Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1357: Fairy Phoenix

The Qinghuang son stared blankly at the Dou Kui elders who were blown away with a punch. He didn't return to his mind with half a ring. Is that their Qing Huang Sect's Dou Kui elders? The Qingdao Xiandao Island is the most powerful power in the Dao Realm?

How can it be!

How could it be that Elder Dou Kui was blown out by a thin young man with a punch, just like hitting a fly.

Over a million miles away, Elder Dou Kui is like a shooting star. The scales and air on his body are constantly emitting Mars. It seems that the whole person is burning.

He flew a million miles away, and he barely held his body. At this time, he had flew out of the Blue Phoenix Fairy Island and appeared in the sea.

"What a terrible power!"

Elder Dou Kui no longer had the previous murderousness, his eyes were startled and frightened.

He is well-known for his strength. Among the immortals in the Dao Realm, few are stronger than him. But in front of that fist, it was like an ant met an elephant, it was not in a series at all.

At this time, Dou Kui had suffered quite serious injuries, all the internal organs were broken, and there was a crack in the flesh and blood on his body. If he was replaced by an ordinary person, the injury was so serious that I might have died long ago.

In Qinghuang City, many people were stunned by Mo Wen's simple punch. Many people realized that this teenager was definitely not a troublesome character. No wonder he dared to make trouble on the site of Qinghuangzong.

"Your cultivation is profound and unpredictable, this sect master admires. However, you are so abusive to my son, it is a bit deceiving too much."

A voice suddenly came from the direction of the Blue Phoenix Sect, misty and misty, far and near.

Fairy Phoenix!

Many people in the city heard this voice and knew that the Blue Phoenix Fairy appeared.

As the ruler of the Blue Phoenix City, the majesty of the Blue Phoenix Fairy is naturally very large, and many people show an involuntary look involuntarily.

A blue light slowly rose from a high mountain. It seemed to be slow, but it appeared in the blink of an eye.

It was a beautiful woman wearing a magnificent feather coat, with a noble and graceful body, her phoenix eyes rising, and a trace of innate pride.

Fairy Phoenix has the blood of Phoenix, but it is one of the noblest blood of the demon world.

As soon as she appeared, the heaven and earth vitality of the whole heaven and earth gathered in her direction. It seemed that everything in heaven and earth followed her orders.

"Too deceptive? You Qinghuang Zong only deceived too much." Mo asked sneer.

"No matter what kind of grievances, you let Fu'er go first, we can sit down and talk slowly about this matter. If it is our mistakes first, I guarantee that Qinghuangzong will never embarrass you."

Qinghuang Fairy said faintly.

This person's cultivation is in her eyes. If it is not necessary, she does not want to be an enemy of such a person.

"Sit down and talk slowly. Sorry, I don't have that interest. I want this little animal to be released. It's OK. Give enough treasure to redeem people." Mo asked lightly.

"Your Excellency doesn't seem to be talking to me?" Qinghuang Fairy's eyes cooled.

"Mother! He has Wan Zai Yan Shou Dan and Gui Yuan He Yi Dan, and, surely, there are other Peerless Elixir, you must not let him go, he alone, is worth the wealth of our entire Blue Phoenix Sect . "

The young phoenix shouted loudly, he had already seen that the elixir of this young man was definitely more than a little bit, and even he himself might be an alchemist.

"Wan Zai Yan Shou Dan, Gui Yuan He Yi Dan!"

Qinghuang Fairy heard his pupils shrink and heard a flash of light in his eyes.

These two elixirs are the elixirs she most wanted, but unfortunately they did not get them for thousands of years.

Wan Zai Yan Shou Dan can continue her lifespan, maybe a life span of 10,000 years, she will be able to break through to the top of the world.

As for Gui Yuan He Yi Dan, it is the key to her son's breakthrough into the He Dao realm.

Xiu Xianjie pays attention to strength, without strength, there is no status. In the future she will sit down, and if her son Qing Fu does not have enough strength, it is impossible to inherit her mantle.

Only by breaking into the right path can one have the ability to serve the crowd. Otherwise, after her death, the Blue Phoenix Sect will fall into the hands of others.

That's why she desperately needs a Guiyuan united pill, so that even after she dies, she doesn't need to worry about the only son.

Qinghuang Fairy looked at Mo Wen's gaze, and suddenly became strange.

"Since your toast does not eat or drink fine wine, then don't blame the patriarch for being polite."

There was a dazzling blue light on the blue phoenix fairy, and the dazzling blue light overwhelmed the whole blue phoenix city.

The cultivation practice of the Qinghuang Sect Master is in the top of the immortal cultivation in the later period of the Taoism. No one in the entire Qinghuang City is afraid of her.

When she raised her hand, a palm of blue flame suddenly fell from the sky.

The terrifying flames seemed to burn both space and time, and the vitality between heaven and earth seemed to be burning.

The burned vitality turned into a cyan flame and merged into the palm of the flame. A lot of heaven and earth vitality poured in, and the power of the flame palm climbed to the top instantly.

"Blue Phoenix Fire!"

"That's the fire of the Blue Phoenix! It's terrifying. The ordinary immortal practitioners in the early days of the Taoist World were accidentally surrounded by the fire of the Blue Phoenix and would be burned to death in a flash."

"That's the fabulous stunt of the Blue Phoenix Fairy. Once cast, the gods and ghosts will be surprised."


As a demon race with the blood of Phoenix, Qinghuang Fairy naturally has a high talent for fire.

The fire of the blue phoenix, which is beyond ordinary sky fire, is quite terrifying.

I saw that the green giant palm had not yet fallen, and everything within a hundred miles of it was instantly evaporated, even the stones and the soil were burned to ashes, and the scum was not left.

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, his mouth twitched a playful smile.

There is a trace of the power of the Phoenix Fire in the Fire of the Blue Phoenix. No wonder the power is so domineering.

With a wave of his hand, he gently patted the void in front of him.

At the next moment, a golden flame appeared between heaven and earth, illuminating the whole world instantly.

The golden flame was like the center of the whole world, flying high up, turning into a flaming phoenix, with a long whine in the sky.

The giant palm of the falling blue phoenix fire suddenly condensed in the air, seems to be blocked by an invisible force, and the burning flame was instantly weakened a lot.

The golden phoenix flew into the sky and hit the flaming giant palm, instantly smashing the flaming giant palm, a trace of flame essence was extracted from the broken flame, and then slowly merged into the phoenix flame.

"Phoenix Skyfire!"

Qinghuang Fairy shocked, looking at the golden phoenix, his eyes full of incredible colors.

She hadn't expected her dream, but it was Phoenix Skyfire.

Her green phoenix fire only contains a trace of phoenix skyfire. Compared with the real phoenix skyfire, the power is naturally very different. Such a pure phoenix skyfire has almost no impurities. She only has a few days of fire. Seen in Phoenix.

"What the **** are you, how could you own Phoenix Skyfire!"

Qinghuang Fairy looked at Mo Wen in disbelief. Isn't this young man a member of the Skyfire Phoenix family?

However, she has never seen this person, and has never heard of this person.

The body of the blue phoenix son bound to the mountain was trembling and shaking. As a descendant of the Phoenix blood vein, Phoenix Tianhuo suppressed him too much. The suppression in the deep blood vein caused him to involuntarily produce a feeling of fear.

He didn't have as deep a cultivation practice as the Fairy Phoenix, the breath of Phoenix Skyfire was more terrible for him than the wild beasts.

Mo Wen didn't bother to care about the Blue Phoenix Fairy, reached forward, and saw that the magnificent Phoenix Skyfire raised his name, and then rushed towards the Blue Phoenix Fairy.

For thousands of years, Mo Wen has long cultivated Phoenix Skyfire to a very high level. These people, he has been cultivating Phoenix Skyfire, treats Wuling Net Fire as food, and constantly feeds Phoenix Skyfire.

He even extracted a lot of Wuling Jinghuo in Yan Shending, and the Phoenix Skyfire at this time had been cultivated into a very powerful skyfire.

Qinghuang Fairy saw the phoenix sky fire fluttering, his face slightly changed.

Although she was cultivated to be advanced, she was naturally afraid of Phoenix Skyfire because of the Phoenix Bloodline.

Phoenix Tianhuo's lethality to her will be extremely huge.

Moreover, judging from the pureness of the group of Phoenix Skyfire, the power of this fire has reached a considerable point!

However, there was a fire in the eyes of the Fairy Phoenix, if the young Phoenix's Phoenix Skyfire could be snatched up and absorbed the source of fire, then she would break through to the top of the road. The peak is not a problem.

Even, there is a hint of possible breakthrough to the avenue.

Driven by strong temptations and confusion, the eyes of Qinghuang Fairy became more and more red. As long as the young man was killed, she could get many dreams.

"Nine-nine-nine return to a big battle, sacrifice!"

Qinghuang Fairy snorted, and a quaint seal appeared in her hand. The one-nine-nine-nine seal in her hand was the token for the full-scale initiation of the nine-nine-nine return.

I saw that the heaven and earth were shocked, and the vitality of the heavens and earth in a radius of a million miles came together like the direction of the Blue Phoenix City.

The magnitude of the momentum, compared with the scale of the Qinghuang son's exciting array just now, is simply a little witch.

The terrifying world is full of vitality, highly compressed above the Blue Phoenix City, and a breathtaking majesty swept down from above the sky.

In the city, a large number of immortal practitioners kneel on the ground oppressed by the mighty heavenly prestige, and their faces are pale, although the coercion of heaven and earth is not directed against them, but the slight breath of air can suppress them in place. Can't move.

Some high-end immortal repairers ~ ~ feel the same very deeply. In front of that terrifying Tianwei, they are like a small boat in the sea, which can be irreversible at any time.

"This is really a big battle for Jiu Jiu!"

Hua Qingshan took a breath of breath, and his eyes were full of fear, and the ninety-nine of the support of the Blue Phoenix Sect Master returned to a large group. Power, even if the young man is stronger, as long as he is not a monk in Dadao Realm, I am afraid it will fall here today.

"It's so strong, it's true that the legendary Nine-Nine-Nine is in a big battle. The young man is estimated to be tragic."

"With the ability of the young man, if he is outside the Blue Phoenix Immortal Dao, I am afraid that the Blue Phoenix Sect Master can't help him, and may even lose to his hands. But unfortunately, he came to the Blue Phoenix Sect's territory to provoke the Blue Phoenix Sect Master , I am afraid that this time there will be more and more evil. "

In addition to the Qingshan Mountain in Qinghuang City, there are also a number of immortal practitioners in the Tao Realm, some of whom were originally immortal practitioners of the Blue Phoenix Immortal Dao, and some came from a distance to the guests who came to the Blue Phoenix Sect Master He Shou.

(To be continued.)

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