Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1337: fear

Qingtian's big hands ruined the heavens and the earth, unstoppable all the way, directly into the depths of the ruins of the ancient temple, and caught a horrified old man in his hands.

The old man Xuanyou stared at the giant hand flying from the outside in amazement. He was shocked and speechless for a while, and he could not stop it at all.

In fact, when Bronze Dading crashed into the valley, he found Mo Wen, but he was afraid to show his strength. He is shocked now and inexplicably, I do not know how to describe his mood. For more than 20 years, this teenager actually grew to this point. Has his profound cultivation for thousands of years been cultivated on the dog?

The giant hand grabbed the old man Xuan You and returned quickly, and soon appeared in front of Mo Wen.

"Old man, can you still remember me?" Mo asked, looking at Xuan You lightly. At that time, it was this person who almost destroyed his foundation.

"Old man, I really should do everything to kill you."

The old man Xuanyou looked at Mo Wen deeply, regretting that he couldn't say it. So far, he had nothing to say.

Mo asked with a cold smile, and a tremendous force broke out in his palm.

"You are merciful." Grandmaster Cheng Cheng's complexion changed greatly.

It is a pity that Mo Wen was unmoved, and the terrifying force directly crushed the old Xuanyou man and shattered it.

The entire ancestor of the empty master seemed to be hundreds of years old in an instant, and his body wobbled, just like an old man who was about to die, and the longevity of the life was not long.

The empty Shouyuan did not have much left, and the limit is near. In his life, the most he ca n’t let go is Jian Yougu, a long-standing sect, he does n’t want to lose in his own hands. Face your grandfathers.

The old man Xuan You is his hope. The only person in Jian You Gu who can stand up to the facade now, as long as he survives the period of time when the Zongmen is green and blue, Jian You Gu will definitely prosper again.

It is a pity that Xuan You died in front of him after all. After he died, Sword You Gu was probably going to fall completely.

Mo Wen coldly glanced at everyone in the sword valley, the figure flashed, and strode to the sky in the distance. Killing only one person can already be said to be merciful.

Two days later, news about the death of the Lord of the Sword Valley has been circulated in Penglai Fairyland, and many sects received the news for the first time. Sword Yougu is not a Xiaozong door. It is first-class in the whole Penglai fairyland. The death of the Valley Master is naturally not a trivial matter.

The news among the Immortal Cultivators circulated quickly, and within a relatively short period of time, many sects knew that this matter was not what was asked. At that time, the teenager finally came back to get revenge.

In particular, some Xianxian sects who knew that Mo Wen had once killed the fifth-order evil clan in the Su Nvjia, even understood that Mo Wen was terrible.

The evil wind sect, the Zongmen discussion hall, all the evil wind sect high-level gathered together, from the elders to the host, without any absence, the atmosphere in the hall is quite dignified.

The lord of the evil wind sect Qianye evil lord sat above the lobby, his face was a little ugly. Under the calm expression, he seemed to have a trace of uneasiness. Even the hand on the armrest was shaking slightly. He didn't find it.

"Sect Master, what really kills Xuan You Old Man?"

In the hall, a big man couldn't help but ask, how could he not believe that the young boy who was so stinky now could be so strong.

Twenty years, only twenty years. For the immortal, it is just a flash. In such a short period of time, how could he grow from the original Yuanshen Realm to such a degree.

"This news came from an elder of Sword Yougu. It should be true. Moreover, Lord Xuanyougu has indeed died of misfortune." An old man said coldly.

The people in the hall were breathing a little bit anxiously. The people here knew very well that although the Master Xuanyougu was only a monk in the middle period of Taixuan, the background of the sword Yugu was far deeper than their evil wind sect, and they became free ancestors. Sitting in town, it is not easy for anyone who wants to kill Lord Xuanyougu.

Since Mo Wen can kill the Master Xuanyougu in the sword valley, he must have the power to suppress the empty ancestor.

"Sovereign, what should I do?" An elder of the evil wind sect could not sit still.

The foundation of the evil wind sect is not as good as the sword valley, and the strongest sect master in the sect is nothing more than the late Taixuan cultivating behavior. Since Mo Wen has retaliated against the sword valley, obviously they will not let go of their evil wind sect. At that time, they planned to kill Mo Wen, but their evil wind sect was the mastermind.

Qian Ye evil lord sat in the hall, silent.

"Sect Master, I am afraid that the most terrible thing is not that he can kill the Master Xuanyou Valley. Now you should have got some news. Not long ago, Mo Wen appeared in Bai Mang City, killing three Tier 4 peak peaks between his hands and feet. Clan. Even more than a month later, he appeared in the Bailing Mountains of the Su Nv Church and killed a fifth-order evil clan on the spot, defeating the evil clan's offensive in one fell swoop. "

"He has the ability to kill the fifth-order evil clan, dealing with us is almost effortless."

The elder of the evil wind sect lowered his eyes, a monk who could kill the fifth-order evil clan, what did he do to death? At this level, he can no longer guess. Ordinary gods and phantoms who repair immortals may be difficult to achieve.

God's virtual realm, that is the ceiling of Penglai's fairyland, the existence of this level should not appear in the original world at all.

The senior officials around the evil wind sect heard a lot of changes.

Kill the fifth-order evil race!

That is simply an unimaginable thing, but that is the power of God's virtual realm level. How many such characters are there in the whole Penglai fairyland?

For a time, the senior officials of Xiefengzong looked miserable one by one, and they were so provoked by such an existence. I am afraid that they would be awakened at night dreaming. It's like knowing the time of death in advance and slowly waiting for it to come.

"Elder Chen, sending a message to the Tianyuan Pavilion, said that my evil wind sect was willing to enlist the whole sect to take refuge in the Tianyuan Pavilion and let it go."

I don't know how long it took, Qianye evil lord breathed out for a long time, with deep unwillingness in his eyes.

He never dreamed that the ants that he could squeeze to death could be forced to such a degree in just twenty years.

What a century of time he can't turn over any waves at all, it seems to be a joke now.

The high-level sect of the evil wind sect in the hall, all the words were silent. Now, I am afraid that only the ancient ancestral gate like Tianyuan Pavilion can shelter them. However, it is said that they turned to the Tianyuan Pavilion, but in fact it was nothing more than a fencing. In the future, the lives of their evil wind sect might not be better.

However, at this point, they have no other way, better than being asked by Mo.

However, within one hour, Tianyuan Pavilion sent news that they would not accept their refuge.

"What! We put the power of the whole clan into the Tianyuan Pavilion, but they didn't accept it?"

The senior officials of the evil wind sect have changed their complexes one by one. This kind of great thing can't usually be sought, and Tianyuan Pavilion actually refused. You should know that the evil wind sect is not a small sect in Penglai Fairyland. There are several monks in Taixuan Realm, and Zongmen has inherited for thousands of years and accumulated quite a lot. Once they invest in Tianyuan Pavilion, this huge wealth Fall into the hands of Tianyuan Pavilion.

Tianyuan Pavilion does not accept such a good thing!

"Tianyuan Pavilion will not take into account Mo asked?" An elder could not help.

Is it possible that the ancient ancestors like Tianyuan Pavilion would not ask if they asked? Tianyuan Pavilion does not know if there is a god-cultivator in the **** realm, but they know that the god-cultivator in the ordinary **** realm can't help Tianyuan Pavilion.

An ancestral ancestor that continues in ancient times to this day, I do not know how many winds and rains it has experienced, how many disasters it has traversed, and it can stand up to this day. The inside of this sect can be imagined. No matter how powerful the question is, it is impossible to shake the Tianyuan Pavilion!

"Contact Hong Miao Zong again!" Qian Ye Xie Jun took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, he did not believe that the huge Penglai fairyland, there is no place for their evil Fengzong.

An hour later, the news of Hong Miaozong came back, and it was still rejected.

Evil Fengzong's high-level faces are getting more and more ugly. They have found three or four ancient ancestors in succession, but without exception, all were rejected.

"Damn, those ancient ancestors were so timid and afraid of things at all times. With their abilities, you don't need to care about a little question."

Qianye Evil King clenched his fists tightly, and never dreamed that this would be the result.

Is it necessary to force him to find a force like Nether Mountain or Motian?

He is quite clear that once he finds a ghost mountain or a magic sky, he will never be able to look back. In the future, he will not be resisted by the Tianhua Palace. It is in such an evil organization that the people of their evil wind sect absolutely do not. What will end well.

"Sovereign, Sovereign, good news, good news ... finally there are forces willing to take us in."

An elder of the evil wind sect suddenly ran in from the outside, with a look of excitement, said loudly with a communication device in his hand.

"Which force?"

"He can protect us from the evil wind sect."

"There are not so many forces in Penglai's fairyland who are not afraid of God's virtual reality."


The elders in the hall heard this and looked at each other with excitement ~ ~ Like drowning people, they suddenly caught a life-saving straw. There are only a few elders who are always silent and do not say a word. A trace of sorrow flashes in their eyes. Why did the former evil wind sect fall so far?

Qian Ye evil prince coldly looked at the elder.

"Xieyue Chamber of Commerce." The elder said excitedly.

Xieyue Chamber of Commerce, one of the three major chambers of commerce in Penglai Fairyland, not to mention only the chamber of commerce, can grab business in Penglai Fairyland and Tianhua Palace. It is said that the Xieyue Chamber of Commerce is still the most mysterious of the three major chambers of commerce, and the background seems quite extraordinary.

If this Chamber of Commerce protects them from the evil wind sect, they will surely be able to overcome the difficulties ahead.


At the same time, millions of miles away, the bone city.

Huagu City is located at the foot of Huagu Mountain, and the territory of the city with a radius of more than 100,000 miles is ruled by Huagu Church.

(To be continued.)

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