Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 867: Blackmail

During the martial arts conference, merchants from all major inner worlds gathered in Dragon City and took out the best items, because only in Dragon City, good things can be sold for a good price. See the latest ㄗ s 漢 栉 oО, please go to @ 看书 阁 ╄ → W.КаΝΗU.м) n∈top n∈point n∈small n∈ said,

According to Tang Zhizhi, free trading is divided into three blocks, or three ranks, and the lowest rank is the free trading market.

The things on the free trade market vary greatly, and everyone can trade freely with very few restrictions. All transactions completed in the free market cannot be protected by Tianhua Palace. In other words, even if you are deceived or bought fakes in the free market, Tianhua Palace will not control, you can only blame yourself for not Be careful.

The second class is trading shops. Trading shops are more formal. Only some powerful large commercial banks in the world are eligible to open shops in Longcheng. These shops are registered in Longcheng. If you buy a fake in the shop Goods and evidence can be protected by Tianhua Palace's rights protection.

The highest level is the trading hall. Almost everything that can be sold in the trading hall is a rare treasure. It is the highest-standard trading area in the entire Dragon City.

However, according to Tang Zhizhi, the most interesting market in the free trade area is the lowest trading market. Because the trading market is not formal, it may be deceived, but it may also find real treasures. The Dragon City is so big that the people who can come here are not ordinary people. The things in their hands often produce some unknown good things. Perhaps the owner does not know its value. Once encountering such a thing, it is equivalent to hitting Dayun.

Moreover, the people who sell things in the free market are almost some retail investors. Most of the things in these retail investors are items obtained from Longhuang World, or those purchased from Longhuang World. Many times , Retail investors do not know the value of the item. It's easy to sell things cheap.

Many people like to visit the free trade market because the reason is Taobao.

The first floor of the free trading zone is the free trading market. Mo Wen was also very curious, so he took a stroll with Tang Zhizhi. As for Ling Feng, he did not accompany him. As an old man who has lived for more than 200 years, he has no interest in many things. What's more, his cultivation was not recovered soon, and he needed to meditate in a stable state.

The trading market is like a vegetable market. There are pavers. Everyone can only sell things on the planned pavilion.

Mo asked to find out. The things that appear here are not high-end goods, and most of them are materials from monsters, or some ordinary elixir, strange ores, or ordinary weapons.

Like the material on the monster, it is very suitable for creating some ordinary magic weapons. For example, the bones of some monsters are suitable for forging long swords like iron. The skin of the monster is very suitable for making some inner armor with swords that are difficult to damage. It is still in the market in ordinary martial arts.

The two revisions are equivalent. Those with considerable combat experience, who has a weapon made of monsters and beasts in their hands, will have a 20% higher chance of winning.

But Mo asked about these things, apparently not interested.

"Hey. There seems to be another dispute in front?" Tang Zhizhi suddenly looked at the front with curiosity, there was a noisy voice over there, and it surrounded many people.

Under normal circumstances. This happens only when something goes wrong during the transaction.

Mo asked, glanced over there, he was not interested, and was about to turn around and walk in another direction. There are no rules in the free trading market. Such disputes are too common. Some people even deliberately provoke provocations. As long as the evidence is not seized by Tianhua Palace, most things will not happen.

But he just turned around, but his footsteps came suddenly, his gaze looked over there again, and he heard a familiar voice.

"Go, take a look at it." Mo asked to walk over there.

Tang Zhizhi's eyes flashed with surprise. This kind of thing is very common in the free market. It has happened a few times before, but Mo Wen just glanced away and walked away. Why did he get excited this time?

A group of people was surrounded by a stall. The stall was not big, and the water surrounded by the crowd was not leaking. Most of them were watching the lively people.

"I can't think of you as a little girl, thinking so dark, and actually selling fakes to me. This is not the snake gall of the green branch snake, but the snake gall of the most common red snake.

A burly man with a fleshy face stood in front of a stall, one foot arrogantly stepped on that stall, looking at the two girls staunchly. In his hand, he held a jade box, which contained a smell of snake gall.

"No, what we sell to you is really the snake gall of the green branch snake. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. You see there are snake skins and poison sacs of the green branch snake together."

A girl in her early twenties hurriedly explained, surrounded by a large group of people, her tears were almost anxious.

Standing next to her was a younger girl, probably only 13 or 14 years old, who also looked at these people in a panic, frightened by the dismay.

The two were none other than Su Wan'er and Wang Qian. They originally wanted to help the elders of the Shimen to share some things, so they brought the hunted monster materials to the market to sell. Who knows what happened? .

They did sell the guts of the green-branched snake, and the snake was stripped by them by hand, and there could be no mistake.

"Fart, this is also the snake gall of the green branch snake. Are you blind to me? Sell me the snake gall of the first-order monster beast as the fifth-order monster beast green branch snake. Do you know what this behavior is? This is fraud! You know what Tianhua Palace exists, if you let Tianhua Palace know that you are doing this kind of fraudulent business here. Hey, I am afraid that neither of you has enough life. "

The big man threw the snake bladder in front of Wang Qian and Su Wan'er, with a fierce look. At the same time, if there was something on his body, he exuded a breath of martial arts belonging to the realm of fetal breath, deterring these two girls who were in the realm.

"We really have no fraud ..." Su Waner almost cried out, tears twirling in her eyes, the snake gallbladder was obviously not the snake gallbladder she had sold before, and it must have been replaced. She didn't understand why others would be so harmful.

"This is not the snake gall we sold, we don't admit it." Wang Qian gritted her teeth, and absolutely cannot admit it, not to mention that they didn't sell fakes.

"Why, now I want to deny it?"

The big man said with a sneer: "When I bought this green-branched snake gall just now, many people saw it, and there was another person who wanted to buy it. They are all witnesses. Do you think your replies are useful? Don't talk nonsense, follow the rules , A penalty of ten, I bought fifty dragon coins for the snake gall of the green-branched snake. If you know you, you will accompany me with five hundred dragon coins. Otherwise, believe me or not, kill you with one hand? "

"Yes, I did see you sell this green-branched snake gallbladder to him just now, it was in this jade box."

"Yes, that's the snake gallbladder. I also wanted to buy it at that time. Fortunately, this man had a high bid and was bought by him, otherwise he would be deceived."

"Little girl, you still lose money. Since you have done something bad, you will naturally have to pay the price, otherwise it will not be good."


In the crowd, several overcast voices sounded, causing the two women who were already on the verge of collapse to collapse suddenly. Even though Wang Qiang pretended to be strong, he could not help crying.

All the crowd supported the voice of the big man, which made her feel that everyone agreed with the big man's words, but did not believe them.

Fined ten times the money, but it was five hundred dragon coins, even if they were sold, they couldn't get so much money.

Dragon City, a spirit stone is equal to one hundred dragon coins, the value of dragon coins is very high, often a few dragon coins can be sold to inferior beast materials. The green branch snake is a fifth-order monster, and its snake gallbladder is the most precious part. The warrior eats it to strengthen the body and strengthen the body, and it can greatly enhance the body's anti-toxic ability. The ordinary poison can basically be ignored.

Such a good thing, only sold fifty dragon coins, five hundred dragon coins is equivalent to a sky-high price.

The people watching around, all holding a lively attitude, except for a few people, almost all can't talk.

In fact, many discerning people have seen that this is the two girls who are being ridiculed by the big han. The snake bladder of the green-branched snake is so different from the snake bladder of the red-snake snake. Can also distinguish the difference between the two.

Unless the blind man is blind, he will mistake the gallbladder of the red snake as the gallbladder of the green branch snake. Under normal circumstances, a fool cannot be deceived.

Obviously, these are deliberately wronging these two girls, and most of those voices are also accomplices.

Although many people can see that the cat is so greasy, no one speaks out of righteousness, but they all look at the lively state of mind. It does n’t matter what you do. It ’s a common mentality in martial arts. After all, a little grudge in martial arts can cause swords and swords ~ ~ If it ’s not necessary, no one wants to make enemies casually. Rogue, then he is even less willing to provoke.

"Please believe us, we really did not lie. He really bought the snake gall of the green branch snake, but the one he got back was not."

Wang Qian looked around in panic. In this case, she wanted to get help from others. At least if someone agreed with her, she could calm down a little.

However, to her disappointment, no one spoke to help them, but a few people bitten them to cheat.

"Hum, by this time, the duck's mouth is still dead, quickly lose money, and don't blame me for being rude." The big man's face was fierce, and his breath was pressed on the two little girls unabashedly.

He looked at the materials of the green-branched snake in the hands of the two little girls, and some fairly high-level monsters and beast materials. There were no elders, so he blackmailed.

"You are welcome? You are welcome to show me one." A voice suddenly sounded in the crowd. 0 (to be continued ...)

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