Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1381: Red dust knife


Xue Guangkun looked at each other, but didn't care much. 』』 『

There are many races living in the desert forests of the western desert, but the only people who are most threatened by them are the desert people and the wood race. Other races do not need to worry too much.

The Mu tribe, this race has existed since ancient times, and even Mo Wen heard about it, but it is the current tribe.

Since the immortal day, the Mu tribe has moved to the spirit world, and is the hegemon of the spirit world.

Unexpectedly, there is a wood clan in the enclosed space of the ancient land.

The seven or eight alien races in front of you are extraordinary, the two of them are in the same realm, and several others also have the practice of divine realm.

If it is placed elsewhere, there is no doubt that it is a rather terrible force, enough to dominate the party.

But among the Xue family, which one is not the best in the Great Dharma, and any one is a great person, how can you put the seven or eight aliens in front of your eyes. However, at this time in the desert forest of West Desert, it is not suitable to provoke too much right and wrong.

Master Hong Chen raised his eyebrows, and if it was placed in peacetime, who would dare to talk to him like that, he would have slapped past.

The red dust old devil is not called in vain, the road can't come out, and the common road dare to yell in front of him.

"Every element of the six-pronged vein is of little value to me, and there is no need to worry about them."

Xue Guangkun shook his head and said that it was easy to kill those aliens. He was afraid to provoke the real strongman in the desert forest of West Desert.

Although the following six-grade element veins also belong to a treasure, it is somewhat worthless to make great efforts to this end.


Red Master Chen waved his hand, and several people continued to fly forward as originally planned.

Behind him, the two aliens watched the group of people away with vigilance, and did not stop them. With their cultivation practices, it is natural to sense that this pedestrian cultivation is as deep as the sea, which is quite terrifying.

"Brother, the ancient gate of 30,000 years has been opened. These immortal practitioners do not have the breath of our green world, they should be outsiders. Do we want to inform the clan, these people ..."

A spooky color flashed in the eyes of an alien, and his gaze looked at the backs of Mo Wen several people.

Those who are immortals in the alien world carry a lot of treasures.

"No! The outsiders are all elites in the elite, and any one is quite terrible, and it is not something that can be provoked casually."

Shaking his head for the aliens, he was quite aware of the horror of these outsiders, so he did n’t want to provoke him from beginning to end.

"However, we don't take the initiative to provoke, but we can sell their information to the barren or wood clan. Hey, I believe that the barren and the wood clan should be very interested." The stranger smiled coldly, his eyes flashed After a strange color.

At this moment, Mo Wen and his party had flown thousands of miles.

Suddenly, Mo Wen's ear moved, and a flash of interest flashed in his eyes.

The conversation between the two aliens was heard by him without saying a word, although the two aliens had direct spiritual communication when they were talking, which was quite secretive. But Mo Wen is a soul-cultivator. In terms of his soul, he is far from being comparable to ordinary immortal-cultivators. At a distance of thousands of miles, he can still steal-hear the conversation between the two aliens.

"Those aliens are ready to sell Mo Wen's intelligence to the barren and wood tribes." Mo asked lightly.


A few people heard that all looked very different.

The tree wants to be quiet and the wind stops. They want to calm down, not to provoke right and wrong, but some people don't think so, they have to make things happen.

If the deserted people or the wood people know their whereabouts, then they will be quite dangerous.

"court death!"

Red Master Chen has roared, turned into a lightning, and instantly crossed thousands of miles, and appeared above those aliens.

The sleeves flicked, and one was formed by the gathering of red clouds. It was huge like a mountain, and the palm covering a hundred kilometers in a circle appeared suddenly, and it shot fiercely to the ground.

"What! Damn, stop me."

The aliens never dreamed that the alien who had just left had actually killed him again, and he went straight without saying anything.


What a terrible power the Red Drainer had. With a slap, the forest in a hundred miles was destroyed by smoke, all the trees instantly turned to ashes, the land collapsed a dozen meters down, and turned red, bright red like blood.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see a huge reddish palm print in the green forest.

Of the seven or eight aliens, five or six of the gods' realm were directly annihilated by flying ash and were killed by a blow.

There are only two aliens in the same realm, barely blocking the horrible palm, but they are also seriously injured, and there is a crack in the body, like a cracked earth. It seems to touch a little, and it will split.

At this moment, they looked at the leader of Red Dust and were terrified. In the same doctrine, the man had such a terrible power in the palm of his hand, it was unbelievable. If they take the shot seriously, they may not be able to catch the other party's moves.

"We didn't provoke your lord, why did you yell at us? If it is for the sake of the origin here, we immediately give up and will never fight with you."

The alien voice for the dry said dryly, and looked at the leader of the red dust with dread.

"I heard that you are going to sell the information of our group to the barren and wood tribes?" The leader of the red dust teacher looked at the alien leader with a cold eye.

The two aliens heard the words, their faces changed slightly, and they were instantly pale.

How can it be!

The conversation they just made was a spiritual exchange, and the extra secret, how could outsiders know. Taking their cultivation in the Dao Realm as an example, even if the Immortal Cultivators in Dadao Realm can't easily hear their conversations, how could this group of people have such a skill.

"No, absolutely nothing, how can we do such shameless things."

The aliens shaking their heads again and again, this kind of thing must not be admitted, otherwise today will definitely die.

The red dust leader sneered again and again, the colder his eyes, in fact, he didn't need to care about the truth of this matter, his intention to kill these people was decided. Because Mo Wen reminded him that since these people knew their whereabouts, if they were not eliminated, it would always be a hidden danger.

Even if these people did not have the idea of ​​selling their intelligence, after Mo asked so, he would have to kill and kill his mouth to prevent future troubles.

That's why, just after Mo Wen finished talking, Hong Chen did not consider the truth of the matter at all, and immediately killed him back.

As a generation of giant owls, Lord Red Dust can break out such a great reputation in Xianyunhai, and quite understand that the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall.

"I don't admit it when I die."

A light laughter sounded above the sky, and at the next moment, a figure flashed, seemingly instantaneous, directly appearing above the sky.

Mo Wen waved his hand lightly, and at the next moment, a peculiar spiritual wave spread in the air, and a message was conveyed in the wave, just the conversation between the two aliens.

"No! The outsiders are all elites in the elite, and any one is quite terrible, and it is not something that can be provoked casually."

"However, we don't take the initiative to provoke, but we can sell their intelligence to the barren or wood clan. Hey, I believe that the barren and wood clan should be very interested."


Seeing this, the two aliens were instantly ashamed, and they never dreamed that their conversation was not only stolen-heard but also copied.

"What the **** is this, how can there be such a weird ability." Wei's miserable said.

As long as I knew this, he would absolutely not say anything, nor would he provoke this group of outsiders in any way.

Xue Guangkun, Xue Yiming and others arrived one after another, looking at the mental fluctuations above the sky and looking at Mo Wen with strange eyes.

Not only can he be stolen across thousands of miles-to hear the spiritual conversation between two aliens, but also to directly copy this spiritual exchange, how did he do it?

Even the Lord of the Red Dust Master looked at Mo Wen a little differently. This hand is quite not simple. Not to mention the immortal practitioners in the Dadao Realm, I am afraid that even those in the ordinary Dadao Realm cannot do it.

After all, the two aliens have the same path of cultivation, their communication on the spiritual level is quite hidden, and it is absolutely impossible to be easily stolen by outsiders. Otherwise, the two aliens would not say such words boldly.

"Nothing to say now, let me die."

Red Master Chen coldly looked at the two aliens, reached out a little, and saw an exquisite scimitar scattered with blood appearing between heaven and earth.

The exquisite scimitar flew to two aliens in a flash, the flight seemed unpleasant, the flight path was clearly visible to the naked eye, but it was extremely fast, and it seemed that it could not be avoided at all.

The two aliens were full of panic in their eyes. They could only watch the blood-manged scimitar appear in front of them little by little. They wanted to hide, but they couldn't hide at all. Time seemed to be slowed down countless times at this moment.

"Years of Red Dust!"

Xue Guangkun's eyes flickered ~ ~ staring closely at the **** delicate scimitar, his eyes full of fear.

Red dust knife of years! The most terrible treasure in the Master of Red Dust is the rare earthly treasure. Moreover, the red dust knife of the years contains the power of mysterious and unpredictable time, which is extremely strange and terrible. For hundreds of thousands of years, I do n’t know how many Xiong Xiong died under the red dust knife of the years.

As soon as the knife came out, the two aliens in the same realm had no chance to dodge. Under the power of time, it seemed to be very slow, but it was actually extremely fast.

In an instant, the Red Dust Knife of the Years was chopped on the body of an alien, directly slashing his body with the spirits and souls, and the soul was scattered.

"Damn! You outsiders, our Hao and Cong tribe will not let you go. And I have sent a message to the barren and wood clan, I believe they will find you soon, all of you will be buried with me Haha ... "

The other interracial laughed with hatred in his eyes. He knew that he would definitely die, and he could never escape in this situation.

In just one breathing effort, two aliens in the same realm were beheaded, and even the soul did not escape.

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