslide, and the terrifying force shocked the space.

"Eating an old man's axe."

Lu Junsheng looks old, but he pulls up the mountains and embodies the world, attacking a rather overbearing style. The giant axe in his hand slashes down, and a small crack appears in the space below the ground.

Immortal cultivators of God's virtual realm have been able to tear the space barely. Some areas with unstable space can easily tear the space.

What's more, the giant axe in Lu Junsheng's hands is a holy treasure of the spirits, and the eruption is extremely terrifying.

Mo Wen shook his figure, a phantom flashed, and thrilledly avoided Lu Junsheng's axe. The giant axe was vacated, directly tearing the void, and a crack extended for hundreds of meters. It took a breathing time to heal.

"Floating blue bird sword."

A blue light flashed, and the holy sword in Yun Ling's hand became a huge blue bird. The blue bird was ten thousand meters long, and its feet stepped on the floating clouds, spreading its wings, covering the sky.

A dazzling blue light burst like a sun, shining on the entire underground cave.


The loud noise startled.

Jade Bird fluttered, the speed was so fast, it was simply a shuttle to the sky, and it hit Mo Wen directly.

Mo Wen banged and flew out by the bluebird, and the terrifying force produced a blue ripple in the void, and flew both Lu Jiahao and Shi Qingping standing in the distance.

The hearts of the two were shocked. The power of God's Virtual Realm Cultivator was terrifying to this point. It was only aftermath that the two of them were injured. If they stand in the core area, I am afraid that the storm will set off enough to kill them instantly.

"That guy is so powerful and hateful."

Lu Jiahao clenched his fists fiercely, with an unbelievable look on his face, and could fight his grandfather. What level of strength is that?

What's more, the Yunling was so horrible that he was not inferior to his grandfather. Instead, he was in the dark from beginning to end, knowing nothing.

Shi Qingping was also very shocked. In their team, there were actually two such terrifying existences, which made him afraid after a while.

Fortunately, Mo Xiao should be afraid of playing grass and snakes, so he didn't kill them directly, otherwise, it would be difficult for them to live to the present.

"It didn't die, and there was no injury."

Yun Ling's eyes widened and he looked at Mo Wen dumbfounded. This young man's defense is too terrifying.

Her floating cloud bluebird sword is a middle way supernatural power, which ranks among the fifth ranks of the middle road, but it is the great supernatural power that her ancestors taught to her. Such a powerful move can't kill him?

Mo asked a flashing body, and returned to the battlefield, looking at Lu Junsheng and Yun Ling indifferently, said lightly: "You two can't help me."

Said, with a flick of his finger, a long sword appeared in his hand, it was the holy fire sword.

"Holy Sword!"

Lu Junsheng's pupils shrank, and he suddenly looked at Mo Wen and shouted loudly: "Who the **** are you? Why did Mo Wen's holy fire sword be on your body."

Now, because of the relationship between treasure hunters and wonders, immortal repairers in the wilderness know that nine out of ten of Mo Wen ’s questions may have been investigated. Naturally, a lot of them have been investigated early. , Naturally also known to the world.

Now, how could the sword of holy fire appear in the hands of this person?

"It is said that the Mo Wen who can use the cultivation of Tai Xuanjing as the Immortal Cultivator in the mid-term of killing the God Virtual is very similar to you."

Yun Ling narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Mo Wen with a sharp eye, and said: "Are you the one who asked Mo?"

Although it was an inquiry, Yun Ling already had seven or eight points of confidence in his mind. This person is likely to be the inquirer after posing.

It's just that his technique of disguise is too superb. At such a close distance, she didn't find anything wrong at all.

"How is it?"

Mo Wen asked with a smile, and by this time, he did not mean to deny it. With these two men, he could not be threatened.

Lu Junsheng and Yun Ling glanced at each other, and each saw the blazing fire from each other's eyes.

"What, he just didn't ask!"

Lu Jiahao lost his voice, but he never thought that this man who has always been unsatisfactory was actually the famous Mo Mo.

Treasure hunt!

The legendary treasure hunt is in his hands, but that is the supreme treasure, far more precious than the heavenly heart embryo.

No wonder!

No wonder he can find here and find the fruit of the heaven and the soul.

Shi Qingping's body was shocked, and his eyes also changed dramatically, looking at Mo Wen's incomprehensible complexity, both envious and jealous, as well as flame-like heat.

Treasure hunt for treasures, if he can get them, it is not easy to find treasures all over the world and break through to the virtual realm of God.

Even, it is not impossible to become an ancestor in the future.

"Do not ask children, today is your death."

Lu Junsheng growled and exuded a terrible atmosphere, repairing his whole body to the extreme. As long as he grabs the treasure hunt, why should he lower his eyebrows and be a cow in front of his ancestor? As long as he got the treasure hunt, he would hide the place he was looking for. If he was lucky, he would n’t have any difficulty in breaking into the Taoist realm in the future.

"Mo asked, hand over the treasure hunt."

Yun Ling stepped out, the holy sword in her hand exuded endless brilliance, she did not expect that she would meet this legendary young man here, it was just heaven helping me.

Mo Wenling looked at the two with cold eyes, and along the way, he met too many of them, even the immortal cultivators of God's imagination and consummation.

It has to be said that those who cultivated immortals competed with the sky, and in order to practice everything, they competed fiercely for resources.

"Both of you, let me win first and then let's talk."

The holy fire sword shook slightly, then suddenly became larger, and instantly turned into a thousand-meter giant sword. At the same time, his arm changed suddenly, and his palm seemed to cover the entire cave and cover the sky.

Reference 1289

The partial battle body of the sky battle body directly enlarges the arm, but the body maintains the normal human appearance. Although it is very weird and deformed, but the power of the arm of the war body body has increased by dozens of times. Destructive power.

"What a terrifying giant hand, what magical power is this?"

Lu Jiahao was scared and pale, and kept retreating, until he retreated outside the cave, he felt a little relieved. Such a huge giant hand, once blasted down, I am afraid his body will burst in the air and turn into ashes.

The giant sky-holding hand held a thousand-meter-long holy fire sword and swept it fiercely.

The power of terror shocked the entire karst cave, and the sword light swept through, covering both Lu Junsheng and Yun Ling.

"Floating blue bird sword."

Yun Ling's face changed dramatically. He didn't expect Mo Wen to burst out such a terrifying power in an instant. The power of this sword was simply appalling.

Jade Bird spread her wings and returned to Yunling immediately, blocking her body.

Lu Junsheng cleaved the giant axe, and the axe produced wind. A wind dragon was born from the giant axe. Long Xiao shook the sky and slammed into Jianguang fiercely.


Bluebird, Fenglong, Jianguang.

The three collided together, the huge karst cave was shaking, the sky was falling apart, and the power of terror seemed to shake the demon fire demon mountain all.

In the city of Demon Fire, deep in the Demon Fire Demon Mountain, the walls of the city roared, the earth vibrated, and a gust of wind continued to sweep through the influence of air pressure. Under the ground, a high-frequency vibration wave continued to spread out and spread to the distance.

Inside the City of Monster Fire.

A large number of immortal practitioners fly high into the sky. Many people are aware of the hidden vibration waves. Although the distance is very far away, the frequency is quite high.

"What's the situation, is it an earthquake?" A fairy cultivator from Tai Xuan Realm murmured to himself.

"It's not an earthquake, it should be someone who is fighting, the shock of the spreading force." Another immortal repairer frowned.

"What, the fighting method? Impossible, this wave obviously propagates from below the ground, and it is quite far away. What level of immortal battle can produce such a strong vibration wave?"


In an underground passageway, dozens of escaped light flew forward at a high speed, led by a special **** monster with a strong **** smell.

"Somebody's underground core fighting method."

Suddenly, the blood stopped abruptly, and a young man with a strange appearance appeared, it was Xu Laomo, the owner of the demon fire demon mountain.

Behind Xu Laomo, there are more than a dozen immortal practitioners. All of them are old monsters of the god's virtual realm, especially a middle-aged beautiful woman beside Xu Laomo, who has a breath more than Lu Junsheng. And Yun Ling is also strong.

"Brother Xu, someone is fighting in the underground core area, which may still be a good thing for us."

The middle-aged beautiful woman narrowed her eyes slightly and said that if one of the forces broke into the underground core area, they would definitely be too late to rush over. Since someone is fighting, it means that two forces have broken into it and are fighting, obviously none of them Get the celestial embryo.

The celestial being is the spirit of heaven and earth. It cannot be harvested without a period of complete maturity. They should not have obtained it yet.

"hope so."

Xu Laomo said coldly, his eyes were extremely cold, and some people dared to spread wild on his site, and he was also bold enough to steal the heart and embryo of the heavens.



Mo Wen holds a huge holy fire sword, the giant hand Qingtian, one person alone fighting two gods in the late stage of immortal repair, it seems that they are not weaker than the wind.

After his body was partially battled, his strength was no less than that of the late Immortal Cultivator, plus the Holy Fire Sword, and a supernatural power of the Seventh Grade, even if Lu Junsheng and Yun Ling teamed up with nothing. he.

"Damn, this Mo asked how could it be so strong."

Lu Junsheng growled, and the giant axe in his hand attacked Mo Wen again and again, but all of them were resisted by Mo Wen.

He is an immortal practitioner in the late period of Shenxu, but he can't deal with a Taixuan Realm?

Yun Ling's face was equally ugly. She had gone all out, but unfortunately she couldn't help but ask.

Lu Jiahao and Shi Qingping have already been hiding outside the karst cave. The aftermath of the battle in the karst cave is too strong, and they have become a forbidden zone for the two.

The whole karst cave is in disarray. If it were not for the reinforcement of the formation of an immortal cultivator, the karst cave would have collapsed long ago.

"Can't drag for too long, what should I do?" Yun Ling said anxiously.

Both of them understood that when they broke into the formation, they must have touched the alarm mechanism here. If they dragged here for too long, Xu Laomo of the Demon Fire Demon Mountain would inevitably come over. At that time, they would like to win Mo asked again, as if ascended to heaven.

"I have just issued an order for the leader to summon all the god-vague monks in the Demon Alliance to come here. In any case, I can't let this Mo Wen leave today."

Lu Junsheng gritted his teeth and said, with him and Yun Ling, it is impossible to win Mo Wen, and now he can only seek assistance.

Although in this way, their secret operation will inevitably be exposed, but this time, he did not care so much.

Because Mo Wen was released, he couldn't explain to his ancestors at all. Only when Mo Wen stayed and took away his treasure hunt, he could make up for it.

Yun Ling heard the words and became silent. She was very clear that once the Alliance Immortal Cultivator appeared here, even if Mo Wen was killed, the treasure hunt could not be owned by both of them. Things, make up for the damage and protect yourself.

Mo asked indifferently, regardless of what the two said, and he didn't care whether the immortal of the Demon Alliance rushed to the rescue.

He only cares whether the incarnation in Yan Shending is completely formed.

almost! Immediately!

"I'm talking about who has such a courage. It turned out to be you. Lu Junsheng, your defeated man, dare to come to the Demon Fire Mountain to find death."

A cold voice suddenly appeared in the karst cave. I saw a passage from the karst cave to the outside, and a dozen figures appeared suddenly. These dozens of people have a strong breath, all of them are God's virtual realm, and most of them are in the middle of God's virtual ~ ~ Xu Laomo! "

Lu Junsheng's pupils shrank, and the demon came here so quickly.

Although the two had been grudged for many years and had fought many times, Lu Junsheng still could not help shaking when he saw Xu Laomo again.

This devil is not only cruel, lawless, but also terrifying in strength.

Although it was only in the midst of the deceit of the gods, the magic skills and evil methods he practiced were quite terrifying. He had fought with him four times, and each time he was defeated and returned.

"Huh, your courage to destroy the Demon Alliance is so daunting that even the secret house of the ancestor of the lettuce hunt dares to break in casually. With this, it is enough for you to die without corpses.

The glamorous young woman next to Xu Laomo said coldly that this group of people was just as courageous as it was to form a demon-killing alliance, and even dare to hunt for ancestors.

(To be continued.)

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