Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1314: Old friends meet

After a quarter of an hour, Chen Zi came back again.

"The Palace Master invited the two to the Zhengxin Hall."

Behind Chen Zi, there are several maids carrying a stretcher, and after placing Wang Shuyi on the stretcher, they carried it to Zhengxin Hall.

The Zhengxin Hall is the main hall of the Ming Palace, and only the upper floors of the Ming Palace can come here.

Soon, a group of people walked to a huge palace. The Zhengxin Hall was thirty feet tall, and its length was more than one hundred feet. The dragon-shaped pillars stood up one after another.

"Dongfang Yi, Wang Yuan, long time no see."

A gentle voice sounded from above the hall, with a hint of smile and a little memory in it.

"Don't ask!"

The two looked at the height of the hall at the same time. At the next moment, they were shocked for a moment, and saw a young man standing upright, with temperament out of the dust. Suddenly, it seemed that a fairy was preparing to float away.

Today, Dongfang Yi and Wang Yuan are both middle-aged. Looking at the faces of two middle-aged people, there are still some familiar traces on them.

Dongfang Yi and Wang Yuan looked at the young man above the main hall with deep emotions. For more than 20 years, he has not changed at all.

"This girl turned out to be your daughter."

Mo asked Wang Shuyi looking at the stretcher and smiled. He didn't expect that the world was so small, and he ran into a young girl afterwards.

He walked down from the top of the hall and patted Wang Yuan on the shoulder. When he was young, his daughter was so big.

"Do you know Shuyi?"

Both Wang Yuan and Dongfang Yi looked at Mo Wen in amazement, such as the world outsider such as Mo Wen, how could ordinary girls like Wang Shuyi meet casually.

"There was a connection."

Mo Wen smiled slightly. He went to Wang Shuyi and shook his hand. He saw a black qi overflowing from her body. The black monstrous evil, when it appeared in the air, spread out frantically, while still Swallowing the spirit of heaven and earth, the entire Zhengxin Hall was cold for a moment, and the creepy feeling sprang up.

Wang Yuan's complexion turned pale, this evil spirit was too terrible, more terrible than the most poisonous poison in the world.

Mo Wen pressed the palm of his hand, and a circle of golden light diffused. At the next moment, all the peculiar evil spirits were all suppressed, wrapped in the golden flame and slowly reduced to nothingness.

Dongfang Yi secretly panicked, he was quite aware of the horror of the utterly evil spirits. Even the veterans who were in transit in the Tianhua Palace could only seal the utterly evil spirits, but could not purify them.

Mo Wen asked how to purify such a terrible secluded evil spirit. How far has his cultivation practice reached now, is it already a peerless existence that has become a Taixuan Realm?

Wang Shuyi's complexion improved at the speed seen by the naked eye, and the lost vitality seemed to be replenished. The body exuded vitality, and the dry skin peeled layer by layer, and soon recovered to baby-like smoothness.


Wang Yuan shook his daughter's hand in surprise, and her body kept shaking and shaking. Only those who had experienced despair could know how valuable the new student was at this moment.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and withdrew his hand like lightning, and looked at Wang Shuyi with a frightened face.

"Relax, I have completely eliminated the wicked evil in your body."

Mo asked with a faint smile, he naturally knew that Wang Yuan was worried that the wicked evil in his body was once again transmitted to his daughter.

When he patted Wang Yuan's shoulder just now, he had expelled the peculiar evil spirits in his body. The peculiar evil spirits in Wang Yuan's body were quite rare, and had just been lurking in his body soon, so he could easily remove it.

Wang Yuan heard the words and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mo asked, this life-saving grace, my Wang Yuan is unforgettable ..."

Wang Yuan turned around and was ready to ask Mo Wen a big gift, but was dragged down by Mo Wen.

"I haven't seen you for decades. How did you become so hypocritical." Mo Wendan smiled and said that Wang Yuannai was one of the few classmates who had a good relationship with him. He was in trouble. Does he bow down?


With a loud bang, Wang Shuyi slowly recovered from her coma and opened her eyes tiredly.


At first glance, Wang Shuyi saw her father.

"Shuyi." Wang Yuan held Wang Shuyi's hand excitedly. He was really scared, afraid that his daughter would never wake up again.

"Dad, I am thirsty ..." Wang Shuyi climbed up from the stretcher and leaned on Wang Yuan's arms in aggrieved expression. She didn't know why she was so wronged and wanted to cry. Obviously, Wang Shuyi had not completely awake, and there was a paste in her mind.

"Come, drink water."

Pei Fengwu took a cup of warm water and put it in Wang Shuyi's hands.

"Thank you sister."

Wang Shuyi took two sips holding the water glass, only to find that there were many people in the hall. She knew no one but her father.

Suddenly, the figure of a teenager appeared in her eyes, and the teenager was looking at her with a smile.

"Why are you a liar here?" Wang Shuyi blurted out subconsciously. In her subconscious, Mo Wen was a big liar.

"Shuyi, why is your girl so big and small, called Uncle Mo."

Wang Yuan frowned, her own girl was not such an unqualified person, how could she be called a liar, and this person was still his classmate, her life-saving benefactor.

Mo asked Wan Er, how could he be a liar?

"Dad, what do you call him?" Wang Shuyi looked at Wang Yuan in amazement, and did not react for a long time.

Call it Uncle! What the hell! This boy is younger than her.

Does she have any relatives that she does n’t know about?

"Call Uncle Mo, your child, this Uncle Mo is your dad's classmate." Wang Yuan reluctantly said, there is no way, Mo Wen looks from the appearance, it is too young, it is estimated to be seventeen eight Years old, I do n’t blame the girl ’s reaction so much.


Wang Shuyi continued to force her dad's classmates, what a ghost! My dad is more than 40 years old. When he graduated from college, it was still more than 20 years ago. Is this teenager 20 years old? How could he be his classmate!

Is it April Fool's Day today, the father deliberately acted to adjust himself?

"No, dad, today is not April Fools' Day, why is this guy here?"

Wang Shuyi rolled her eyes ~ ~ Somewhat inexplicably, how could this liar know his dad?

"Call Uncle Mo." Wang Yuan frowned, his face became serious, and he felt that his daughter was so ignorant.

"Don't push the child, I really don't look like an uncle."

Mo Wendan smiled and said that the little girl had misunderstood him, and it was estimated that the impression on him was not very good.

"Wang Shuyi, this Uncle Mo is the life-saving benefactor of you and your dad. Isn't your dad not educating you all these years."

Wang Yuan realized that something was wrong. What did his daughter mean?

con man? Don't ask about this kind of existence, you can lie to a little girl like you!

Seeing his father being so serious, Wang Shuyi suddenly realized that something was wrong, and his father didn't seem to be joking with himself ...

(To be continued.)

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