Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1309: 2 female breakthrough

Qinggu secret.

Among all the secret realms, the ancient ancient secret realm is equivalent. Compared with the five major secret realms, I am afraid that it is not as good as one percent.

However, the ancient and ancient secret realm at this time can be called a holy place in the ancient martial world.

Because, there is a force called Ming Palace in the ancient ancient realm.

Ming Palace, after decades of development, has become a behemoth. According to statistics, there are more than ten elders in Yuanshen Realm in the gate, and there are hundreds of warriors in the three realms of Wuzong.

This kind of force, even if placed in Penglai Wonderland, is probably a great gate that can rule a country.

In the ancient martial world, the power of Ming Palace spreads extremely wide. The main space and the main secret areas all have the influence of Ming Palace. Even Penglai Wonderland has a secret sub-helm of Ming Palace. Mo Wen did not expect that Ming Palace had such a big change in just two decades.

There is no doubt that Wang Yinru, the acting master of the Ming Palace, is a great contributor.

In a secret hall, Mo sat cross-legged and asked him to return to Ming Palace for two months.

"Two months later, Wang Yinru and Pei Fengwu should have already broken through the fight."

Mo Wen woke up from entering the Dingding, after counting the time, it should be almost.

After returning to the Qinggu secret realm, he arranged for Wang Yinru and Pei Fengwu to retreat, absorb the soul beads, and sprint the bucket to transit.

The two lived up to expectations. In just over a decade, they had raised their cultivation base to the extreme of Yuanshen Realm. The foundation was quite strong, but they could start to absorb the spirit of creation in the soul beads.

When the two of them absorb the soul beads, they are bound to be reborn, and their talent and potential can reach a very high level.

"Where did this guy Gu Jingman go? It hasn't been back for so many years."

Mo Wen frowned, and after the trial of the Xianzun space ended, Gu Jingman returned to the original world. It stands to reason that she should have returned to the ancient ancient secret realm. However, Wang Yinru never came back.

"Where can she go?"

Gu Jingman has his own family in the main space, but after more than ten years, can't he have no news?

Moreover, Ming Palace's forces are all over the main space and major secret areas, and have not received any news about Gu Jingman.

In addition to Gu Jingman, Mo Yuqing, Yuyu King and Moscale King were not in the ancient secret area.

King Yuyuan and King Moscale returned to the ancient secret realm, but they didn't wait long before they left. It was a bottleneck to reach Taixuan Realm, and they went out to find opportunities to break through to the virtual realm of God.

And Mo Yuqing, there is no news about her from beginning to end. If it were not for her to have a special connection with Mo Wen, Mo Wen could feel that she was still alive, I am afraid that she might have died in the battlefield of Zu Wu.

"Although she can sense that she is still alive, she is too far away, and she is not even in the original world. Nothing else can be sensed."

Mo asked and shook his head. He suspected that Mo Yuqing might have stayed in the Zuwu battlefield for any reason.

When thinking about it, the Ming Palace General Palace at the top of a snow mountain suddenly made a loud noise, and then, the heaven and earth spirits of thousands of miles condensed to an area, and the terrifying breath swept down from the air, covering the entire snow mountain. Mountains.

A large number of ancient warriors flew out of the buildings, each looking dignified, looking towards the sky. This is the headquarters of the Ming Palace, masters are like clouds, who is so bold to come here to make up for the storm.

There are many silhouettes, and there are constantly flying figures in the mountains. There are tens of thousands of ancient warriors living in the snow mountains all year round, and the whole snow mountain is suddenly turbulent.

Among these people, there are more than 400 people in Wuzong, and there are thousands of warriors in Jindan Realm. One figure flew to the sky one after another, and the colorful light of the mountains glazed the snowy mountains.

Some of the non-flying fetal breathing state and Baodan realm climbed the mountain, climbed the big tree, and looked at the distance.

In the central area of ​​the snow mountain, there are five breaths that are particularly powerful, and they are repaired as monks comparable to Yuanjingjing.

"That's ... the palace owner?"

An old man flew high into the sky, with white hair and white beards. It was Ling Feng, one of the Taishang elders of the Ming Palace. He looked at the peerless figure above the sky with some shock. , A strong breath, this breath seems to be much stronger than normal fighting transition. "

Tan Qiyue, who stood beside Ling Feng, was also amazed. Fighting to transit, he did not know whether he could reach this level in his life. Once he entered the fighting and transited, he and Yuanshen Realm were two levels of life.

In recent years, with the help of Ming Palace's huge resources, his cultivation base successfully broke into Yuanshen Realm and was listed as one of the elders of the Ming Palace, but he knew very well that his talents were limited, and Yuanshen Realm was probably his limit. Unless there are any adventures against the sky, otherwise, this life is hopeless.

"The two great elders, the master of the palace is so unpredictable, in fact, they can break through to the transition of the bucket. However, she has been suppressing her cultivation to stay in Yuanshen Realm, it seems to be waiting for that person to return. "

A girl-like cold woman said faintly that although she was young, her breath was extremely powerful. She was no less than Ling Feng and Tan Qiyue, and she was also a super elder in Yuanshen Realm.

"Yin Banshuang, your person is ..."

Ling Feng and Tan Qiyue looked at Yin Banshuang at the same time. Both of them seemed to think of something, and a look of anticipation and deep awe suddenly rose in their eyes.

Who can make the palace master wait for him to return, except him?

Yin Banshuang is a generation of wizards in the Ming Palace. He is very talented. Before he was fifty years old, he had already broken into Yuanshen Realm. Moreover, her relationship with Pei Fengwu, another acting lord of Ming Palace, is quite good. She knows something that neither of them knows.

"Two months ago, the master of Pei Fengwu Palace and Wang Yinru Palace closed their doors and handed over everything in the sect to several elders. For decades, this kind of thing seems to have never happened before. Surprisingly, he should be back. "

Yin Banshuang looked at the distant sky, his eyes were very complicated.

Ling Feng and Tan Qiyue glanced at each other. What they meant was naturally the spiritual leader of the Ming Palace. Because of his existence, the Ming Palace can continue to grow and develop.


There was another loud noise, and in the endless snow mountain, a rainbow of light suddenly flew out, and appeared in the sky in an instant.

Around the rainbow light, there were layers of ripples, and the heaven and earth aura within a thousand miles, suddenly rushed towards the rainbow light.

The heaven and earth spirits condensed by Wang Yinru before, half fully differentiated, swept to the rainbow light.

"Sister Fengwu, you are so kind, so don't be kind."

A gentle voice resounded through the sky. At the next moment, there was a burst of greater suction in the surrounding space. It seemed to be ready to **** back the heaven and earth spirits that flocked to Pei Fengwu.

"Sister Yinru, who asked us to make a breakthrough together, now we can only rely on our skills and count how much we can grab."

Pei Fengwu's helpless wry smile, she did not expect that she actually broke through on the same day as Wang Yinru. A thousand miles of aura was enough to support one person, but it was a bit reluctant to support two people.

This is also the headquarters of the Ming Palace, covered by various gatherings of spirits, and blessings of the spiritual veins, but it is the most intense place in the ancient secret realm and even the major secret realms.

For another place, I am afraid that it is difficult for them to satisfy them.

Ordinary fighting transition breakthrough, naturally do not need so many auras, judging from the total amount of auras they plunder, I am afraid that the breakthrough to the Tai Xuan Realm is nothing more than that.

Both women understand that this is because they absorbed a large amount of spirit beads, and their bodies were reborn, in a state of explosion and transformation. At this time, the more auras absorbed, the stronger the transformation will be, and the higher the talent and potential in the future.

Therefore, the two women are not willing to be humble and can only **** by their own abilities.

"I will help you."

A faint laugh sounded from the palace, but the voice was not loud, plain and light, like a whisper in the ear, but echoed in any corner of the world.

A ball of five-color light flew out of the palace, and the higher the higher, the last, like a five-color sun, the endless five-color light enveloped the earth, gorgeous and mysterious.

"What's that? With so much pure energy, after taking a sip, I feel that my body is much younger."

Ling Feng looked at the five-color sun above the sky with shock, and the light gave him a feeling of incomparably warmth, like the embrace of his mother, pure, deep, noble, and full of vitality.

"The five-color light is like the most primitive energy between heaven and earth. It seems that anyone can absorb it, and there will be overflow after absorption." Tan Qiyue said in shock.

He has never seen such energy. If he can absorb this energy for a long time to practice, he even has the confidence to break through to the transition of the struggle that he did not dare to think before.

"The vitality, the five-color vitality passed on."

Yin Banshuang took a deep breath and stared closely at the five-colored light in the air.

She recognized at a glance that it was a huge group of five-colored vitality.

Once, she and Mo Wen entered an ancient ruins of immortal cultivation, where there is vitality, it is because she absorbed the vitality, so she was born out of rebirth, talent is high, and now is the spiritual cultivation of Yuanshen Realm.

And the vitality in the ancient immortal ruins is only one-color vitality. Among the nine-color vitality, the lowest level.

But the five-color light in front of her is the five-color vitality passed on. She didn't dare to think about it ~ ~ One day, she could see such a treasure of heaven and earth.

The five-color element is transformed into two five-color rainbows, which respectively flow to Wang Yinru and Pei Fengwu. Compared with the five-color element, ordinary aura is not worth mentioning.

"This kind of opportunity is rare, and I don't sit down to practice."

Yin Banshuang yelled, sitting cross-legged in the void directly, absorbing the five colors of energy scattered between heaven and earth.

For a time, one, two, three ... Tens of thousands of people realized what they were and sat cross-legged, desperately absorbing five colors of vitality.

The five-color sun above the sky is exceptionally rich. Even if tens of thousands of people absorb it, the light is still dazzling. The five-color element that escapes is vaporized into five-color rain, and the ground is moistened.

Some heaven and earth spirit grass, drilled from the soil, turned into a strain of elixir, growing towards the sun, prospering.

(To be continued.)


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