Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1311: Wang Family Girl

Wang Shuyi looked at the old man inconceivably. At one time, this old man was so tall in her heart, but now, it is so cold and ruthless.

There are so many death patients in the world struggling on the life and death line, thousands of lives are waiting for rescue, and the epidemic is still spreading. In the end, no one knows where it will develop. How can Han Lao be so indifferent.

"Nurse Wang, whether you believe it or not, I can do nothing about the fatal death." Han Jiangong took a deep breath.

He knew that Wang Shuyi was very kind, but he could not do anything for her.

There is no way for him to die. If he takes a team to run to the disaster area, it is no different than sending him to death. He who is infected with death once is quite aware of the terrible of this kind of death. He can be afraid of death, but follow him. What about the working group?

"Han Lao ..."

Wang Shuyi didn't believe it at all. How could anything seen with his own eyes be fake? More than 100 dead and dead patients in the hospital were cured. How could living examples be fake. Those patients are not cured by Han Lao, who is it?

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Wang Shuyi's mind, a young figure, could it be that boy!

How can it be!

He is a young man, about the same age as her, what can he do!

Wang Shuyi smiled self-deprecatingly. This is simply a funny idea of ​​throwing a doctor into illness. In the world, so many experts and scholars, so many scientists are studying this epidemic. As a result, so far, even the pathological cause of this disease has not been studied, and there are cases of curing this disease.

The office phone suddenly rang, Han Lao answered the phone, and then put it down after half a ring, looking a little heavy.

"Three days later, a team of experts set up by the hospital will go to an isolated disaster area in the UK to carry out rescue work."

Han Jiangong squeezed his fist tightly and sighed heavily.


Wang Shuyi looked at Han Jiangong in surprise, but she did not expect that Han Lao changed her mind after receiving a call.

"Dean Han, the nurses in the support team are in short supply? I heard that many nurses in the hospital are reluctant to go."

Wang Shuyi's eyes flashed, aid abroad, international charity, such things are very exciting to think about.

"No shortage of people, you are still in the hospital." Han Jiangong frowned, this little girl just knows nothing.

"I'm going to the head nurse."

Wang Shuyi snorted and shook her head.


Three days later, a team of experts from the First Military Region Hospital of Huaxia went abroad to rescue.

Public opinion in society and internationally finally subsided.

The media all over the world are paying attention to this matter and pin their hopes on this group of experts from China.

However, the good times did not last long. When they came to the UK, not only did they not make any achievements, but they were all infected with the fatal disease of death and fell into a crisis of life and death.

This incident caused a sensation in the world. At this time, it was only finally believed that Hua Xia did not have the technology to cure the death.

The Internet, media from various countries, magazines and newspapers ... There is a constant wave of terror about the terminal illness of death. Some media are alarmist and directly say that the end of mankind is coming.

Half a month later, in a villa on the outskirts of Beijing.

A middle-aged man kept pacing in the courtyard, his face haggard, and his mood seemed unstable.

On a wooden chair next to the yard, one was crying, especially sad.

Above the sky, bursts of powerful engines sounded, and I saw a black dot flying slowly from a distance. It was a helicopter.

Suddenly got up from the wooden chair, quickly walked to the middle-aged man, looked up at the helicopter above the space.

Soon, the helicopter flew into the courtyard and landed slowly.

The hatch opened, and three or five doctors and nurses in white coats jumped from the plane. They carried a simple stretcher on which was a pale-looking girl.

The girl fell into a coma with yellow skin, like an old piece of paper.


Seeing her look like her, she couldn't help it anymore and threw herself in two or three steps.

"Madam, please stay."

A doctor stood in front of her and prevented her from approaching the girl. The patient who was infected with the terminal illness of death was likely to be infected by any contact with her limbs.

"I blame you, so I asked my daughter to learn what kind of nursing, and now you are fine, you accompany my daughter."

Turned and roared at the middle-aged man, his eyes full of despair.

Death is terminally ill! No one in the world can treat the desperation of death. Once infected, they can only wait for death.

Wang Yuan looked at his daughter on a stretcher in shock, but he never dreamed that in just half a month, the girl who was in the spirit of water became like this.

Several men in suits jumped from the plane and trot to Wang Yuan, saying: "Mr. Wang, the medical staff do not allow the young lady to stay at home, they must go to the hospital for isolation."

The group was able to transport Miss Wang back from the UK and had already used all the connections and resources. Otherwise, President Wang would be hard to see her daughter again.

However, after returning home, the young lady had to be isolated, and the group could not operate. After all, the fatal terminal illness is too terrible, and the country absolutely does not allow such a terminally ill patient to leave the country's control.

"Mr. and Mrs. You can only stop three meters away. After a quarter of an hour, we will take Miss Gui into the designated area for isolation. I hope you will understand."

A doctor-like person came forward, and all the medical staff here were fully armed, and even if they were facing an enemy, they did not even dare to contact Wang Shuyi. After all, they are quite aware of the terrible death.

Mrs. Wang almost cried and fainted, struggling to get close to Wang Shuyi, but was pulled by two medical staff.

"You have worked hard."

Wang Yuan nodded and looked at his daughter again, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

When the medical staff saw Wang Yuan being so reasonable, he did not make any extraordinary moves, and his heart was relieved.

This Wang Yuan is not an ordinary person. There are quite a lot of connections and forces in the capital. They are really afraid that this Wang will lose control of their emotions and hinder their work.

However ~ ~ Several medical staff had just thought of this, the next moment, the black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and then the back of the neck hurt, slowly fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

"Mr. Wang?" Several subordinates in suits looked at Wang Yuan with frightened eyes. What was Mr. Wang doing, forcing the young lady to stay? If he did so, the consequences would be serious. Even their group could not bear the serious consequences. Is President Wang crazy? Is he going to sacrifice the entire group!

Wang Yuan strode forward and picked up his daughter lying on a stretcher. He wasn't even afraid that his daughter would pass on death to him.

"Lao Wang!" Mrs. Wang covered her lips, her shoulders trembling slightly.

"I'm going to find someone now, maybe, my girlfriend and I can come back safely, maybe ..."

In the next words, Wang Yuan did not continue, but strode out of the courtyard.

Mrs. Wang collapsed on the ground, looking at the back of her father and daughter, crying tears.

(To be continued.)

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