Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 884: Merciless

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Mowen is a magician, and this carrion poison is not a problem for him.

But the medicine cannot be separated from the medicine. All the elixirs and elixir on him are banned by the Tianhua Palace. It is not possible to cure Bao Xun immediately.

However, the way to seal a hole with a golden needle can be used to hold Bao Xun's life, and then remove it a little bit. The difference between the two is that the latter takes longer.

"Adult understands medicine?"

Bao Xun looked at Mo Wen in shock, such a horrible boy, he was actually familiar with medical skills! And this hand medicine is quite extraordinary. After only a few injections, it will magically block all the poison and no longer have any signs of expansion.

Next, all he had to do was rely on Wu Zong's cultivation behavior to force the carrion poison out of the body a little bit. However, this is not a difficult thing for a Wu Zong, it just takes a little time.

With a few golden needles, he can restrain the frightening carrion poison in the Redstone Forest.

But in his heart, the more worried, the stronger Mo asked, the deeper his sense of crisis. Because he knew in his heart that the two were just trading, and now he still has some use, so Mo asked not to kill him. But once he lost his value, then this young man is likely to cross the river to demolish the bridge, kill the donkey ... After all, he is worth 300 points himself. As a contestant, how could this young boy let him go for nothing.

"I know what you are worried about." Mo asked lightly.

"Adult ..." Bao Xun lowered his head slightly, and was very upset. He did think of a way to escape before, and even thought of finding an opportunity to kill Mo Wen, but after seeing the horror of Mo Wen, these ideas were almost all dispelled. He really started to worry about his own destiny now. After all, the difference between the two was too great, and his ability could not escape the palm of the other hand.

"I'm not a ruthless person. You just need to do your own thing well, and if I am satisfied, I will not kill you."

Mo Wen is carrying his hand, looking at the residual sun in the distance, killing Bao Xun is only three hundred points, but if the use is good, it may be worth tens of thousands of points.

"Thank you, Master, you must do your best, bow to the death and die."

Bao Xun was relieved when he heard the words, and Mo Wen had said it in person. Naturally, it is not easy to gossip, and a strong man like this will not be blamed for hundreds of points.

In the next five days, Bao Xun took Mo Wen to find the criminal nests one after another. The criminal nests in the surrounding area, as long as Bao Xun knew, almost all were cleared.

There are several criminal gangs hiding in the mountains and hiding in the mountains. Both were found by Bao Xun.

After five days, the points in Mo Wen's hands exceeded 20,000, and they grew at a terrifying rate every day.

But as time went on, Bao Xun's value became lower and lower. There are fewer and fewer criminal gangs found. After all, he was only Wu Zong's cultivation practice, and it was nothing to put in the redstone forest. He was only active outside the Red Rock Forest, and he knew little about the deeper Red Rock Forest.

Arrived on the fifth day. Mo Wen asked Bao Xun to leave without killing him.

A mountain cliff, Mo asked to sit cross-legged. Close your eyes and recuperate.

There are indeed many strong men in the Red Rock Forest. No less than 30 Wu Zongs died in his hands in five days. Most of these people have been on the roster, but they were famous figures. He has gained a lot from dealing with such people.

Mo Wen felt that his actual combat experience was getting richer and richer, and that the feeling of faintly breaking through was getting stronger and stronger. However, the layer of paper that blocked the Wuzong realm, he still couldn't break through and stepped over in one step.

Suddenly, Mo Wen, who was meditating with his eyes closed, opened his eyes sharply and looked to the east, a dignified color rising in his eyes.

"Actually found me, so keenly aware, something interesting."

A cynical voice sounded among the mountains. At the next moment, the figure flashed, and there was one more person on the cliff where Mo Wen was.

This man is dressed in red, slender, handsome, and his facial features are quite delicate. The eyes are very narrow and long, and a blood-red cinnabar is spotted on the eyebrows, which feels quite evil.

"Unsolicited, what do you mean?" Mo asked lightly.

He is the only person on the mountain here. The young man in red is naturally directed at him. If there is no intention, how can he appear here.

"Relentless lord, this person is Mo Wen. The person who is in the fifth place in the rankings, no accident, I am afraid it is him."

Another voice sounded. Behind the young man in red, a young man in white walked out. This person is also very good-looking. He is handsome and handsome, and he has been extraordinary.

But in front of the young man in red, this person was respectful, even a little servant, and his face was flattered.

Mo asked to know this person, isn't it Shao Ji, the young master of Ming Palace?

This person was extremely arrogant before, but now it looks so, Mo Wen felt a little funny.

"Oh, you are the fifth Mo asked in the points ranking?" The young man in red looked at Mo asked and said lightly, although he asked, the tone was unquestionable.

After five days of killing, Mo Wen's points have risen all the way, and his rankings have also gone all the way, reaching fifth place.

There are only four people, still in front of him.

The fifth name on the ranking is Mo Wen, the fourth is a person called Ruthless Son, the third is called Narcissus, and the second is called Wine and Meat Monk.

As for the first place ... The name is a little weird, called "good woman".

Most of the names on the leaderboard are pronouns, and there is no real name.

However, Mo asked directly to his real name, because he was too lazy to think about the code name. Moreover, his name rarely makes people think of his real name, and he even pretends to be a force for this purpose.

"Who are you?" Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly. The young man in red put his focus on the ranking of the points, obviously coming from the points.

"Who am I? You are not qualified to know, hand over your points, I can spare you." The young man in red has a dull face and a dull tone, but the words he says are quite arrogant.

"You let me give it to me, who do you think you are?" Mo Wen's tone was more plain, and it made him feel like he was talking to the air.

"Meet someone who is not afraid of death. Since that is the case, then I will give you a ride."

The young man in red chuckled, and a cold murderousness was released from his evil eyes.

"Relentless adults, these unnamed juniors, how can you please take the initiative and give it to the younger one."

Shao Ji sneered. He asked Mo about all sorts of problems. Since the two elders of the Ming Palace came back, he asked Mo about all kinds of fears. The show was very high.

Relentless adult?

Could this person be the ruthless son in the fourth place? Mo Wen flashed a thought in his heart.

"Would you like to try it?" The young man in red dress raised a bit of playfulness.

"Small is willing to serve adults, and this person has a gap with the small, small has long wanted to teach him a lesson."

Shao Ji bent over and pressed, a respectful look. He knew the horror of this young man in red, and he didn't dare to hide those thoughts in his heart.

"Yes, I give you a chance, don't embarrass me. If he can't even beat me down, he really doesn't have the right to let me shoot." The young man in red said indifferently, while speaking, he took care of himself. A folding fan was drawn out of the sleeve, and the first blow was unfolded. The fan pretended to be a fan, and he looked like a modest son.

But the pattern on the folding fan, but it is red-faced, is actually a picture of an **** palace ...

Such a style is not strange.

"Thank you, Master."

Shao Ji's eyes were filled with joy, and then he gazed at Mo Wen with a fierce gaze.

"Do not ask, I am Shao Ji, the young master of the Ming Palace. Hou Jingfeng, that stupid guy should be killed by you. Although it is just a stupid, but you dare to kill my Mingdian, you still have to pay the price.

Shao Ji said coldly that Hou Jingfeng was the first young master in the name of Ming Palace, and he was the real first young master in Ming Temple. Hou Jingfeng's idiot was killed by Mo Wen, which caused people in the martial arts to circulate that the younger generation of Ming Dian was better than Mo Wen. He had long felt ill.

Now, he will prove with facts that in the end who is the strong and who is the waste.

"Being bowed and kneeling, before the saddle, you still have a big face here, but Mingdian's face makes you lose it ~ ~ Mo Wen shook his head, this Shao Ji, afraid of being a bullying and hard character.

"you wanna die."

Shao Ji's face changed a lot. Mo asked a word about his most embarrassing point. Under his anger, his fighting power broke out, and he was 30% stronger than usual.

"Great light fist."

A dazzling white light was lit on the cliff, the scorching breath was like a tide rolling continuously, and the clouds above the sky evaporated instantly.

A fist wrapped in a ball of white light slammed with endless heat and light.

"Jumping beam clown."

A cold hum rang out from the endless light, and in the next moment, all the light disappeared, and the hot wave disappeared for an instant. A palm was caught on the fist that radiated light. It was a blink of an eye, all the light would be exhausted. Are off.

"How can it be!"

Shao Ji got a fist caught in his hands by Mo Wen, unable to move for a long time, his eyes were unbelievable, how could it be so, how could it be ...


Mo asked if his arm shook, Shao Ji's arm broke, and the whole person flew out, smashing a dozen large rocks all the way.

Great light fist is unique martial arts, naturally extraordinary. However, Shao Ji spent his thoughts on the flashy visual effects, and ignored the true essence of the Great Light Magic Boxing. How could he exert the power of this boxing technique.


Shao Ji fell into the ground in embarrassment, covering his chest with one hand, embarrassed coughing blood, only one face, he was seriously injured and fell to the ground. He never dreamed that it would be such a result. (To be continued ...)

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