Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1293: completely annihilated

The hunter ancestor didn't take the Demon Alliance at all in his eyes at first, but initially thought it was a group of unconventional people gathered together.

Where do you know, Qu Laoguai has been secretly intervening for a long time, and the path of Chen Xiu is repaired in the dark, the purpose is actually his heavenly heart embryo.

At this time, the ancestor of Chiu Lie regretted his intestines. He knew that he would be in front of the heart and embryo of the heaven and soul. He regrets it now, and it is too late.

"Haha, let's hunt, the celestial embryo is the spirit of heaven and earth, and is it the treasure you deserve to have."

The old man in red laughed, quite proud.

From the expression of the ancestor of lettuce hunting, he knew that there must be something wrong with the Tianguo embryo, did his people already succeed?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being excited.

The incarnation produced by the Tianguo Embryo Fruit is comparable to that of the deity, which is equivalent to double the strength in an instant. Two bodies can definitely be stronger than one body.

Moreover, the avatars made by the celestial heart embryo fruit can also exist autonomously and cultivate independently, which is equivalent to an extra life for those who cultivate immortals.

Even if the deity is dead and the incarnation is not dead, he can continue to live with the incarnation.

Qu Laogua is an old monster that has lived for quite a long time. He broke through to the Dao Realm as long as 100,000 years ago. However, due to the limitations of talents and qualifications, he has been stuck in the early period of the Dao Dao. Into.

When he dominated the wilderness, the ancestral hunter did not know in which struggle to survive, and watched these juniors step by step to his height, even surpassing him, how can he be reconciled in his heart?

No longer seeking a breakthrough, these younger generations will sooner or later ride on his head to honor the Taoist ancestor.

The incarnation of the refining of the celestial heart and embryo fruit is a natural spirit body, and the talent is far higher than his own. Since the deity can no longer break through, he will catch the incarnation and continue to practice.

"Qu Laogua, don't be too happy, you think the heart and soul are falling on your hand."

The ancestor Chiu Lie sneered, his face suddenly calmed down, his eyes flashing, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What do you mean?"

Qu Laoqi raised his eyebrows, but Tianxin Xinguo didn't fall into his hands, who was in his hands?

Because of this, he obviously didn't believe the words of the old ancestor.

However, as soon as his voice fell, a blaze flew from the sky, and appeared in the hands of Qu Laogua in a flash.


Qu Laoqi's face was somber for a moment, and he was holding a 10,000-mile musical note in his hand, which could transmit information to him across hundreds of millions of miles.


He was terrible, and he crumpled the phonetic notes.

"Huh, Qu Laogua, the organs are too clever, but in the end they made wedding dresses for others." Chiu Lie sneered repeatedly.

"Mo Wen! It's the kid named Mo Wen again."

Qu Laowei clenched his fists fiercely. For this day, he did not know how long it took to prepare, but in the end it was cheaper for others.

"Qu Laogua, Tianxin Embryo has been transformed into an incarnation by that Mo Wen. According to normal circumstances, Tianxin Embryo should not be mature yet. He does n’t know how he did it, but one thing is certain, Heaven It will take some time for the incarnation of the soul embryo to be completely integrated with the soul. Within a year, he will not be able to integrate the spirit incarnation into a perfect one. "

"You should understand what I mean, if we **** the avatar back within a year and then expel the soul that Mo Wen attached to, the Lingguo fruit avatar can still be recovered."

The ancestral hunter faintly said.

"What do you want to say?" Qu Laowei said somberly.

"Perhaps, we can cooperate." The ancestral hunter said lightly.

"You think I will give you the treasure hunt."

Qu Laojie sneered and said, Do n’t think I do n’t know what you are thinking. Treasure hunt is a treasure that is far more precious than the heart and fruit of the heavens and the soul. Getting the treasure hunt is equal to getting countless treasures.

If the incarnation of the spirit embryo can be combined with the treasure hunt, it can hardly be stopped, and there will be a place in the entire wasteland in the future.

"Treasures can be discussed, and if you can't negotiate, you can compete for strength. But don't forget, if you can't find Mo Wen, then everything is empty."

The ancestral hunter faintly said.

"Do you know where Mo asked?" Qu Laogua's pupils shrank, staring closely at Chiu Lie.

"I can be sure that Mo Wen is now in Yaohuo City, but he practiced a very deep transfiguration technique, and it was not easy to find him from the vast number of beings in Yaohuo City."

Ancestor Chiu Lie glanced at Qu Laowei and sneered: "Your five-color spirit eyesight can help you a little bit, otherwise, on my site, do you think you can still have your share in this matter?"

"It's OK for me to help, but after grabbing Mo Wen, the incarnation of the spirit embryo must belong to me. As for the treasure hunt, I will discuss it later."

Qu Laojie's eyes flashed and he smiled strangely.

It turned out that this hunter couldn't find Mo question at all, otherwise it would be so good to talk.

"You are greedy enough."

Ancestor Chiu sneered with a sneer and said with a blank expression: "The incarnation of Lingguoguo can be given to you, but you must hand them over to those of the Demon Alliance. Huh, Qu Laogua, you don't know that Agree. "

If it were not for those of the Demon Alliance to paralyze him, would he carelessly lose the heavenly soul and embryo? He now wished to cramp the skin of those people and trample them to death.

There is also Xu Jingguang, this thing that has not achieved enough success, and even the people of the Devil Alliance who ca n’t fight with the chickens and dogs, can't help but keep him useful.


The next day, the Demon Alliance gathered forces to attack the Demon Fire Demon Mountain, but the whole army was annihilated in the outer area of ​​the Demon Fire Demon Mountain. None of the five or sixty thousand immortal repairers were spared, and all were captured by the Demon Fire Demon Mountain.

All along, the Demon Alliance has the upper hand, sings forward and never encounters difficulties.

Why is it so miserable this time?

It's a bit ridiculous and incredible to say, actually the leader of the Demon Alliance rebelled against the Alliance, and set up traps to wipe out the Alliance Immortals.

More than a hundred god-cultivators in the virtual realm, and tens of thousands of god-cultivators in the Taixuan realm, all became prisoners of the ranks.

The entire wasteland was shaken by this battle. There have never been so many immortal practitioners captured, and there is still no digging and digging by their own leader, which is simply an anecdote.

On the same day, the ancestral hunter came to Yaohuo City, personally sat here, and banned all formations of Yaohuo City. From then on, Yaohuo City was only allowed to enter and not to leave.

The next day, in a small deserted valley, a blood-stained cultivator broke into the valley, shook it a few times, and fell to the ground.

Soon, another figure flew out of the valley, glancing at the immortal who fell to the ground, his face slightly changed.

"Ye Keming!"

Ji Tong was shocked and said that she had never expected that Ye Keming came to the valley again, which was so like a look. What exactly happened? Her uncle is a mighty cultivator in the midst of the deceit, who dares to hurt her casually.

"Jitong ..."

Ye Keming looked pale, barely raised his head to say a word, and then passed out completely.

Two days ago, Mo Wen issued a milestone to inform Ji Tong to leave the Demon Alliance immediately. With the help of Ye Keming and Zhang Yingjun, Ji Tong temporarily hid in this hidden valley. But I didn't want to. Ye Keming came here again in the past two days, and it still looks like this.

At night, under the treatment of Ji Tong, Ye Keming finally recovered slowly.

"The Demon Alliance is completely over, the whole army is annihilated, everyone is captured alive ..."

"Uncle Shi ... her old man ... in order to protect me, she was also caught alive ... none of the seniors of God's Virtual Realm escaped ..."

"I hate ... why is this ..."

"It's over, it's all over ... you surnamed Lu must not die."

When Ye Keming woke up, he looked sad and murmured to himself, his eyes were extremely dazzled and his expression was panic.

Ji Tong is unknown, so he kept asking for a long time before he was horrified to know that the entire Demon Alliance, almost 100,000 immortal practitioners, were all caught alive, and few escaped. Ye Keming was only able to help Zhang Zhangjun ’s help. Fortunately escaped.

"Lu Junsheng betrayed the enemy, how could it be possible!"

Ji Tong is unbelievable, it is too unbelievable, Lu Junsheng is the leader of the Demon Alliance, how can he do such a thing, and everyone knows that Lu Junsheng and Xu Laomo are deadly enemies, and anyone who rebels against the enemy , How could Lu Junsheng ...

In the early morning, in the small valley.

"You don't have to persuade me, I must go to the city of demon fire."

Ye Keming stood on the rock wall, her eyes firmly, she must go to the city of demon fire, she wants to know what fate will be faced by Uncle Shi and those immortals in the alliance, she doesn't want to hide here like a coward.

In the entire You Guangzong, only she and Uncle Shi are left. If Uncle Shi has three lengths and two shorts, what is the point of her being alive?

Ji Tong was silent, she knew how dangerous the Yaohuo City is now. Ye Keming went to the Yaohuo City at this time, it was no different from looking for death.

"I'll go with you." Ji Tong gently said.


Ye Keming looked at Ji Tong in a puzzled way, and her heart was full of grief, so she decided to go to Yaohuo City. Why did Ji Tong take this risk?

"My father, my loved ones, my people ... they are all detained in the city of demon fire, compared with you, I should go to the city of demon fire more."

Ji Tong said faintly that she fled by herself outside, but at the end she was just living and she was tired.

Moreover, Mo Wen is in the city of Yaohuo, the ancestor of the lettuce hunting must be to deal with him.

Now that Mo Wen had arrived in Yaohuo City, how could she hide as a deserter in the ditch, originally the two of them decided to go to Yaohuo City together.


Wang Dong's mansion ~ ~ Mo Wen stood in the garden of Fuzhong, carrying his hands.

"The ancestral hunter came here, closed the city? Only in and out."

Mo asked coldly and smiled, this old thing is fast enough, these days he has been hiding in Fufu to practice, trying to cultivate the incarnation to the middle of the gods and voids.

It is a pity that it is not easy to practice one more step in order to reach the realm of divine void. The mid-future of divine void is hopeless in a short period of time, unless you use the holy pill that assists cultivation.

However, he practiced the sky battle body again. Now, his incarnation can also display the sky battle body, and is also the body of the third layer battle body.

"It's almost time to go out and do something." Mo asked the sky outside the house, sneered, and strode out of the mansion.


"Want friends to visit with your mobile phone."


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