Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1386: Xue Family

The saints of the Xuanming tribe were very close, and immediately caused many people to look away.

Xue Guangkun, who was originally ugly, saw the saint of the Xuanming tribe, and was immediately excited. He got up excitedly and greeted him in the lobby.

When he wanted to come, the sage of the Tang Xuan Xing tribe came to Xinyue Inn, and it must have come for their Xue family.

After all, Xinyue Inn is not a well-known inn. It is very common in Juzhu City. Apart from their Xue family, who is worth the Xuanming tribe's saint to come in person?

The Xue family had many transactions with the Xuan Ming clan in the past, and it was reasonable for the Xuan Ningxin sage to come to the door in person.

Humph! The housekeeper of the Xuanming tribe who looked down on people, I must look back at the saint before turning back.

Xue Guangkun hummed again and again, thinking that before going to the Xuanming clan, he didn't even enter the gate, he was stopped by a person who looked like a housekeeper, and he didn't get angry.

Look, all the holy ladies, they must take the initiative to find my Xue family to cooperate. What is your butler?

"His Highness, how can I bother you to come in person ..."

However, Xue Guangkun approached with excitement, but now the Xuanming clan saint didn't look at him. Instead, Lianbu moved slightly, walking straight past him, directly treating him as air.

Xue Guangkun stiffened, and his excited expression instantly froze on his face. He slowly turned his head back to look at Xuan Ningxin's saint, and now Xuan Ningxin's gaze always looked at the elegant seat on the second floor.

Moreover, that location is exactly where they were sitting.

what's the situation?

Xue Guangkun was ashamed, looking at Xuan Ningxin's appearance, he should have come to them, but why didn't he know him, know that he was the leader of the Xue family this time.

Sure enough, Xuan Ningxin's saint moved the lotus step up to the second floor and entered the elegant room where their Xue family was.

Xue Guangkun coughed twice, and embarrassment was committed, and he quickly caught up. Although Saint Xuan Ningxin didn't know her, she was able to come to the inn personally, which was great news for the Xue family. At least, the transaction with the Xuan Ming clan would be successful.

"His Highness."

Seeing Xuan Ningxin coming to Yajian, Xue Yiming and Xue Changkong quickly stood up and greeted with a smile.

Although the Xue family is a powerful force in the Xianyun Sea, but here is the ancient land, a saint of a large family, the status is quite respectable. What's more, now they are the Xue family, and they still ask for the Xuanming tribe.

Master Hong Chen looked at Xuan Ningxin in surprise. The Xue family was still in a dilemma just now. As a result, the saint of the Xuan Ming clan came to the door in person.

Only Mo Wen knew the purpose of Xuan Ning's heart.

Sure enough, Xuan Ningxin just politely nodded to Xue Yiming and Xue Changkong, and came straight to Mo Wen.

"Don't ask Daoyou, Huixin Cao has found it. For your business, Ning Xin Ke does not dare to neglect it." Xuan Ning Xin said with a smile.

With that, a maid beside Xuan Ningxin stepped forward and opened a jade box in her hand. Suddenly, a cold air escaped from the jade box. Inside the jade box, there was an emerald green grass.

The jade box is made from the best cold jade and contains the elixir to ensure that the aura of the elixir will never dissipate.

Mo Wen nodded, took back the heart grass, and at the same time took out a jade bottle and placed it on the table: "This is the second Huangxuan Xuan Dan, and its quality is not worse than the first one."

At this time, Xue Yiming and Xue Changkong finally realized that the Saint daughter of the Xuanming tribe was not coming to find their Xue family, but to ask Mo to ask someone.

Xue Yiming and Xue Changkong looked at each other, but they didn't understand how Mo Wen got involved with the Xuanming tribe.

At this time, Xue Guangkun also returned to the Yajian, seeing this scene, his face stiffened again.

"Do not ask Daoyou, I don't want to hide it. This kind of Xuanxuan Xuan Dan is very useful to Ning Xin. If it is convenient, can you trade all the Xie Xuan Dan in your hands to me. Of course, the price is good to discuss , I am willing to trade with you at a premium. "

Xuan Ning looked at Mo and asked her what she really meant. What she likes is not one of two Xuanxuan Xuandans, but all the Xuanxuan Xuandans in Mo Wen's hands.

While in Tianbaodian, Mo Wen took out five Xuanxuan Xuandan in one breath, and she suspected that Mo Wen might have more than five in her hand.

"The transaction is naturally no problem, but I only want what I am satisfied with." Mo asked faintly.

Although the Xuanming tribe is rich, there are many kinds of treasures, but he does not need everything. For example, magic weapons, ordinary holy treasures, even Qiankun holy treasures, he doesn't look at them very much. There are a lot of holy treasures in his hands.

The Tongtian Shengbao, and even the Xuantian Shengbao, the Xuanming tribe cannot come out and trade with him.

This kind of holy treasure, placed in the clan, is the treasure of the whole clan. How can it be easy to take out and trade the superb treasure that can suppress the luck of the clan.

As for the Elixir, Mo asked if he could refine it, and the Elixir he could not refine, the Xuanming tribe was afraid to take it out.

He is not a big family like the Xue family and has a huge demand for various resources. There are very few things that interest him like a fairy cultivator.

Xuan Ning's heart was deep in thought, and she could see that ordinary treasures like Mo Wen could not impress him, but the real treasures could not be easily traded.

"Daoyou like holy medicine, we can come up with a variety of precious holy medicine to trade with you." Xuan Ning said.

Mo Wen shook his head and said: "Not all sacred medicines are needed by me, and I am only interested in sacred medicines above the sacred medicine of Qiankun. If Her Majesty can't come up with what I am satisfied with, this transaction may be difficult to reach.

Xuan Ningxin helped him save a few Xuanxian Xuandan, he was very grateful, but he wouldn't just sell Xuanxuan Xuandan to her. After all, Xuan Ningxin helped him with a purpose, they just asked for what they needed.

What's more, it's not easy to refine the Xuan Dan of the Qiankun Shengdan level. Not only does it require a large amount of ancient beast blood, but it must be above the common realm. In order to ask Mo's current ability, refining a furnace of Xuandan, there is a possibility of failure.

If you change to someone else, even if you know the method of refining, you might not be able to refine it for a thousand years or even 10,000 years.

This is why he is willing to trade the Pill of Xuanxuan Pill to Caihuang'er.

Although Danfang is very important, alchemists are even more important. Since ancient times, advanced alchemists have been extremely distinguished professions.

At that time, Ji Wuya was only a practitioner of the Great Consummation in Dadao Realm.

Holy! In Xianxian Realm, only Heavenly Saints can use the holy name.

It can be seen from the above, how lofty Ji Wuya's status was at first, and the ordinary Daxian immortal cultivators may not be able to compare with him.

Xuan Ning's heart was frowned, and Qiankun's sacred medicine was rarely seen anywhere. Even if the ancient land was close to destruction, there were not many Qiankun's sacred medicines. The rank should not be lower than that of the Holy Medicine of Qiankun, and you must not ask what you need. The terrible Xuanming tribe did their best to find several strains.

"Do not ask, since Her Royal Highness sincerely traded with you, you might as well be convenient." Xue Guangkun said.

He hopes to use this opportunity to establish a relationship with the Xuanming clan's saint, and it is best to let this saint feel grateful to him. So Xue Guangkun hopes Mo Wen can sell him a face and lower the trading conditions.

At this time, everyone had seen that the saint of the Xuanming tribe was obviously asking for Mo Wen, hoping to get a precious elixir from Mo Wen.

This situation is just like the Xue family and the indigenous tribes in the ancient Qingcang. However, the situation is reversed.

However, Mo Wen didn't even look at Xue Guangkun, as if he hadn't heard him speak.

Xue Guangkun was so angry that he wished to slap him to death, but only felt that this person was too ignorant. The Xue family invited him to the Qingcang ancient land. Shouldn't he help the Xue family a little!

Xue Yiming and Xue Changkong had nothing to say. In order for the Xue family to do business with the Xuanming tribe, they had to ask about the loss, and obviously couldn't make sense.

"Don't ask Daoyou, why don't you ask for it, we will try our best to satisfy you." Xuan Ning said.

"If you Xuan Ming tribe have nine-color Yuan stone, you can exchange with me, one nine-color Yuan stone, you can exchange for 5 Huangxuan Xuan Dan." Mo asked lightly.

The Xue family around them all breathed a sigh of relief. Nine-color Yuanshi! Who would come up with a deal and be crazy?

Even Master Hongchen's gaze flickered slightly.

He has been in the fairy tale sea for more than 100,000 years, and he has only got a nine-color element stone so far, and it is still a coincidence, and he has only got it by atmospheric transportation.

For him, it is absolutely impossible to come up with nine-color Yuan Shi to trade.

Because that nine-grade Yuan stone is one of his hopes and reliance to break through to the Dadao realm.

In the ordinary mortal world, a one-color metastone is extremely rare, and it may not be produced for thousands of years.

In the higher-level world, the production of Yuanshi is easier because of the strong vitality of heaven and earth. One or two-color Yuanshi is very common.

The world's highest-end demon world, spirit world and demon world, five-color and six-color Yuanshi are very common.

Although the seven-color Yuanshi is less, with the strength of the demon world, many Yuan vein mines can also produce it.

However, the upward-looking eight-color Yuanshi is quite rare. Even the highest world such as the demon world and the spirit world can hardly breed a piece ~ ~ But one hundred times the seven-color Yuanshi.

Seven-color Yuanshi is close to the limit of the world's breeding, not to mention the eight-color Yuanshi with a concentration 100 times higher.

As for the highest Nine-Color Yuan Stones, they are extremely rare in the heavens and the worlds. I am afraid that a Daxian immortal can't collect a few Nine-Color Yuan Stones in his lifetime.

It takes too long time for nature to precipitate a nine-color metastone.

"Nine-color Yuanshi has an extremely important position for my family and cannot be easily used." Xuan Ning said with a look of embarrassment.

Nine-color Yuan Shi, Xuan Ming tribe is not without.

As a large clan in the ancient land of Qingcang, after the endless years, there are some nine-color Yuanshi collected by the Xuanming clan.

However, even if she was a saint of the Xuanming tribe, she could not say that she took it out. It must be approved by the clan elder meeting before it can be traded.

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