Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1335: Little Holy Doctor

"Not you?" Mo asked in amazement, not Mo Qingqing, who was that? Xiao Hongyu, the host of Tianhua Palace? But Xiao Hongyu is indeed the cultivation base of Tai Xuan Da Yuan's consummation level, and this Mo Qingtian, can't see the depth at all.

Mo Qingqing lightly glanced at Mo and asked, "The strongest person in the source space is my sister Mo Qingge. She is also a savvy player left by Lingjie in the source space."

Mo Qingge!

Mo asked, but did not expect that the strongest is actually Mo Qingge!

"How could she ..."

Mo Wen was puzzled in his heart. When Wu You Great broke into the original space, Mo Qingge was really just a practice of fighting the transition, and resisting the incarnation of Wu You Great was quite reluctant. How could she be the strongest existence in the original space?

"Because her practice was sealed." Mo Qingqing said lightly.

"Seal, why?" Mo asked curiously.

"My sister is special. If she doesn't seal the seal, the catastrophic consequences may be more terrible than the evil clan."

There was a touch of sadness in Mo Qingqing's eyes.

"Because of the killing body?" Mo asked his eyelids, and Mo Qingge's killing body was indeed a big trouble.

Mo Qingqing was silent.

"Doesn't even the mighty cultivator of the spirit world solve the harm of the killing body?" Mo Wen couldn't help but ask, the deeper the cultivation base is, the more terrible the killing body is. In fact, there is actually an introduction about the killing body. Even if a generation of medicine sages do not know much about the killing body, let alone the current Mo question, I am afraid that Ji Wuya is alive and cannot solve this most terrible. Special constitution.

However, the inability of Ji Wuya to solve it does not mean that no one in this world can solve it? The heavens and the realms exist in the heavens and the heavenly saints. Can they not solve them?

"The body of killing and killing is not as simple as you think. If they can save my sister, they won't let my sister come to the source world to die."

Mo Qingqing sneered, Mo Qingge is not so much a back-end of the spirit world left in the original world, it is better to say that she was exiled into the original world. The spirit world refused to accept her sister, thinking that sooner or later she would bring disaster to the spirit world.

"Is the disaster caused by the killing body more terrible than the evil clan?" Mo asked inexplicably. If so, why did the spirit world let Mo Qingge come to the source world, thinking that Mo Qingge is the source world The strongest person in the world is stronger than the mysterious Mo Qingqing, and Mo asked shudder. Once Mo Qingge's killing body is out of control and completely explodes, it really does not know what terrible things will happen.

"Of course terrible, otherwise the spirit world will not accommodate my sister." Mo Qingqing said coldly.

"Aren't people in the spirit world afraid of problems in the source world." Mo asked couldn't help it.

"Of course they are afraid of problems in the source world. However, the source world is not so easily destroyed. Even if the Penglai fairyland is turned into ashes, all spaces will collapse. As long as the world source is still there, there will be no problems in the heavens and the worlds. The world ’s origins of this world have been protected by special means as early as ancient times. That ’s why, for so many years, no one has found the origin of the world. ”

Mo Qingtian said coldly that everyone, including the evil clan, wanted the world ’s roots, but unfortunately, hundreds of millions of years passed, the source space was turned inside out, and thousands of wars broke out. , But even the shadow of the origin of the world was not found.

Mo Wen secretly panicked. From Mo Qingtian's words, the spirit world didn't seem to care much about the birth and death of Penglai's fairyland. The occupation of Penglai's fairyland by all walks of life was just to hold the world's origin in its own hands. Although no one can find the source of the world, everyone knows that the source of the world must be in the source world.

"With your ability to continue to stay in the original world, it is a bit delaying your talents. Although there are still many mysterious places in Penglai Wonderland, which have great opportunities, but with your current cultivation practice, go to the ancients The mysterious place that remains is probably too dangerous, and it is not a perfect place to try. "

"If you want to, I can send you directly into the spirit world."

Mo Qingqing's faint way, peerless geniuses like Mo Wen, staying in the original space will only restrict his development, only the spirit world is his battlefield, the prisoner is out of the cage, the sea is wide, and the sky is high. Bird flying.

"Can I still go to the spirit world?" Mo asked.

"That mysterious power only affects the souls entering the source world, but not the ones exiting the source world. I think the problem should not be big." Mo Qingqing said lightly, at least, Tianhua Palace directly leads to the spiritual world. , And has not been affected.

"I think about it, if I decide to go to the spirit world, I will come to you again."

Mo Wen pondered for a while, even if he decided to go to the spirit world, he had to deal with some things in the source world.

Originally, he planned to stay in the source world and completely solve the evil race before leaving. But after talking with Mo Qingqing, he gradually realized that this magic disaster is no longer a problem of the original world, but a problem of the entire world. The victory or defeat of war can only be determined by the uppermost world I am afraid that a little **** who repairs immortals in the virtual realm can't change anything.

What's more, a master like Mo Qingqing guards the original world, but it is not his turn to worry about anything.

"By the way, I have an apprentice named Su Wan'er. Now I don't know where she is. You can have news of her in Tianhua Palace." Mo Wen suddenly remembered something. Ten years ago, after Su Wan'er went out to practice, he would I have never returned to Ming Palace. Mo asked some concerns about what happened to Wan'er. With the intelligence ability of Tianhua Palace, he might be able to know Wan'er's whereabouts.

"Su Wan'er."

Mo Qingqing looked at Mo strangely and asked with a smile, "If I expected it well, she should be in Tao Yuanzong of the spirit world now."

"Spiritual Dao Yuanzong!" Mo asked stunned, did Wan'er girl go directly to Lingjie?

"This is something that happened a few years ago. Speaking of Su Wan'er, her fame is not small in Penglai's fairyland. At that time, the magic disaster just broke out, the evil spirits of Penglai's fairyland were rampant, and the disease was rampant. As a woman, Xuanhu Jishi fought against various disasters and diseases, and even developed several therapeutic remedies for restraining evil spirits. In Penglai Wonderland, there are countless people rescued by her, and many people are respected as Xiaosheng God doctor. "

"Little Holy Doctor?"

Mo asked secretly surprised that the word saint can't be used as a metaphor for people. The saint is standing on the top of the world. Known as Xiao Sheng, it can be seen how much Su Waner is respected and loved.

"Then how did she go to the spirit world?" Mo asked.

"Because she saved too many people, or she has an unblemished red heart, I don't know the specific reason, but she rarely touched the heavenly path of life, caused the resonance of the heavenly path, and was resigned by Tao Yuanzong An ancestor of a saint, who perceived, extradited her into the spirit world. "

Mo Qingqing said with a smile, this kind of thing is rare for a long time, and was directly extradited by the heavenly saints. I am afraid that there have not been a few times in the history of Penglai Wonderland.

Mo asked stunned, did not expect Su Wan'er to have such luck, triggering the life of Heavenly Dao, resonating with Heavenly Dao, what it means, he is quite clear. No wonder that the ancestor of the level of heavenly saint came directly to bring her into the spirit world.

"If you want to see your apprentice, go to the spirit world of Tao Yuanzong, you may be able to see her. But the spirit world is too broad. With your ability, if it is too far away, I am afraid that you may not be able to reach Dao Yuanzong."

Mo Qingqing smiled lightly, and the God's Void Realm might be powerful enough in the Penglai Fairyland, and even belong to the invincible level of existence, but in the Spirit Realm, the God's Void Realm is just the beginning. Even, because the territory of the spirit world is too vast, some gods and cultivators of the imaginary realm may not be able to walk from one area to another in a lifetime.

Mo Qingqing didn't go to the Su Nujia, but went directly to the Su Nu's holy land. Obviously, in the next time, the Su Nu's holy site might be taken over by Tianhua Palace, and it will become a defense in Penglai's fairyland The tightest place.

When all the high-level members of the evil clan died, the army of the evil clan fell sharply, and they did not want to fight any more. The tide generally retreated. The Su Nvchao did not take advantage of the victory to pursue. After so many days of war, the Su Nvhuai suffered heavy losses and no longer wanted to consume more power.

However, Mo Wen believes that these evil clan army has been difficult to retreat in their entire body. Tianhua Palace will definitely not let them leave safely. On the way, they will certainly encounter the interception of human immortals.

At this time, the female disciples of the Su female teachers formed a team and wandered in the Bailing Mountains to clean up the battlefield. Those who died in the Su female disciples, if they were all corpses, would keep their bodies properly, if they were broken corpses, then Will try to piece together their bodies. Some of them even disappeared, and they could not even find the residue. They could only collect some broken clothes they had fallen in the mountains ~ ~ to build a clothes mound.

Everyone has sadness and sorrow on their faces. Those who died are all sisters and sisters who usually get along with each other and practice together like a loved one.

In the main hall of the Su Nu, Mo Wen handed over the ancient palace he moved from the Holy Land to the Qufu master. As long as the Holy Palace is there, the inheritance of the Su Nu is still there. Even if you change a place, you can come back.

"Mo Gongzi's great grace and virtues, and the Su Nv teaching up and down, will be remembered in the heart and will never be forgotten."

The leader Qufu bowed deeply to Mo Wen, and the elders behind her, who were also female teachers, bowed with gratitude.

It can be said that Mo asked to save their entire Su Nu, if it were not for him, Su Nu may have been annihilated at this time, and it is impossible to find the lost heritage palace in the Holy Land.

An hour later, Mo Wen then turned into a white light and left the female nun. There are still some things in Penglai Fairyland that are over, it is time to make a break.

(To be continued.)

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