Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 851: Mysterious shadow

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The purpose of Yang Gongcheng's visit is indeed the Dragon City Run, and the target is also the two women. As for those crimes, they are naturally made up of nothing. As long as he got the Dragon City symbol, and the Five Tiger Gate obediently listened to his words, he would naturally not embarrass the Five Tiger Gate.

After all, the Five Tigers Gate is a big gate. If he does too much, it will have a bad influence on Bailizong. After all, this world is not the world of the Bailizong family.

"Well water does not violate river water? When did your Bailizong let our five tiger gates pass?"

Xie Rengui laughed self-deprecatingly. At that time, Bailizong forced Wuhumen to marry Fu Yu through the door. Fu Yu was just a righteous daughter of Yang Gongcheng and had an unclear relationship with him. Dajia Ming media is getting married. The two marriages on the surface actually want to arrange such a chess piece in the Five Tigers Gate.

Bai Lizong is powerful, and he can only bear it; for so many years, Fu Yu has done his best at Wuhumen, and he is unscrupulous, but with Bai Lizong behind him, he has endured it again. Now, Fu Yu Cholera Sect, secretly bought too elders, nothing wrong, Bai Lizong cheated on the door, can he bear?

"Thank you old man, at least you are the master of Wuhumen." Yang Gongcheng said lightly.

"Oh, the Sovereign of the Sheep means that I can become the Sovereign of the Five Tiger Gates, or you deliberately gave in, otherwise I would have been taken down for a long time. Isn't it a puppet Sovereign? I really want to thank the Sovereign of the sheep "Yes."

Xie Rengui's face cooled down, and it became colder and colder.

"Thank you old man, if you say so, then I don't deny that you, the Sovereign of the Five Tiger Gates, really can't be a long time." Yang Gongcheng nodded seriously.

Liu Hua heard a word of joy in her eyes. Yang Gongcheng promised him before, trying to make him the master of the Five Tigers Gate. It now appears that there is a play in this matter.

Yun Pengqing waited for the elders of the five tiger gates, but his face looked unsightly and arrogant. It's so arrogant.

When is the Sovereign of the Five Tiger Gates. It's up to him, Gong Cheng, to decide?

"Oh, Yang Gongcheng, many acts of unrighteousness will surely kill you. You may act so arrogantly for a while, but can you be arrogant for a lifetime? These two girls are people from the Five Tiger Gates. I am the sovereign. I cannot protect them. They are ashamed. But do you think that the Dragon City Rune is so easy to handle? Be careful not to burn your hands. "

Xie Rengui smiled, he was indeed a bit of a scumbag. Before, he was not Yang Gongcheng's opponent, now Yang Gongcheng has broken through to the Jindan realm, and the gap between the two is even more different. At least in front of him, Yang Gongcheng has arrogant capital.

However, the world is so big that there are mountains outside the mountains. There are people outside, people can't be arrogant to the end forever.

"Xie Rengui, you were an ingenious genius at the time. At least at that time, I was not as good as you. Chengdu, you were so heroic, you wanted to compare with Tiangong. Why, now that you are old, your body is dying, and your heart is also Is it dying? "

"You don't say that, I also know that the two dragon symbols appear very strangely on the two little girls. At the same time. I also know that the mysterious person that Cheng Zongping met in the forest. Maybe something with these two women. Contact. But since I dare to do it, I am not afraid of anyone retaliating. It does n’t matter if that person does n’t show up. If it does, I ’ll calculate it with his new account and old account. Well, dare to **** my Bailizong blue wire cloud network, it ’s just alive. Tired. "

Yong Gongcheng said with a cold face, so far, he did not hide anything, and directly admitted that the people who killed Wuhumen that day were committed by Bailizong. Some things Xie Rengui can think of, and he can also think of it. Although the mysterious man is powerful, he is not afraid, because he knows how big the gap is between the Jindan realm and the fetal breathing realm, which is why he dares to be so unscrupulous, and he does not take the Five Tigers in his eyes at all. The realm of Jindan and the realm of fetal breath are completely different levels.

Cheng Zongping and Yun Pengqing thought that the mysterious person was terrible, it was because they did not cultivate enough. If they also have the cultivation practice of the Jindan realm, I am afraid they would not think so.

And he guessed that the mysterious man was the best at the Jindan realm. Even if he had just broken through the Jindan realm, he would not be able to defeat such a person who had already broken through to the Jindan realm, that would not make him afraid.

Yang Gongcheng didn't know that his blue wire cloud network was not in Mo Wen's hands, but in the hands of Wuhumen. Who would have thought that the blue wire cloud network, which is a valuable weapon, could be ignored by some people, and could not be looked down upon at all.

"Yong Gongcheng, everyone knows your purpose. You can take those two dragon symbols, but don't hurt the two girls." Xie Rengui took a deep breath and was stronger than others. At this time, he could only retreat. First Save the lives of the two.

This taste is very uncomfortable, just like someone slapped you, you have to bow your head to make a guilt. But not so, what can it do, do you fight with Bai Lizong? That will only pay a heavier price.

"Xie Rengui, those two women stole my Han Dynasty Seal of Bailizong, and now people are detained by us, and the dragon symbols on their bodies will naturally be confiscated by us, and they have nothing to do with your Wuhumen. Two women, then exchange two Dragon City symbols. "

Yang Gongcheng smiled, Xie Rengui stepped back, he was more proud, and extorted a lot of money.

A group of five Humen gatemen couldn't be more furious. Never seen such a shameless person, this is simply Chi Guoguo's home robbery.

Xie Rengui's complexion was also gloomy, his hands clenched, but there was some helplessness, and he could only endure the anger in his heart.

"You want Dragon City Rune, I have eight more here, but ... do you dare to ask for it?"

Suddenly, a sound drifted into the square, and the sound was so near and far away that it was indistinguishable from the direction, the tone was peculiar, and it was indistinguishable from men and women.

Everyone was attracted by the sound, and they all looked at the source of the sound. But it was found that the voice had no source at all, and at the same time no one could speak.

However, Yun Pengqing and Wang He's eyes were brilliant, because of this voice, he had heard it once before ...

"It's him!" Yun Peng sneered.

"Sure enough." Wang He took a deep breath and thought of these days of speculation, it actually came true.

Mei Xuanxuan and Qi Hang's body also shuddered violently. The two looked at each other, and both saw horror from the other's eyes.

That scary mysterious man appeared again.


"Someone is sneaking, get out for the old man."

Yang Gongcheng took a cold drink and suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, his eyes flashing, trying to find the master of the voice. However, he was shocked to find that he could not find any clues. The sound seemed to appear out of thin air, evenly covering every corner.

"I'm right in front of you, are you blind?"

While everyone was looking for the master of the mysterious figure, a shadow appeared quietly on the square, standing ten meters in front of Yang Gongcheng.

It was a person who was wrapped in a whole body with a hat on his head. The clothes are very peculiar, hazy and seemingly illusory, making it impossible for people in the clothes to be seen at all. The whole portrait is like a shadow.

There are at least a thousand people on the square. Everyone wants to see the people inside the clothes, including Yang Gongcheng and Xie Rengui. No matter what method they use, the result is the same and they can only see a shadow.

Moreover, if you observe carefully, it will produce hallucinations in your mind. It seems that the shadows are suddenly left and right, up and down, even more confused.

"Are you the mysterious person who broke my plan?"

Yang Gongcheng looked at the shadow in front of him, his complexion could not help but dignified, he felt a little weird. He is now in the state of Jindan, and even one person cannot see clearly, which makes him involuntarily cautious.

"Don't you want the Dragon City Rune, I still have a lot of them here, you can take it for yourself."

The mysterious shadow slowly stretched out a hand, holding a few silver runes on it, and the runes flashed on it. And that stack of dragon city symbols, there are as many as eight.

The warrior in the square looked at the Dragon City Rune in the hands of the mysterious shadow, all eyes were straight, and his eyes were fixed on those Dragon City Rune. The Dragon City Rune is enough to make the martial arts bloody, and one Dragon City Rune is enough to make the blood of the two Sects fight. ~ ~ There are as many as eight in the hands of the mysterious man.

Yang Gongcheng also widened his eyes, with fire in his eyes, and wished he could **** all the dragon city symbols from Mo Wen's hands.

Eight dragon city symbols, even if all the dragon city symbols of Bailizong add up, it is almost the same.

The people of Bailizong also opened their eyes one by one, and the greed in those eyes could not be concealed.

"Goddaddy, quickly grab those dragon city symbols. With these dragon city symbols, the strength of Bailizong will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds, and it is not impossible to even cultivate a master of the Jindan realm. By then, the entire martial arts, It ’s not our world of Bailizong. "

Fu Yujiao said, looking greedily at the Dragon City Rune in the hands of the mysterious shadow. The original Dragon Town Rune of Bailizong was limited, and she couldn't get a round from the top to the bottom. If she could grab it These dragon symbols, maybe she can also be allocated a quota.

Just think about being able to go to the mysterious Dragon City, and she was very excited. It is said that the Dragon City is full of treasures and there are endless opportunities. Her talents may be difficult to break through to the state of fetal breath in this life. If she can go to Dragon City, maybe she will become a top expert one day.

Yong Gongcheng swallowed a saliva and faced with so many dragon city symbols, this time he was also a little unable to breathe. But he didn't do it easily, because he knew that the man in front of him was also a master, and he might be defeated with a bit of rashness.

"Dragon City Rune is here, do you have a way to get it?"

The mysterious shadow smiled lightly, and Yang Gongcheng seemed to be able to see his mocking eyes through the shadow. (To be continued) R466

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