Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1368: 6th root feather

Ever since Mo Wen got "Unable to Sutra", he tried to cultivate this peerless divine law, but he still couldn't get in. ???

Although he cultivated "Unable to Sutra" in his dream, he made some achievements in this way.

However, even if he knew the way and process of practicing "Unable to Sutra", he could even say that he was experienced, but it is still very difficult to replicate this life again.

Because the cultivation conditions of "Unable to Sutra" are too harsh, even if you have cultivated "Unable to Sutra" to a great success in your previous life, you have to change your body and environment, and then you have to rely on chance to practice successfully.

"How to do!"

Mo Wen frowned, "Unable to Sutra" through the supreme peak-peak, can reach the level he could not imagine. As a cultivator who pursues the supremacy of heaven and earth, naturally has unparalleled appeal.

Moreover, if the "Unable to Sutra" cannot be cultivated, the "Five Fierce Codes" are estimated to be difficult to complete.

For the life in the dream, he seems to be able to easily cultivate the "Five Fierce Codes" because he has cultivated "Unable to Sutra".

"I have successfully cultivated" Unable to Sutra "in my dream, but this life has not entered, why?"

Mo Wenning raised his eyebrows and thought about it, recalling the life in the dream, what he knew and encountered, vividly remembered.

He recalled his life, or the life in a dream.

Since he was able to cultivate the "Unable Classic" in his dream life, there must be a reason. He may be able to find the key point in it.

One hour, two hours ... one day, two days ... ten days.

Mo asked again and again to recall the life experience of that life in the dream. On the tenth day, his eyes lit up.

"Can't be empty! Can't be empty! I get it!"

Mo asked with a sudden smile, he finally understood why he couldn't cultivate "Unable to Sutra".

"Unable to Sutra" is impossible to cultivate. He has practiced and has grown up in the rules of law. He has cultivated into a Taoist realm, and the traces of the law are too deep on his body. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for him to cultivate "Unable to Sutra".

In the past life, he was not a fairy cultivator. He didn't have so many adventures now. Before he got "Unable to Sutra", he was always a little warrior.

Of course, Mo Wen could not disperse his whole body to cultivate the practice in order to practice the "Unable Classic" and start again in an impossible state. That's too risky, and no one knows whether it will succeed. What's more, even if it can succeed, it is very risky. Who dares to say that it can be a smooth journey on the road to cultivation of "Unable Classic", "Unable Classic" is the world's first difficult legal practice.

What's more, in a weak age, if killed by a strong enemy, it is possible to die.

"Perhaps, there is only one way now!" Mo asked, his eyes flashing.

Stand up!

He had a hunch that breaking through and standing up might also be one of the ways to practice Unable to Sutra.

At least, he is not really in a state of disability in dreams, and the martial arts he practices are also Fa.

Originally chased and killed by monsters and beasts, Dan Tian was destroyed and fell off the cliff, and then he encountered "Unable to Suffer" and "Five Fierce Codes".

At that time, he had almost no obstacles in practicing "Unable to Sutra", and soon he started.

Perhaps the key to the cultivation of "Unable to Sutra" is to break through and stand up.

Of course, it is also very risky to stand still. Mo asked that it is impossible to put himself in danger, but he is not without a way.


His avatar can take risks, even if the avatar dies, his deity will have nothing to do.

Of course, doing so may cost him an invaluable incarnation.

It is equal to one less life, but for the "Unable to Sutra" and "Five Fierce Codes", he feels worth the risk.

With the memories of his previous life, he was quite aware of the terrible "Unable to Sutra" and "Five Fierce Codes".

Once cultivated, one less life is worth it.

Soon, his celestial body embryo incarnation actually had limited potential.

After many years of cultivation, Mo has asked a question.

In terms of potentiality, the incarnation of Heaven's Spirit Embryo is far inferior to his deity.

At present, the avatar may still be able to follow the rhythm of the deity, but after the cultivation is advanced, the incarnation may be thrown away by the deity and become a chicken rib.

If the incarnation can become "Unable to Sutra", it is also an opportunity and transformation for the incarnation.

In short, it's adventurous, but it's also worth it.

"It's time to let the incarnation go out and practice." Mo asked secretly.

Breaking through and standing up is not a self-defeating martial art, but experiencing hardship and suffering, but only by seizing an opportunity can we break down and stand still.

Therefore, the incarnation cannot continue to follow the practice of the deity, and must go out and try.

As for the deity, Mo Wen intends to retreat in Jiandi Mountain for a long time, to enlighten the way of creation and space, especially the way of creation. Once he realizes the way of creation, he will master the most mysterious power in the world. It can even return to the chemical tank again.

Not to mention the endless treasures in the chemical pool, returning to the chemical pool means that he has a chance to get the chemical pool completely. If he can master the treasure of heaven and earth, where else in the world can he not go?

Suddenly, the formation of Dongfu flashed and a stream of light flew in.

"Well! Invitation!"

The streamer appeared in the hands of Mo Wen, but it was an invitation. The message above was simple.

Hundred City Auction!

Every 1,000 years, Jiandi City will hold a hundred cities auction.

The so-called Hundred Cities is an auction held mainly by the Sword Emperor City, including a hundred large cities around it.

Placed in the fairy sea, it is a grand event in the grand event.

At that time, a large number of immortal practitioners will rush to the Sword Emperor City to participate in the Hundred City Auction. This is because the rare treasures that are rarely seen in the market are rare and difficult to buy, and will appear in large numbers at the Hundred City Auction.

However, only those who receive invitations are eligible to enter the auction site, and ordinary fairy repairers are simply not eligible to participate in such auctions.

Mo Wen was able to rent the cave house at Jiandi Mountain, and was naturally listed as the invited person.

Mo Wen looked up with the invitation. There was a lot of information on it. In addition to the auction location and time, it also included information about the lot. The entire auction is divided into five major auction venues, Tiancaidibao venue, magical magic venue, magic treasure medicine hall, slave war beast venue, special items venue.

Different types of treasures are divided into different auctions, and there is no overlap in time. Anyone has time to go to any auction.

"There are a lot of treasures, and it is worthy of the demon world."

Mo Wen exclaimed in his heart that the treasures in the upper realm are indeed not comparable to the original world. Many of the lots he had heard of in the legend, any one is probably not something he can buy now.

Well, Ling Yu of Qixingtianhuo fan.

Mo asked his eyes flashed, he did not expect that the feather feathers of the seven-star sky fan would appear at the auction.

Only seven feathers can form a complete Qixing Tianhuo fan, and Qixing Tianhuo fan is a Xuantian sacred treasure. The rank does not belong to his Shao Zun tower and Shao Zun sword.

At that time, Wushen used Qixingtianhuo fan to fight with ordinary Heavenly Dao saints. It is a pity that the Qixingtianhuo fan has never gathered since the Star Emperor was divided into seven.

"Sixth Ling Yu, he must be photographed."

Mo asked to make up his mind that treasures like Qixingtianhuo Fan, since they are encountered, they must not be missed.

What is the power of Shao Zun sword?

Even now, he can't use the Shao Zun sword normally. One or two swords will use up his power. The Qixingtianhuo fan is also a strong attack treasure. I'm afraid it will not be worse than the Shao Zun sword.

The door of Dongfu opened, and the white light flashed, and Mo Wen's incarnation flew out of Jiandi Mountain.

Jiandi Inner City is built with Jiandi Mountain as the center, and it is within the scope of Jiandi Inner City.

For ordinary people, the radius is a big city, but for the immortal, it is a very small area.

Sword Emperor's inner city has never been known for its size, but its essence rather than its size. Most of the city is practiced Dongfu, but there are also commercial streets and special buildings.

None of the shops that can be opened in the inner city of the sword emperor are ordinary shops.

Xueyang Palace, the business center of the Xue family.

Of the four major forces in the Jiandi City, only the Xue family is mainly engaged in commerce. Therefore, every Baicheng auction is basically held by the Xue family. The auction location is in Xueyang Palace.

At this time, in front of Xue Yanggong, people came and went, endlessly.

The Hundred City Auction was held as scheduled, and there are tens of thousands of immortals who come to Xueyang Palace every day. In such a grand auction, the immortals of the entire sea area will be attracted.

"Your Excellency, please present your invitation."

The immortal who kept the gate in front of Xue Yanggong stopped a young man in white.

Mo Wen nodded and took out an invitation from his arms. He knew that at auctions at the same level as the Hundred City Auction, people without invitations were simply not eligible to participate.

However, he had just prepared to hand the invitation to the gatekeeper, but a sudden chill came from behind him.

"Who?" Several of the gate-keepers who were immortal looked startled, and they looked into the back of Lightning and looked at Mo Wen.

I saw above the sky, there was a dark black escape from the sky, and came to the Xueyang Palace without any meaning.


An icy low drink sounded, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, the whole world burst for a while.

A few gatekeepers of the immortals knew the sea roaring for a while, and they were dull for a moment, and there was a blank in their minds.

Mo Wen flashed a strange light in his eyes, looking at the figure that flew into Xue Yang Palace in a flash before him.

At this moment, the blood in his body was tumbling for a while ~ ~ There was only one voice, the power was so terrible, who is it?

I'm afraid that at least all of them are celestial cultivators in Dadao Realm, probably more powerful than the Lei Peng of the Tianpeng tribe.

"Mo Ting Ancestor."

The guard of Wei came back to him. There was a trace of terror in his eyes. He was broken and scolded, but he didn't dare to put one.

"Captain, that is the legendary Mo Ting ancestor?" Several other guards who were immortal guards said in shock.

The ancestor of Mo Ting was an old monster in the later stage of Dadao Realm. It is the most pinnacle of existence in the entire Xianyun Sea. Their Xianyun Sea seems to have no Heavenly Saints so far.

Although the Hundred City Auctions are well-formed, there is no way to meet the existence of Mo Ting Patriarch. After all, the entire Xue family of Mo Ting's ancestors dare not offend easily, let alone them.

"Can I go in?" Mo asked softly, holding the invitation in his hand.

(To be continued.)

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