Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 870: Black Inner Armor


In fact, almost all the resources of the inner world are controlled by the great martial arts sect gates. With hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, the wealth in hand is naturally conceivable.

Like those big gates in the inner world, almost every gate has a mystery, some even more than one.

Those mysterious weapons, martial arts naturally cannot be refined by themselves, almost all are exchanged from Tianhua Palace. Those ancestral gates have accumulated hundreds of years of spirit stones, indeed enough to exchange one or two mysterious objects in the Tianhua Palace.

This is why there are a lot of treasures of immortal repairers in the hands of the great gates of the inner world.

However, the wealth accumulated by the warrior sect in the centuries of hard work, or even centuries, has become the thing of the Tianhua Palace in the past. In the final analysis, the Tianhua Palace is the biggest winner.

Mr. Tang Zhizhi's words made Mo Wen realize that those warrior sects of the Great Secret Realm have unimaginable wealth. If nothing else, there might be many spirit stones. Although he has more than ten thousand spirit stones in his hands, I am afraid that it is far from enough to see compared to those big gates.

Luofengzong was only the first force in the ancient secret realm, and it was not so outstanding in other great secret realms. But even so, in the treasure left by the ruined Luofeng Sect, there are actually one or two thousand spirit stones and various spiritual tools and even mysterious objects. From this, we can see how rich the sect gates of the inner worlds are.

"This dragon city is simply a cornucopia of wealth accumulation in Tianhua Palace. Once a martial arts meeting, I don't know how much wealth was taken away by Tianhua Palace."

Do not ask, but shook his head helplessly. No wonder the consumption in Dragon City is so high. It turned out that Tianhua Palace was exploiting the local tyrants of the inner world. There are not many immortal practitioners in the original world. , But there is a Tianhua Palace, I am afraid that all these resources will eventually be accumulated in the treasure house of Tianhua Palace.

Behind the Tianhua Palace is the spirit world. Collecting so many spirit stones and raw ores, I am afraid they will eventually be transported to the spirit world to digest.

"Can private individuals sell things in the trading hall?"

Mo asked Wang Zhizhi, he suddenly raised a plan in his heart. Since Tianhua Palace can accumulate wealth in this way, why can't he?

He is not an immortal. Unable to refine the treasures such as the Spirit Tool and the Rune Magic Tool, but he has inherited Ji Wuya's heritage, and has the Alchemy Treasure such as Yan Shending. Some of the magic bullets for sale are nothing.

If he can sell the Elixir in Longcheng, and also slaughter the local tyrants in the inner world, I am afraid that he can gather a lot of wealth.

"Do you want to sell something?" Tang Zhizhi said in surprise: "Things you want to sell in the trading hall must be high-end enough. This will be appraised by the appraisers of the trading hall. In addition, after selling the items, A 30% tax will be charged, and the seller will eventually only get 70% of the money. "

30% tax is definitely not low, the trading hall may help the seller to sell a high price, but the money finally obtained may not necessarily be much. Therefore, many people would rather go to other commercial channels than to Tianhua Palace.

Of course, something precious enough. Only Tianhua Palace can be sold, so there are still many people looking for Tianhua Palace.

"What are the standards?" Mo asked not surprisingly that Tianhua Palace would charge a high tax, if Tianhua Palace did not. He was rather strange.

"The value of items sold in the trading hall cannot be less than a thousand spirit stones." Tang Zhizhi said. One thousand spirit stones is a bottom line. If it is low, it can generally be bought in the shops on the commercial street. Come to the trading hall.

"What is the approximate selling price of a fifth-grade spirit pill in the trading hall?" Mo asked that only the spirit pill is abundant in resources and everything else is lacking. He wants to make a big profit and can only start with the spirit pill.

"Wupin Lingdan can probably sell more than a thousand spirit stones."

Tang Zhizhi estimated it. The spirit pill is a rare thing, and it is also the favorite of many warriors. Because a high-level spirit pill may enable them to break through the shackles and enhance their cultivation. Perhaps a spirit pill can make a warrior one more life. Therefore, Lingdan has always been a hot-selling product, occupying a large part of the Tianhua Palace sales market.

The spirit pill that can be placed in the trading hall is not low-grade, the lowest is the fourth-grade spirit pill, and the fifth-grade spirit pill is more common. As for the seventh-grade and above high-level spirit pill, even if it is rare in the trading hall .

Because Lingdan reaches Qipin, it not only has a great effect on the martial arts, but also has a useful effect on the immortals of the Yuanshen Realm.

In fact, the seventh grade spirit pill in the trading hall is very rare, as for the higher eighth grade and ninth grade--almost all are the final items, which are generally not sold. The spirit pill is different from the mystic weapon. Some martial arts sects may be willing to spend hundreds of thousands of spirit stones to buy a mysterious artifact, but they will definitely not spend one hundred thousand spirit stones to buy a ninth-grade spirit pill. Unless that Lingdan really has an anti-celestial effect on the warrior, it is no different from the use of the warrior to the warrior.

Mo Wenwen nodded his head. There were indeed many treasures in the trading hall. He walked all the way down. He had some things that he couldn't keep up. But the price was too high. He could only look at it and could not buy it.

Going inward, the treasures are getting better and better. When Mo Wen walked to the inner hall, the treasures in the windows were enough to make Mo Wen's eyes flash.

Ten Thousand Years Green Lotus, Xuan Order Middle Class Spirit, this is the second Xuan Order Spirit that Mo Wen saw, and its value is far above the golden silk cloud ginseng obtained by Mo Wen.

This spirit can be eaten directly, not only can improve the body, the biggest value is that the ten thousand years of green lotus can increase the life of the monk, the ten thousand years of green lotus can increase the life of fifty years, and the twenty thousand years of green lotus can increase by one hundred years ...... If it is a 100,000-year-old lotus flower, it is almost a holy spirit. If swallowed directly, it will increase the life span of thousands of years.

The green lotus in front of me should be a 10,000-year-old green lotus, but even so, it is a peerless treasure. Mo Wen did not expect to be able to meet such a baby in the trading hall.

In addition to the Xuan-order spirits, there are all kinds of Xuanqi, magical implements, large arrays, and even charms and storage bags for sale ... But at that price, there is only one idea in Mo Wen ’s heart, just look at it, do n’t think too much ...

Storage bags are very common in Xiuxian Realm, but they are definitely rare in the Martial World. The most common storage bag is only equivalent to the ordinary spiritual objects in the Immortal World. The space inside is not very large, and only some precious items can be put down. But for the most common storage bag, the sale price of Tianhua Palace is equivalent to the price of the Xuanqi.


Mo Wen suddenly stopped at an intersection. In a partial hall on the right side of the corridor, the dragons and phoenixes were written with three characters of Jubaozhai. There were many treasures in them, but they were not placed in the window, but just There are even shopping guides on the shelves.

"This is the shop in the trading hall, and everything sold in it is private goods ..." Tang Zhizhi explained.

Some people with strong strength can separate a shop in the trading hall to sell their own things. However, it is unimaginable to have a shop in the trading hall. There are only a handful of businesses with this strength in the world.

This Jubaozhai is one of the most famous businesses in the world. His business scope is not a city or an inner world, but the whole world includes all major inner worlds. There are countless treasures in the hands of such businesses, and they will be allowed to set up a shop in the trading hall.

Mo Wen and Wan'er walked in curiously. There were a few beautiful shopping guide women. When they saw the guests coming in, one of them came over with a smile, but didn't speak, but just followed behind quietly. They don't take the initiative to promote any products, only when the guests have questions, they will answer.

There are a lot of things in Jubaozhai, and they are all of high grade, not much worse than those in the window.

Mo asked suddenly, because he found an acquaintance, there are other customers in Jubaozhai, not far away, a few foreigners stood, Mo asked to glance away, surprised to find that there is actually him People you know.

There are three foreigners around a table of eight immortals. There is a thing on the table of eight immortals. From the position of the place, it should be one of the most expensive items in Jubaozhai.

Three foreigners, two men and one woman, one man is very weird, wearing retro armor, the whole person gives a tall and heavy feeling, it seems that there is a mountain in front of himself. Another man's decent suit, gray hair, and blue eyes exuded a noble breath, like the oldest nobleman in Europe.

The only woman is a beautiful blonde woman, her breath is sacred and noble, giving a sense of transcendence. No one else was the Italian woman who had met Zeng Jin in Fusuo.

Mowen did not expect to meet her here ~ ~ There are really many foreigners attracted by Dragon City.

Mo asked and walked past curiously. On the Eight Immortals table they watched, there was an inner armor. The inner armor seemed to be a close-fitting, but the materials used to make it were not very simple.

"Middle Grade Profound Tool Golden Profound Inner Armor!"

Mo asked a flash of surprise in his eyes. It was actually a middle class black armor of the middle class. It was the first middle class black armor he saw in the trading hall, and it was also a defense inner armor. The value of the inner armor magic weapon is generally higher than that of the same rank. This inner armor is placed in the middle grade mystery, that is a rare thing.

He has defensive mysterious mountain paintings, but the mountain paintings are not comparable to this Jinxuan inner armor, not to mention a difference in rank. Even if it is the same inferior mystery, the mountain scroll is not as good as the black gold inner armor Armor is a life-saving thing. Wearing such a black gold inner armor on the body, I am afraid it is difficult to die.

"It's you?"

Jingxue found that someone came over, glanced subconsciously, but found a familiar face. (To be continued)

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