Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 880: Mysterious woman

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The figure was obviously a graceful woman, and appeared quite mysteriously here. Even if Mo asked, she didn't seem to find her.

"Isn't he just asking? Sister Lin Qing asked me to take care of him during the battle of the heavens, but Sister Lin Qing seemed to underestimate his ability. His current behavior, I am afraid that I can take care of it easily, As long as his luck is not too bad. "

The mysterious woman stretched out a long white and tender finger, curled her long hair delicately, and turned into a circle of blisters, disappearing quietly.

If Mo Wenwen heard, he would be surprised, this person actually mentioned Lin Qing, what is her relationship with Lin Qing?

The criminal leader Bao Xun was indeed ruthless and poisonous, in order to survive, pleased to ask, pretended to escape from the chase, and then brought all his subordinates to the front, and personally shot them to kill them.

The people living in the Red Rock Forest are almost all fierce murderers, and they have no compassion for life at all.

Bao Xun's men have more than 30 people, all of whom are cultivated in Jin Danjing. The points of all the people add up together, probably about two hundred and fifty.

Of course, it is not as good as Bao Xun. Wu Zong's life is far more valuable than those of the warriors in Jindan Realm.

Just less than an hour after entering the Red Rock Forest, Mo Wen's points are close to three hundred. For ordinary contestants, it is simply unthinkable.

But Mo Wen was surprised to find that his current points didn't even rank in the top ten.

At this time, Mo Wenzheng was sitting cross-legged on a red rock, holding his magical jade card in his hand. The thought passed through the jade card, and he had entered another space.

Is a mysterious hall in front of him. On one wall of the hall, there is a leaderboard with thirty names recorded on it.

Mo Wen found that his ranking was actually only 19, and there were more than a dozen people in front of him.

This list is the Redstone points list. You can check it through the secret jade card made by Tianhua Palace. The points gained by all participants will increase. The list will be counted for the first time, and then the ranking will be adjusted according to the points.

Mo Wen's luck was pretty good. Soon after he arrived in the Red Rock Forest, he met a group of criminals and his points increased a lot. The criminals in the Red Rock Forest know to hide, and some people who are out of luck may not have met one until now.

However, even so. His ranking is only 19, with 18 people ahead of him.

"This year's top list competition is really very competitive."

Mo Wen felt with emotion, he was probably able to sit firmly on the throne in the last time with his achievement. If he expected it well, I am afraid that criminals of Wuzong level have already died in the hands of these contestants, or even more than one.

Ranking in the standings, luck only occupies a small part, most of it is its own strength. With luck, it may be on the list for a while. But it won't be long before others are squeezed out.

Mo asked about ten meters away from the rock sitting on the ground. Bao Xun sat down honestly on the ground, a distance away from Mo asked, and on the surface he was respectfully respected. But his eyes kept flashing, and he seemed very hesitant.

Wu Zong, who has been imprisoned in the redstone deep forest for more than 20 years, naturally knows some of the mysteries of the magical jade brand. Mo Wen's thoughts at this time must enter the ranking space. If he makes a sneak attack at this time. Perhaps there is a certain chance of killing this young man, but there is only a certain chance of winning. He is not sure whether he will be successful.

Hesitated for a while. He finally chose to give up and dared not take the risk. His chance was only once. If it failed, it would mean death.

Boundary of life and death has struggled for so many years, Bao Xun deeply understands the importance of security, he will not bet on his life because of a possibility.

Mo Wen slowly recovered his thoughts, glanced at Bao Xun who was ten meters away, and then stood up and said, "Lead the way, I hope you are not false, otherwise the consequences will be clear to you."

After a period of contact, Mo asked from Bao Xun to know a lot about the information in the Red Rock Forest.

The Redstone Forest is a little bigger than he imagined. There are quite a lot of criminals living in it. They come from all over the world, the main space, the inner world, foreign forces, some mysterious places ... But almost everyone who appears on the murder list Detained here.

So the criminals detained here come from all over the world, almost everyone, even if they meet some foreigners, some strange races, that is quite normal.

The number of criminals in the Red Rock Forest has not been specifically counted, and even Tianhua Palace may not have specific data. Because the people here are fighting every day, and death is staged at all times. A large number of people are imprisoned, and a large number of people will die in it. If you do n’t count them, no one knows how many criminals are in the Red Rock Forest.

Bao Xun probably estimated that the number of criminals in the Red Rock Forest should always be maintained at more than 10,000.

Such a huge number, Mo Wendu was shocked. He originally thought that there could be a lot of criminals held here, and it seems that he still underestimated this world-class prison.

In order to survive, the criminals in the Red Rock Forest are very common. Although they are extremely fierce, they also know the importance of solidarity, so they can often see the rise of one force or the destruction of another.

Bao Xun, a group of twenty or thirty people, placed in the redstone forest belongs to the lowest level of power, almost no reputation.

And in the Redstone Forest, the ten most famous forces in the city all have the strong men of Wuzong Three Realms sitting in town, some even more than one.

After killing all his subordinates, Bao Xun was very competent and planned the next target for Mo Wen.

It was also a small gang, there were only about thirty or forty people, and the leader was a famous Wuzong. In addition, the rest were all the warriors in Jindan Realm.

Bao Xun ’s gang had fought with this force before, and knew where the gang ’s stronghold was.

"Sir, please come with me. The gang is about two hundred kilometers away from here. You and my foot can reach you in half an hour."

Bao Xun respectfully led the way in front of him, and performed his way forward. The scenery on both sides went backwards crazy.

Cannot fly in the Redstone Forest. No one who is strong enough can fly in the range of the Redstone Forest, even if he comes to the Immortal Cultivator of the Yuanshen Realm or the Warrior after the Immortal.

Tianhua Palace has set up a huge air ban, covering every area of ​​the Red Rock Forest, which is one of the reasons why criminals held here cannot escape.

Two hundred miles away, there is a red stone mountain, the mountain is steep and quite steep, and there is only one way up the mountain.

Placed in ancient times, this kind of mountain is bound to be easy to defend and difficult to attack, the most suitable for the establishment of defensive heroes.

Mo Wen and Bao Xun stood on a cliff in Hongshi Mountain, surrounded by towering peaks.

"Sir, behind the iron rope bridge is the stronghold of the gang. You can see nothing from the outside, but when you pass the mountain wall behind the iron rope bridge, it is suddenly bright and there is no place."

Bao Xun pointed to a rope bridge with a thick arm in the distance. The rope was 500 meters long, spanning two mountain peaks, and below it was the cliff.

The gravity in the Red Rock Forest is quite strange, even if a Wu Zong falls at this height, I am afraid that he will crush his bones.

If there is no iron bridge, I am afraid that Mo Wen wants to enter the mountain opposite, I am afraid it will not be easy.

"There is a walled building under the cliff in front of the iron cable bridge. The location is quite hidden. We can't see it from this angle. We can only see it when we walk to the iron cable bridge. But at that time, we will definitely be found by them."

Bao Xun said that due to the environmental impact in the Redstone Forest, even if a Wu Zong wanted to sneak into that stronghold, I am afraid it would be difficult to do so. Unless some people have practiced special exercises and martial arts, they are usually found under normal circumstances.

"No need to hide."

Mo Wen waved his sleeves, his figure turned into a lightning, and flew towards the position of the chain bridge. If, as Bao Xun said, there is only one strong Wu Zong, there is really no need to hide. If Bao Xun deceived him and there was an unknown danger in it, then he also had a way out.

He came here for the purpose of killing and earning points.

For the criminals in the Red Rock Forest, Mo asked no mercy, because the people who can be held here in Tianhua Palace are basically no good people. Mo asked to know that Tianhua Palace's behavior is still quite positive, strictly acting as a maintainer of order. These people in the Redstone Forest must be all those who have committed the crime of death ~ ~ Even many foreigners in them, they are all wanted criminals in their own country.

Bao Xun looked at Mo Wen's back, and a cold smile was raised on the corner of his mouth. This gang had been fighting with him for many years. Because his power was slightly inferior, he was often suppressed. This time he attracted Mo Wen, also to drive the tiger away, and borrow a knife to kill.

"Whoever dares to break into the territory of the Hutou Gang."

Sure enough, Mo Wen just appeared not far from the Tiesu Bridge, and was immediately discovered. A cottage was seated next to the Tiesu Bridge. The figure was shaking, and someone patrolled at all times. The Chain Bridge is the first protection of this stronghold, and will be strictly guarded.

Mo Wen didn't pay attention to the drinker, and went straight to the Chain Bridge.

"you wanna die."

There was a man in the upstairs who was furious, flew down, and rushed to Mo to ask.

"You only got to death."

However, before he could catch up with Mo Wen, a shout suddenly sounded, and then another figure appeared. The man was so fast that he blinked in front of him, and slammed the people on the wall.

"Wu Zongqiang ... You are Bao Xun! Not good, Bao Xun from the White Wolf Gang came to attack the cottage and immediately sounded the alarm."

The person slammed with a slap spit out blood, opened his eyes to the later man, and immediately recognized that it was Bao Xun of the White Wolf Gang. The Tiger Head Gang and the White Wolf Gang have been fighting for many years. How could he not know the leader of the White Wolf Gang?

As soon as this remark came out, there was a sudden chaos on the walled building. At the next moment, a rapid alarm bell sounded, and a Wu Zong attacked, but it was no small matter. (To be continued ...)

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