Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1319: Meet Jun Xue again

"Who is coming?"

Mo Wen just appeared above Baimeng City, and there were more than a dozen immortal figures flying out of the city, encircling Mowen.

These people, with a watchful eye in their eyes, looked dignified.

"Why don't you ask, the elders of the Tianhuagong senate."

Mo asked with a slight smile, and some did not understand why these people looked like enemies. Could it be that the influence of the disaster has spread to the hinterland of Yuzhou?

His mind was swept away casually, and he immediately found out that it was in Bai Mang City. There are quite a lot of immortals, there are actually eight Taixuan realm immortals.

Under normal circumstances, there can not be so much Taixuan Realm in Baimeng City. After all, Taixuan Realm is the top character in Penglai Fairyland. As the five main cities of Chongming Mansion, it is normal for Bai Mangcheng to have one resident in Taixuan Realm. Eight appear at a time, but it is very rare.

"But there is a token?"

An immortal leader headed a step forward, releasing the consciousness to search on Mo Wen carefully.

Mo asked not to embarrass these people. He took out the token from the Tianhuagong Yuanyuan. After seeing the token, several people eased their faces.

"Don't be surprised by this friend, it's an extraordinary period now, and I hope to understand it."

"Can the evil clan disguise as a human immortal and mix into the city?" Mo asked curiously.

Such a careful search should not be possible under normal circumstances, because the difference between evil races and humans is too great to distinguish. The evil spirit of death on them can be sensed every few tens of miles.

"There are some special evil races that can indeed be disguised as humans. Several evil races have been found in the city. They are all disguised as humans and mixed into the city."

"Moreover, there are some sects in Penglai's fairyland, afraid of death, and they have turned to the evil clan. Those who belong to the sect are traitor sinners and must be killed if they are encountered."

The head of the immortal said.

Mo asked and nodded. The evil races are all kinds of strange. Any kind of evil races may appear, because there are many races in the evil races. It is said that there is a kind of evil races, which is almost no different from humans. It is difficult to distinguish from the appearance.

Originally, Mo Wen was planning to go directly to the Su Nvjiao and was not planning to stay in Bai Mang City. But at this time, he changed his mind, he was prepared to stay in Bai Mang City, waiting for the evil clan to attack.

Evil tribe, he did n’t know much, but he knew that the existence of this race is incompatible with this side of the world, and will definitely compete with them in the future. For whatever reason, this is an inescapable fate, unless one side Complete extinction, the war will continue.

The evil clan killed by Qushui City is too low. His purpose in staying in Baimeng City was to see how powerful the higher-order evil clan was.

In Bai Mang city, the atmosphere is tense, and the streets are full of hurried pedestrians. Few people come out to hang out, even ordinary people can't close the door at the moment. On the street, patrolling immortals can be seen everywhere. These immortals are very orderly, just like the usual loose image.

In the face of the crisis, it can indeed change a lot of people, and those who are usually used to being immortal can be as serious as the army.

The inns in the city are all closed and the door is obviously no longer in business. Mo Wen wants to find a place to settle in and can only go to the post in the city, where he specializes in entertaining the VIPs of all parties and staying as his veteran in Tianhua Palace. It shouldn't be a problem in Baimengcheng Station.

However, when he walked to the door of Baimengcheng Station, he was slightly stunned by the scene in front of him. I saw a large number of people around the door of the station. Most of them were immortal practitioners. There is no realm, and the high one does not exceed Yuanshen Realm.

"I am Jin Taozong's deacon, please give me a room."

"Jin Tao Zong is nothing. I am still an inner disciple of Yun Hai Zong. The post should give me a place to stay."

"You juniors, fighting for something, I am a monk of Yuanshen Realm, and I have not lived in, what qualifications do you have."


"what's the situation!"

Mo Wen looked at the crowd of black people in front of him. There were at least tens of thousands of cultivators outside the post. The station in Baimeng City was not small. It was one of the five main cities of Chongming. But so many people obviously cannot fit it.

"Have you just arrived? Don't think about staying in a post, just find a place on the street and settle down, otherwise you may not have the qualifications to sleep on the street in a few days."

A young immortal cultivator glanced at Mo without asking.

"Let ’s go, they said that the post is full, and it ’s useless for us to be around. Let ’s find another way."

"Alas, what kind of world is this? Before it was replaced, this kind of broken post asked me to live, but I couldn't live."

"You pull it down. At this moment, it's good to be able to enter Baimeng City. The other main cities of Chongming House are said to be closed and no longer accept foreign immortals. In a few days, I think Chongming City can't fit So many people will probably close the gates like the other main cities. We can come in, it is already a great fortune. "


From the conversation between these people, Mo Wen finally understood why so many people were around the post.

Yuzhou has been flooded with demons, and people of evil tribes may be encountered everywhere. Some small schools and small cities are no longer safe.

The immortal repairers in the surrounding area gathered in the five main cities, hoping to be sheltered by the main city.

Over the past few days, the population of Baimengcheng has skyrocketed dozens of times, and it is still growing at a terrible rate.

Mo asked with a heavy face. He flew all the way, and indeed found many dead cities and many ruined sect gates. As time went by, the number of refugees will inevitably increase. How to follow these refugees will be a big problem.

"I don't know if Tianhua Palace can block this evil clan invasion. Doesn't it mean that the evil clan is sealed in several major battlefields? Where did the evil clan in Penglai's fairyland come from?"

There are many doubts in Mo Wen's mind, but at this time he can only be put aside.

He glanced at the post and turned to prepare to leave. If he showed his identity, he would definitely be able to live in the post, but there is no need. These people are afraid of the evil clan and desperately hide in the city, but he is not afraid. A big cave house was built outside the city.

If the evil clan dares to come, it has followed his will.

"Do not ask, it really is you!"

Above the sky, a white light condenses, and in the white light, there is a graceful figure.

The figure is extraordinarily beautiful, fascinating and inspiring, the immortals on the ground look at the sky one by one, and the eyes are full of wonder.

Such a fabulous woman, even in Penglai Wonderland, is rare, and there is nothing in it.

However, the cultivators only dared to glance a little, and they dared not look at it again, very respectfully. Because the breath of this woman is so terrible, that feeling, like the master of the world, can wipe them out at will.

"Nie Junxue."

Mo asked the woman who looked at the sky unexpectedly, the woman in white, not who is Nie Junxue.

At this time, Nie Junxue's cultivation was quite advanced, and he had already reached the middle of Taixuan. The breath of his body was much stronger than that of ordinary Taixuan.

Obviously, she has a lot of adventures in the battlefield of ancestors and witches, otherwise the practice will not be so fast. You know, when he first entered the battlefield of ancestors and witches, Nie Junxue had just broken through to Yuanshen Realm.

"After Zu Wu's trial, I never saw you again. I thought you had an accident."

Nie Junxue smiled slightly, stepped out, and the light appeared in front of Mo Wen.

The immortals around me stared at this scene with stunned eyes. This powerful goddess like a goddess was so familiar with this ordinary teenager.

In the eyes of everyone, Mo Wen was indeed ordinary. He didn't have the breath that the strongest person should have. He was ordinary, and he looked young and looked like a fledgling kid.

"I came back a few years late." Mo Wen smiled slightly. Although Nie Junxue participated in the Zuwu trial, but did not come to the end, she may voluntarily give up at the first or second level, so she did not know that Mo Wenjie Some things in the fairy trail space.

"It's great that you can appear in Bai Mang City. Recently, the devastating disaster has raged, and my pressure is not small."

After seeing Mo asked, Nie Junxue was inexplicably relieved.

In the past two days, she was in a particularly tense state, because from all kinds of signs that the next target of the evil clan might be Bai Mangcheng.

Moreover, from the news sent by all parties, it can also be found that there are more and more evil tribes in the area around Baimeng City.

The five main cities of Chongming Mansion, and the other four main cities were all invaded by evil spirits. Only Baimeng City has not been invaded.

Nie Junxue appeared in Baimengcheng, representing Tianhua Palace, and was responsible for building the defenses of Baimangcheng. The life and death of the entire city were weighed on her.

"You can come to Baigong City, but it is the luck of Baigong City. How can you live in the post. Let's go and follow me to the main palace."

Nie Junxue pulled Mo and left ~ ~ with a smile on his face, did not give Mo Wen the opportunity to refuse. Since Mo Wen came to Baimang City, she would never let Mowen go away even if she was stupid, at least she had to drag her to the crisis of Baimang City. To be honest, Nie Junxue did not have any confidence in whether he could block the invasion of the evil clan. From the various information feedback from these days, the evil race is really terrible, and a fourth-order evil race can sweep away.

The main palace of the city was usually just an administrative unit, but now it has become the battle command center of the whole Baihuang city.

In the whole Baimeng City, the most guarded is here. The eight immortals in the Taixuan realm naturally live here. Anyone who dares to break into this place is no different from finding death.

"Jun Xue, who is he?"

As soon as the two entered the city's main palace, a somewhat surprised voice sounded.

There are also regional divisions in the city's main palace. This is the core of the whole city's main palace. The center of the entire Baimeng city's defense deployment. Even a few Xuanjing immortal cultivators in the city can't bring anyone into this place.

(To be continued.)

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